89 research outputs found

    Organising a daily visual diary using multifeature clustering

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    The SenseCam is a prototype device from Microsoft that facilitates automatic capture of images of a person's life by integrating a colour camera, storage media and multiple sensors into a small wearable device. However, efficient search methods are required to reduce the user's burden of sifting through the thousands of images that are captured per day. In this paper, we describe experiments using colour spatiogram and block-based cross-correlation image features in conjunction with accelerometer sensor readings to cluster a day's worth of data into meaningful events, allowing the user to quickly browse a day's captured images. Two different low-complexity algorithms are detailed and evaluated for SenseCam image clustering

    Kajian Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup Di Indonesia

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    Pendidikan lingkungan merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam meraih keberhasilan dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup, juga menjadi sarana yang sangat penting dalam menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang dapat melaksanakan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan. . di Indonesia, pendidikan lingkungan hidup belum sepenuhnya di dukung oleh pihak pemerintah maupun swasta, ini terlihat dari masih kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pelestarian lingkungan hidup dan semakin meningkatnya degradasi lingkungan akibat dari aktifitas yang di lakukan oleh khususnya pihak swasta. Berdasarkan kajian mengenai pendidikan lingkungan hidup kurang berkembangnya Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup selama ini disebabkan oleh berbagai kelemahan pada, antara lain: (1) Kebijakan pendidikan nasional; (2) Kebijakan pendidikan daerah; (3) Unit pendidikan (sekolah-sekolah) untuk mengadopsi dan menjalankan perubahan sistem pendidikan yang dijalankan menuju Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup; (4) Masyarakat sipil, lembaga swadaya masyarakat, dan dewan perwakilan rakyat untuk mengerti dan ikut rnendorong terwujudnya Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup; (5) Proses-proses komunikasi dan diskusi intensif yang memungkinkan terjadinya transfer nilai dan pengetahuan gunapembaruan kebijakan pendidikan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan pendidikan lingkungan harus dilakukan secara berkelanjutan, holistik dan dengan perspekstif jangka panjang serta sinergi antar stakeholder. Di saat banyak perusahaan  swasta yang tidak fokus terhadap pendidikan lingkungan hidup, Panasonic telah menerapkam beberapa program pendidikan lingkungan yang melibatkan 16 negara di dunia yaitu Kid Witness News (KWN), Eco Picture Diary (EPD), dan Eco Learning World Heritage (ELWH)

    The Image – by any means

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    Art is inherently a reflection of the human condition. As I am working, my intention is to make images that, at the very least, capture the audience\u27s attention. By adding layers and fracturing the images, I want the audience to see through various visual relationships. These visual relationships can be interpreted as a metaphor of the often hectic and unstable qualities of daily life. As the human figure is my connection to the work, it also serves as the viewer\u27s connection. The blending of media and mixing up of figurative representation with abstraction is my attempt to challenge the viewer to search for their own humanity among the clamor of everyday existence. I want to bring a sense of balance and harmony to the disorder of being. This body of work is an attempt to blend abstract expressionistic painting, collage, and large-format, digital, inkjet printing. In the past I have always kept my life as a graphic designer separate from my life as an artist. I now feel comfortable with the idea of integrating these aspects of myself to create energetic, stimulating, and thought-provoking images. The finished pieces range in size from 36 x24 to 63 x45 . Some elements in the imagery are painterly in contrast to the mechanical and digital processes that I employ. Figurative elements are combined with abstract forms. Through training, education, and practice I have come to be a process-oriented artist. I don\u27t intend to make art that overtly makes any kind of personal, social or political statement. The two things most important to me are the act of making the image and the image itself. This does not mean that content does not play a role in my process. As I work, I let the content emerge intuitively. I use the figure as an element of form. I use bright, contrasting and complementary colors to stimulate the image. I integrate pattern and design to create depth and motion

    Family Interaction and Consensus with IT Support

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    Experience shows that there are great defects in information and collaboration between families and professionals in the health and care sector. In an attempt to improve the quality of the efforts planned and implemented in collaboration with relatives a family-related IT-based collaboration system called CIDC was constructed. With the intention to facilitate communication, information, documentation, and collaboration the system was tested together with parents of children with cognitive impairment. The system contains a number of functions gathered in a so-called e-collaboration room. The person administering and distributing the system authorizes the patient/care recipient or relative to build up an e-collaboration room. The result has been largely positive, but the part, which was supposed to document everyday activities, leaves much to be desired. For this reason a follow-up study was completed, and an iPad was used as a contact book, which with the help of the Dropbox software provided increased insight into the child and improved the contact with parents without losing confidentiality or causing extra workload for the staff. By automatic download from the iPad parents and/or contact persons could easily follow the documentation of children’s everyday activities

    “The Power of Onomatopoeia in Manga” an Essay by Natsume Fusanosuke with Translators’ Introduction

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    Natsume Fusanosuke is one of the founding critics of manga that pioneered a style of formal analysis of manga in the 1990s. Natsume’s first important foray into his “theory of expression” (hyōgenron) was seen in the collaborate work, Manga no yomikata (How to read manga) in 1995. He later streamlined those ideas in a twelve-episode series Manga wa naze omoshiroi no ka: sono bunpō to hyōgen (Why is manga so interesting?: Its grammar and expression) for NHK television in 1996. The accompanying expanded book (1997) consists of well-ordered, individual essays on elements of manga such as line, character creation, and panels. In the present translated essay, the eighth chapter of part one, Natsume explores how hand-drawn onomatopoeia—or comic-book interjections—are quite nuanced, conveying additional information about time and space as a part of the larger narrative flow, which Natsume asserts is uniquely characteristic of Japanese comic books. This early essay, representing the beginning of Natsume’s scholarly arc, is important for its examination of how hand-drawn onomatopoeia are vital tools for the manga storyteller. Natsume argues that these graphic giongo, gitaigo, and other mimetic expressions also reveal how Japanese audiences are predisposed to reading and processing verbal information in both as words and as pictures. The translation and introduction make available in English for the first time a part of a key text in the history of manga studies in Japan

    In-between belongings:impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of Syrian refugees in Scotland

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    This event explores the co-existence of multiple and radically distinctive rhythmic worlds of Syrian refugees resettling in Scotland during the pandemic. The event is based on the findings of a research project that applies rhythmanalysis as a bio-social perspective that goes beyond the legal, ideological and material category of ‘refugee’, during the pandemic that placed refugees at a radical disjuncture from their historically-formed habitus of the society of emigration.Participants were asked to visually document and audially reflect on their spatial and extra-spatial encounters of everyday life. The data re-presents the suturing of a fractured habitus and broken rhythms of everyday life during the pandemic. The realities of lockdown and the social experiences post-Covid resulted in a continuous cycle of formation, deformation, reformation of everyday rhythms in the daily lives of Syrian Refugees. An overarching theme of ‘emptiness’ emerged of a (temporarily) frozen time and space suffused with nostalgia for what once was and paralysis of what now is – a longing for belonging and home, as well as hopeful constructions of place-making in the society of immigration

    In-between belongings:impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the lives of Syrian refugees in Scotland

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    This event explores the co-existence of multiple and radically distinctive rhythmic worlds of Syrian refugees resettling in Scotland during the pandemic. The event is based on the findings of a research project that applies rhythmanalysis as a bio-social perspective that goes beyond the legal, ideological and material category of ‘refugee’, during the pandemic that placed refugees at a radical disjuncture from their historically-formed habitus of the society of emigration.Participants were asked to visually document and audially reflect on their spatial and extra-spatial encounters of everyday life. The data re-presents the suturing of a fractured habitus and broken rhythms of everyday life during the pandemic. The realities of lockdown and the social experiences post-Covid resulted in a continuous cycle of formation, deformation, reformation of everyday rhythms in the daily lives of Syrian Refugees. An overarching theme of ‘emptiness’ emerged of a (temporarily) frozen time and space suffused with nostalgia for what once was and paralysis of what now is – a longing for belonging and home, as well as hopeful constructions of place-making in the society of immigration


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    The major problem of this study is to reveal the coping behavior of Benjamin Button reflected in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button movie. The objectives of the study are; to analyze the structural elements of the movie and to analyze the character of Benjamin Button based on individual psychological analysis. This study belongs to qualitative study. In this method, there are two types of data sources, which are used, namely primary data and secondary data sources. The primary data source is the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, meanwhile the secondary data source are the other sources related to the analysis such as internet, books and other references which are related to this study. In analyzing the data, he applies two approaches. Firstly, structural approach is used to analyze the element of the movie. It contains of characterization, setting, point of view, plot, theme, and casting. Secondly, the individual psychological approach is use to analyze the coping behavior of Benjamin Button to reach his goal of life. The result of the research shows that the character of Benjamin Button has some problem dealing with the abnormal physical growth and psychological development in the story, but he tries to solve his problem. He has believed that nothing is impossible to be true and he has proved it

    Vascular Function Intervention Trial in sickle cell disease (V-FIT): Trial Protocol

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    This protocol outlines procedures for capturing participant information as part of the V-FIT study. The protocol should not be used as a guide for the treatment of other participants; every care was taken in its drafting, but corrections or amendments may be necessary. This trial adheres to the principles outlined in the International Conference on Harmonisation Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP) guidelines, protocol and all applicable local regulations

    Gamified Wearables in Obesity Therapy for Youth

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    Introduction: Obesity in children has become a global phenomenon. Most of the existing programs have only limited effects and often require an expensive and laborious multi-professional therapy. The aim of this study was to examine which guidelines for gamified wearables can be developed into an effective tool for weight loss and long-term behavior changes within children. Methods: The paper comprises a literature analysis and qualitative research design. Open-ended questionnaires were distributed to 3 clinicians and 18 children and analyzed using MaxQDA. Three independent variables age, gender and BMI were considered. Results: The research has identified four fundamental guidelines for gamified wearables for which a prototype was developed. These guidelines are in short: practical obesity management tool, appealing game-approach, challenging rewards and positive education. Personal emotional support was theoretically a fifth guideline but is not supported. Results could not reliably answer whether long-term behavior change can be triggered through gamified wearables
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