18,659 research outputs found

    Stationary bumps in a piecewise smooth neural field model with synaptic depression

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    We analyze the existence and stability of stationary pulses or bumps in a one–dimensional piecewise smooth neural field model with synaptic depression. The continuum dynamics is described in terms of a nonlocal integrodifferential equation, in which the integral kernel represents the spatial distribution of synaptic weights between populations of neurons whose mean firing rate is taken to be a Heaviside function of local activity. Synaptic depression dynamically reduces the strength of synaptic weights in response to increases in activity. We show that in the case of a Mexican hat weight distribution, there exists a stable bump for sufficiently weak synaptic depression. However, as synaptic depression becomes stronger, the bump became unstable with respect to perturbations that shift the boundary of the bump, leading to the formation of a traveling pulse. The local stability of a bump is determined by the spectrum of a piecewise linear operator that keeps track of the sign of perturbations of the bump boundary. This results in a number of differences from previous studies of neural field models with Heaviside firing rate functions, where any discontinuities appear inside convolutions so that the resulting dynamical system is smooth. We also extend our results to the case of radially symmetric bumps in two–dimensional neural field models

    Cycle expansions for intermittent maps

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    In a generic dynamical system chaos and regular motion coexist side by side, in different parts of the phase space. The border between these, where trajectories are neither unstable nor stable but of marginal stability, manifests itself through intermittency, dynamics where long periods of nearly regular motions are interrupted by irregular chaotic bursts. We discuss the Perron-Frobenius operator formalism for such systems, and show by means of a 1-dimensional intermittent map that intermittency induces branch cuts in dynamical zeta functions. Marginality leads to long-time dynamical correlations, in contrast to the exponentially fast decorrelations of purely chaotic dynamics. We apply the periodic orbit theory to quantitative characterization of the associated power-law decays.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Reachability problems for PAMs

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    Piecewise affine maps (PAMs) are frequently used as a reference model to show the openness of the reachability questions in other systems. The reachability problem for one-dimentional PAM is still open even if we define it with only two intervals. As the main contribution of this paper we introduce new techniques for solving reachability problems based on p-adic norms and weights as well as showing decidability for two classes of maps. Then we show the connections between topological properties for PAM's orbits, reachability problems and representation of numbers in a rational base system. Finally we show a particular instance where the uniform distribution of the original orbit may not remain uniform or even dense after making regular shifts and taking a fractional part in that sequence.Comment: 16 page