10,175 research outputs found

    Efficient PHY Layer Abstraction under Imperfect Channel Estimation

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    As most existing work investigate the PHY layer abstraction under an assumption of perfect channel estimation, it may become unreliable if there exists channel estimation error in a real communication system. This letter improves an efficient PHY layer method, EESM-log-SGN PHY layer abstraction, by considering the presence of channel estimation error. We develop two methods for implementing the EESM-log-SGN PHY abstraction under imperfect channel estimation. We show that the effective SINR is not impacted by the channel estimation error under multiple-input and single-output (MISO)/single-input and single-output (SISO) configuration, which is also verified by the full PHY simulation. The developed methods are then validated under different orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) scenarios.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letters. 5 pages, 7 figure

    5GNOW: Challenging the LTE Design Paradigms of Orthogonality and Synchronicity

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    LTE and LTE-Advanced have been optimized to deliver high bandwidth pipes to wireless users. The transport mechanisms have been tailored to maximize single cell performance by enforcing strict synchronism and orthogonality within a single cell and within a single contiguous frequency band. Various emerging trends reveal major shortcomings of those design criteria: 1) The fraction of machine-type-communications (MTC) is growing fast. Transmissions of this kind are suffering from the bulky procedures necessary to ensure strict synchronism. 2) Collaborative schemes have been introduced to boost capacity and coverage (CoMP), and wireless networks are becoming more and more heterogeneous following the non-uniform distribution of users. Tremendous efforts must be spent to collect the gains and to manage such systems under the premise of strict synchronism and orthogonality. 3) The advent of the Digital Agenda and the introduction of carrier aggregation are forcing the transmission systems to deal with fragmented spectrum. 5GNOW is an European research project supported by the European Commission within FP7 ICT Call 8. It will question the design targets of LTE and LTE-Advanced having these shortcomings in mind and the obedience to strict synchronism and orthogonality will be challenged. It will develop new PHY and MAC layer concepts being better suited to meet the upcoming needs with respect to service variety and heterogeneous transmission setups. Wireless transmission networks following the outcomes of 5GNOW will be better suited to meet the manifoldness of services, device classes and transmission setups present in envisioned future scenarios like smart cities. The integration of systems relying heavily on MTC into the communication network will be eased. The per-user experience will be more uniform and satisfying. To ensure this 5GNOW will contribute to upcoming 5G standardization.Comment: Submitted to Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Communication Systems for 2020 and beyond (at IEEE VTC 2013, Spring

    Towards a Distributed Quantum Computing Ecosystem

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    The Quantum Internet, by enabling quantum communications among remote quantum nodes, is a network capable of supporting functionalities with no direct counterpart in the classical world. Indeed, with the network and communications functionalities provided by the Quantum Internet, remote quantum devices can communicate and cooperate for solving challenging computational tasks by adopting a distributed computing approach. The aim of this paper is to provide the reader with an overview about the main challenges and open problems arising with the design of a Distributed Quantum Computing ecosystem. For this, we provide a survey, following a bottom-up approach, from a communications engineering perspective. We start by introducing the Quantum Internet as the fundamental underlying infrastructure of the Distributed Quantum Computing ecosystem. Then we go further, by elaborating on a high-level system abstraction of the Distributed Quantum Computing ecosystem. Such an abstraction is described through a set of logical layers. Thereby, we clarify dependencies among the aforementioned layers and, at the same time, a road-map emerges

    Reliable Transmission of Short Packets through Queues and Noisy Channels under Latency and Peak-Age Violation Guarantees

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    This work investigates the probability that the delay and the peak-age of information exceed a desired threshold in a point-to-point communication system with short information packets. The packets are generated according to a stationary memoryless Bernoulli process, placed in a single-server queue and then transmitted over a wireless channel. A variable-length stop-feedback coding scheme---a general strategy that encompasses simple automatic repetition request (ARQ) and more sophisticated hybrid ARQ techniques as special cases---is used by the transmitter to convey the information packets to the receiver. By leveraging finite-blocklength results, the delay violation and the peak-age violation probabilities are characterized without resorting to approximations based on large-deviation theory as in previous literature. Numerical results illuminate the dependence of delay and peak-age violation probability on system parameters such as the frame size and the undetected error probability, and on the chosen packet-management policy. The guidelines provided by our analysis are particularly useful for the design of low-latency ultra-reliable communication systems.Comment: To appear in IEEE journal on selected areas of communication (IEEE JSAC

    Link level performance evaluation and link abstraction for LTE/LTE-advanced downlink

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    Els objectius principals d'aquesta tesis són l'avaluació del rendiment a nivell d'enllaç i l'estudi de l'abstracció de l'enllaç pel LTE/LTE-Advanced DL. S’ha desenvolupat un simulador del nivell d'enllaç E-UTRA DL basat en la tecnologia MIMO-OFDM. Es simulen els errors d'estimació de canal amb un model d'error de soroll additiu Gaussià anomenat CEEM. El resultat d'aquest simulador serveix per avaluar el rendiment a nivell d'enllaç del LTE/LTE-Advanced DL en diferents entorns . La idea bàsica dels mètodes d'abstracció de l'enllaç és mapejar el vector de SNRs de les subportadores a un valor escalar, l'anomenada ESNR, la qual és usada per a predir la BLER. Proposem un innovador mètode d'abstracció de l'enllaç que pot predir la BLER amb bona precisió en esvaïments multicamí i que inclouen els efectes de les retransmissions HARQ. El mètode proposat es basa amb l'estimació de la informació mútua entre els bits transmesos i els LLRs rebuts.The main objectives of this dissertation are the evaluation of the link level performance and the study of link abstraction for LTE/LTE-Advanced DL. An E-UTRA DL link level simulator has been developed based on MIMO-OFDM technology. We simulate channel estimation errors by a Gaussian additive noise error model called CEEM. The result of this simulator serves to evaluate the MIMO-OFDM LTE/LTE-Advanced DL link level performance in different environments. The basic idea of link abstraction methods is to map the vector of the subcarrier SNRs to a single scalar, the ESNR, which is then used to predict the BLER. We propose a novel link abstraction method that can predict the BLER with good accuracy in multipath fading and including the effects of HARQ retransmissions. The proposed method is based on estimating the mutual information between the transmitted bits and the received LLRs.Postprint (published version

    On the Queueing Behavior of Random Codes over a Gilbert-Elliot Erasure Channel

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    This paper considers the queueing performance of a system that transmits coded data over a time-varying erasure channel. In our model, the queue length and channel state together form a Markov chain that depends on the system parameters. This gives a framework that allows a rigorous analysis of the queue as a function of the code rate. Most prior work in this area either ignores block-length (e.g., fluid models) or assumes error-free communication using finite codes. This work enables one to determine when such assumptions provide good, or bad, approximations of true behavior. Moreover, it offers a new approach to optimize parameters and evaluate performance. This can be valuable for delay-sensitive systems that employ short block lengths.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, conferenc