1,246 research outputs found

    A study on the e-navigation modus operandi

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    How Visual Communication Strategies, Brand Familiarity, And Personal Relevance Influence Instagram Users’ Responses To Brand Content

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    This study comprehensively investigated the effects of visual themes, visual perspective, personal relevance, and brand familiarity on brand constructions (attitude-toward-brand, brand love, brand respect, and three dimensions of brand image) on Instagram. The study consists of two parts. In Study 1, the main and interaction effects of visual design elements on individuals’ visual attentions, brand recognition, and attitude toward brands were examined by using a 4 (visual theme: customer-centric, employee-centric, product-centric, and non-branded) × 2 (view perspective: first-person view vs. third-person view) between-subject eye-tracking test. In Study 2, a 4 (visual theme: customer-centric, employee-centric, non-brand, and product-centric) ×2 (brand familiarity: familiar vs. unfamiliar) × 2 (view perspective: first-person view vs. third-person view) × 2 (personal relevance: high vs. low) mixed between- and within-factorial design was used to test the influences of visual and intellectual content on participants’ reactions to brand constructions on Instagram. The roles of two moderators, personal relevance and brand familiarity, were also tested. Results in Study 1 showed that, overall, participants spent the longest time viewing and paid the most visual attention to Instagram posts with customer-centric images from a first-person perspective. In terms of pictures using the third-person view, posts with product-centric images received the longest fixation duration and the most fixation frequency. Moreover, participants’ brand recognition performances were positively influenced by fixation frequency but not by total fixation duration. Findings from Study 2 indicated that high relevance Instagram posts with the first-person angle and customer-centric images to promote a familiar brand received the most favorable attitude, strongest brand respect, and strongest feeling of sensuality toward the brand in all experimental conditions. Limitations and future directions in visual branding on Instagram were also discussed

    Four Scenarios of Arctic Futures in 2050 : Arctic Shipping Development and Arctic Maritime Governance in the Light of China’s Arctic Policy

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    The Arctic is heated, both in the natural science and social science senses. Undeniably, ice melting in the Arctic is a matter of fact. More areas are emerging with shipping routes developing through high seas, which are remodelling maritime situation and impacting current maritime management mindsets. Arctic seems to become more accessible, regardless its harsh environmental limitations. There are increasing interests toward the Arctic around the world. China, with its 2018 white paper of Arctic policy, is one of those countries that are seeking to expand participation in Arctic activities. The changing Arctic region is embedded with uncertainties and affecting both geographically and societally the future. By studying the futures of the Arctic, we would be able to address this task from a macro perspective via scenario thinking and analysis in compact. The research design unwinds alternative futures of the Arctic on matter of Arctic shipping and maritime governance with Dator’s four generic futures. Through a futures table exercise, variables are extracted from policy documents and public release, a set of scenarios are constructed. They are: continued growth scenario, collapse scenario, disciplined society scenario and transformational scenario. Personas and storylines are applied to present research results with the parity to stress on the differences of each scenario for comparison purpose. Alternative futures of the Arctic are challenging to conceptualise nor be predicted, due to the vigorous attribute of change-occurring nature encapsulated with evolving uncertainties.Arktinen alue on kuuma aihe sekä luonnontieteellisessä että yhteiskuntatieteellisessä mielessä. Jään sulaminen arktisella alueella on kiistämätön fakta. Lisää alueita avautuu, kun merireitit kehittyvät avomereksi, mikä uudistaa merenkulun tilannetta ja vaikuttaa olemassa olevaan merenkulun hallintaan. Arktinen alue näyttää olevan helpommin saavutettavissa ankarista ympäristöolosuhteistaan huolimatta. Kiinnostus arktista aluetta kohtaan kasvaa ympäri maailmaa. Kiina on vuoden 2018 arktisen politiikan strategiallaan yksi niistä maista, jotka pyrkivät lisäämään osallistumistaan arktiseen toimintaan. Arktisen alueen muutos sisältää epävarmuuksia, jotka vaikuttavat sekä maantieteelliseen että yhteiskunnalliseen tulevaisuuteen. Tutkimalla arktisen alueen tulevaisuutta voimme käsitellä tätä kysymystä makronäkymästä skenaarioajattelun ja morfologisen analyysin avulla. Tutkimus jäsentää arktisen alueen vaihtoehtoisia tulevaisuuksia arktisessa merenkulussa ja merenkulun hallinnassa käyttäen Datorin neljää geneeristä tulevaisuutta valittuina tulevaisuuden arkkityyppeinä. Muuttujat poimitaan poliittisista asiakirjoista ja muista julkaisuista ja tulevaisuustaulukon avulla rakennetaan vuodelle 2050 joukko skenaarioita, jotka ovat: jatkuvan kasvun skenaario, romahtamisskenaario, kurinalaisen yhteiskunnan skenaario ja muutosskenaario. Henkilöitä ja tapahtumia käytetään skenaarionarratiiveina tutkimustulosten esittämiseen korostamalla kunkin skenaarion eroja. Arktisen alueen vaihtoehtoiset tulevaisuudet ovat haastavia käsitteellistää tai ennustaa johtuen voimakkaista ympäristössä tapahtuvista muutoksista, joita ympäröivät lukuisat dynaamiset epävarmuustekijät

    Detection solution analysis for simplistic spoofing attacks in commercial mini and micro UAVs

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    Enamus droone kasutab lennundusest pärit GPS navigatsiooniseadmeid, millel puuduvad turvaprotokollid ning nende riskioht pahatahtlike rünnakute sihtmärgina on kasvanud hüppeliselt lähimineviku arengute ja progressi tõttu SDR ja GNSS simulatsioonitarkvara valdkonnas. See on loonud ligipääsu tehnikale amatöörkasutajatele, millel on saatja aadressi võltsimise jõudlus. Need potensiaalsed rünnakud kuuluvad lihtsakoeliste kategooriasse, kuid selle uurimustöö tulemusena selgus, et nendes rünnakute edukuses on olulised erinevused teatud GPS vastuvõtjate ja konfiguratsioonide vahel. \n\rSee uurimustöö analüüsis erinevaid saatja aadressi võltsimise avastamise meetodeid, mis olid avatud kasutajatele ning valis välja need, mis on sobilikud mini- ja mikrodroonide tehnonõuetele ja operatsioonistsenaariumitele, eesmärgiga pakkuda välja GPS aadresside rünnakute avastamiseks rakenduste tasandil avatud allikakoodiga Ground Control Station tarkvara SDK. Avastuslahenduse eesmärk on jälgida ja kinnitada äkilisi, abnormaalseid või ebaloogilisi tulemväärtusi erinevates drooni sensiorites lisaallkatest pärit lisainfoga. \n\rLäbiviidud testid kinnitavad, et olenevalt olukorrast ja tingimustest saavad saatja aadressi võltsimise rünnakud õnnestuda. Rünnakud piiravad GPS mehanismide ligipääsu, mida saab kasutada rünnakute avastuseks. Neid rünnakuid puudutav info asetseb infovoos või GPSi signaalprotsessi tasandis, kuid seda infot ei saa haarata tasandile kus SDK tarkvara haldab kõigi teiste sensorite infot.Most of UAVs are GPS navigation based aircrafts that rely on a system with lack of security, their latent risk against malicious attacks has been raised with the recent progress and development in SDRs and GNSS simulation software, facilitating to amateurs the accessibility of equipment with spoofing capabilities. The attacks which can be done with this setup belong to the category simplistic, however, during this thesis work there are validated different cases of successful results under certain GPS receivers’ state or configuration.\n\rThis work analysis several spoofing detection methods found in the open literature, and selects the ones which can be suitable for mini and micro UAV technical specifications and operational scenario, for proposing a GPS spoofing detection solution developed in the application layer of an open source code Ground Control Station software SDK. The detection solution is intended to monitor and correlate abrupt, abnormal or unreasonable values of different sensors of the UAV with data obtained from available additional sources.\n\rThe conducted tests validate the cases and circumstances where the spoofing attacks were successful. Limitations include the lack of mechanisms to access GPS values which can be useful for detection spoofing attacks, but reside in the data bit or signal processing layer of the GPS and can not be retrieve to the layer where the SDK in computing all data of other sensors

    Responsible Design of Drones and Drone Services:Legal Perspective Synthetic Report

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    The term “drone” is the common language of all types of aircraft without a pilot on board and their ancillary components, such as a control station, if applicable. In addition to the common term “drone”, other terms and acronyms, among others, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Unmanned Aircraft (UA), Pilotless Aircraft and Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) are also widely used in publications. In the past 5 years, drones have demonstrated significant growth in civil market as not only a leisure product but also a tool which can provide professional services. Professional uses of drones include, among others, agricultural services, surveillance, search and rescue, monitoring and inspection, parcel delivery and picturing and filming. Compared to conducting those services above by manpower, drones provide services in higher efficiency and accuracy, decrease the cost of actions, and expand the accessibility. The deployment of drones has impacts on individuals, the society and the environment. The potential threat to aviation safety as well as the safety of persons and properties on the ground is a central issue. In addition, given that drones are very often equipped with cameras and sensors, the potential violation to personal privacy and data protection by drone users is the major barrier that hinders the public acceptance of drone applications

    Designing for the Ubiquitous Computing era: towards the reinvention of everyday objects and the creation of new user experiences

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    Researchers of the Ubiquitous Computing community (Ubicomp) have been pursuing the vision of a world where technologies and services permeates every object of our lives for years. With components getting smaller, cheaper and more powerful, it has become possible to manufacture connected objects capable of interacting with resources of the World Wide Web. This opens up the possibility for researchers and practitioners to consider information as a design material and objects as platforms for services. By allowing users to personalize, complement or repurpose the functions of their objects, such services have a great impact on the way artifacts are designed. Designing for the Ubiquitous Era requires modifying our practice and reinforcing collaboration between disciplines at every steps of the creation process. In this article, we discuss the need to reinvent objects and to investigate the tools supporting the creation of rich services’ experiences

    Forecast of Future Aviation Fuels. Part 1: Scenarios

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    A preliminary set of scenarios is described for depicting the air transport industry as it grows and changes, up to the year 2025. This provides the background for predicting the needs for future aviation fuels to meet the requirements of the industry as new basic sources, such as oil shale and coal, which are utilized to supplement petroleum. Five scenarios are written to encompass a range of futures from a serious resource-constrained economy to a continuous and optimistic economic growth. A unique feature is the choice of one immediate range scenario which is based on a serious interruption of economic growth occasioned by an energy shortfall. This is presumed to occur due to lags in starting a synfuels program

    Cross-cultural consumer perceptions of advertising via mobile devices – some evidence from Europe and Japan

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    Mobile devices allow constant access to the World Wide Web without time and location barriers and present new challenges for marketers and an array of research questions for marketing researchers. The topic of mobile advertising is of special interest for companies as it enables communication with customers in unprecedented ways. As mobile technologies are being increasingly adopted on a worldwide basis, international m-advertising becomes an issue of growing importance. This paper therefore presents first cross-cultural evidence of individuals’ perceptions of mobile advertising. The analysis is based on a survey of business students in two respective markets, Japan and Austria. Findings of this study show that people are still skeptical about mobile advertising. However, there are slight differences in perceptions between Japan and Austria. Japanese respondents perceive madvertising as more entertaining and valuable. Despite the fact that they are more frequently exposed to mobile advertising messages, they also show a more positive attitude toward it. Implications for practitioners as well as for future research are suggested based on these findings

    Capturing Value from Data: Exploring Factors Influencing Revenue Model Design for Data-Driven Services

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    In recent years organizations have started utilizing big data and advanced analytics not just to support decision-making to raise process efficiencies, but also to engage in new data-driven services. These data-driven services complement the current product and service portfolio and create additional value for customers. In order to capture the value created, organizations need to design sustainable revenue models consisting of a revenue(how) and pricing (how much) mechanism. In order to develop a deeper understanding of one part of the decision-making process on revenue models, we apply a qualitative study and analyze the results through the lens of rational choice theory. Based on the interviews, we derived four factors – service characteristics, provider interests, customer interests, and market factors -influencing the design. By this, we contribute to the general understanding of the design of revenue models and enable further investigation into this field of research