600 research outputs found

    Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti u različitoj životnoj dobi: pregled

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    With a wide range of health benefits across the lifespan, throughout the decades physical activity has remained an interesting topic of many research. To gain quality and valid results on population’s physical activity levels, a high-quality measurement tool is needed. Physical activity assessment questionnaires are one of the most frequently used self-reported activity assessment tools. Choosing the right tool can be a challenging task, so we aim to provide a general overview of frequently used questionnaires throughout the lifespan with special emphasis on those available in Croatia. We conducted a literature review on physical activity assessment questionnaires, from toddlers and pre-school to older adults. Our specific focus was on physical activity assessment questionnaires translated, validated, and available in Croatia. Regardless of limitations, questionnaires are still a widely used cost-effective tool that provides good physical activity assessment and can be used in large population studies, but there is still a great need for a consistent and reliable questionnaire. Five physical activity assessment questionnaires for different age groups available in Croatia were identified. Questionnaires estimate general levels of physical activity in all stages of life. With vast number of existing questionnaires and continuous development of new ones, the emphasis should be on bettering existing questionnaires because the need for a reliable and validated tool for all age groups is immense.Tjelesna aktivnost ima mnoge pozitivne, zdravstvene učinke na pojedinca tijekom cijelog života. Već desetljećima procjena tjelesne aktivnosti česta je tema znanstvenih istraživanja. Prilikom procjene tjelesne aktivnosti, za dobivanje kvalitetnih i valjanih rezultata o razinama tjelesne aktivnosti stanovništva, potreban je provjeren i validiran alat. Upitnici za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti jedan su od najčešće korištenih alata. Odabir odgovarajućeg upitnika nije uvijek jednostavan zadatak, stoga je cilj ovog rada pružiti pregled dostupne literature i često korištenih upitnika u različitim dobnim skupinama s posebnim naglaskom na upitnike koji su dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Provedena je pretraga dostupne literature o upitnicima za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti, od djece predškolske dobi do osoba starije životne dobi, s fokusom na upitnicima koji su prevedeni, validirani i dostupni u Hrvatskoj. Identificirano je pet upitnika za procjenu tjelesne aktivnosti za različite dobne skupine. Upitnici procjenjuju opću razinu tjelesne aktivnosti u svim fazama života. Bez obzira na ograničenja, upitnici se zbog jednostavnosti primjene te dobre procjene tjelesne aktivnosti često koriste u istraživanjima s većim brojem ispitanika. Uz veliki broj postojećih upitnika i kontinuirani razvoj novih, naglasak treba staviti na unaprjeđenje postojećih jer je potreba za pouzdanim i validiranim upitnikom, za sve dobne skupine, velika

    Relationship between physical activity levels of Portuguese physical therapists and mental health during a COVID-19 pandemic: being active is the key

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    FCT_UIDB/05608/2020. FCT_UIDP/05608/2020.Introduction: Physical activity is essential for a healthy life and quality of life, representing a fundamental role in individuals' physical and mental health. Concomitantly, the physical therapist, through the promotion of physical activity and exercise, can improve mental health, an essential factor in the current pandemic, triggering anxiety, fear, and depression crisis. Objective: To verify physical activity among Portuguese physical therapists and its association with mental health during the pandemic times. Methods: An online questionnaire was applied through social media to all Portuguese physical therapists between October 21, 2021, and January 14, 2022. It contained general characterization questions of the sample, the IPAQ-SF questionnaire to assess physical activity levels, the Goldberg General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), which assesses the levels of mental health, and the WHO Well-Being Index (WHO-5) to assess subjective well-being. Results: The sample totaled 286 respondents (82% female), with a mean age of 33. Of the total answers, 82% practiced physical activity, 45% had moderate levels of physical activity, and 19% were vigorous. Physical therapists in these categories had lower values in the GHQ-28 and higher in the WHO-5. Those with better mental health also showed better subjective well-being (r = -0.571, p = 0.000). Conclusion: The data obtained showed that physical therapists mostly have moderate and vigorous levels of physical activity and that physical activity positively influences individuals' mental health and well-being, which proved to be a key factor due to the pandemic situation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes in Spanish lifestyle and dietary habits during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Purpose: The COVID-2019 pandemic forced many governments to declare the 'to stay at home' which encouraged social distancing and isolation among citizens. The aim of this study was to assess the dietary and lifestyle habit changes that occurred during home confinement in Spain. Methods: An European online survey was launched in April 2020. This included 70 questions on sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle, dietary habits, including key Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) foods. A total of 945 Spanish adults from 1268 European that completed the online survey were included in the analysis. Results: Most of the Spanish participants adopted healthier dietary habits during home lockdown, which was translated to a higher MedDiet adherence. However, a negative impact on physical activity levels, sleep quality or smoking rates was observed. Low MedDiet adherence was associated with a higher risk of weight gain (OR = 1.53, CI 1.1-2.1; p = 0.016), while no snacking between meals reduced the risk by 80% (OR = 0.20, CI 0.09-0.45, p < 0.001) and eating more quantity, considering portion size, increased body weight gain risk almost sixfold more. Conclusion: To conclude, although dietary habits were improved during home lockdown, certain unhealthy behaviours (e.g. increased snacking between meals, increased food intake, and an increase in sedentary behaviour) were increased

    Lifestyle and Sociodemographic Parameters Associated with Mental and Physical Health during COVID-19 Confinement in Three Ibero-American Countries. A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study

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    [EN] Background: The aim of the present study was to determine the association between the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) with sociodemographic parameters and lifestyle during COVID-19 confinement in Mexico, Chile, and Spain. Methods: A cross-sectional pilot study, with 742 observations of online surveys in 422, 190, and 130 individuals from Mexico, Chile, and Spain, respectively. Sociodemographic data, presence of comorbidities, food habits, and physical activity (PA) patterns were evaluated. The HRQoL was evaluated according to the SF-36 Health Survey. The multilinear regression analysis was developed to determine the association of variables with HRQoL and its physical and mental health dimensions. Results: The female sex in the three countries reported negative association with HRQoL (Mexico: �����4.45, p = 0.004; Chile: �����8.48, p < 0.001; Spain: �����6.22, p = 0.009). Similarly, bad eating habits were associated negatively with HRQoL (Mexico: �����6.64, p < 0.001; Chile: �����6.66, p = 0.005; Spain: 5.8, p = 0.032). In Mexico, PA limitations presented a negative association with HRQoL ( 4.71, p = 0.011). In Chile, a sedentary lifestyle (h/day) was linked negatively with HRQoL ( 0.64, p = 0.005). In Spain, the highest associations with HRQoL were the presence of comorbidity ( 11.03, p < 0.001) and smoking ( 6.72, p = 0.02). Moreover, the PA limitation in Mexico ( 5.67, p = 0.023) and Chile ( 9.26, p = 0.035) was linked negatively with mental health. Conclusions: The bad eating habits, PA limitations, female sex, comorbidity presence, and smoking were parameters linked negatively with HRQoLS

    Digitally enabled health service for the integrated management of hypertension: A participatory user-centred design process

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    This article describes a user-centred approach taken by a group of five procurers to set specifications for the procurement of value-based research and development services for IT-sup-ported integrated hypertension management. The approach considered the unmet needs of patients and health systems of the involved regions. The procurers established a framework for requirements and a solution design consisting of nine building blocks, divided into three domains: service delivery, devices and integration, and health care organisation. The approach included the development of questionnaires, capturing patients’ and professionals’ views on possible system functionalities, and a template collecting information about the organisation of healthcare, professionals involved and existing IT systems at the procurers’ premises. A total of 28 patients diagnosed with hypertension and 26 professionals were interviewed. The interviewees identified 98 functional requirements, grouped in the nine building blocks. A total of nine use cases and their corresponding process models were defined by the procurers’ working group. As result, a digitally enabled integrated approach to hypertension has been designed to allow citizens to learn how to prevent the development of hypertension and lead a healthy lifestyle, and to receive comprehensive, individualised treatment in close collaboration with healthcare professionals

    Association of Physical Activity with Musculoskeletal Discomfort among Final Year DPT Students in Peshawar

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    Objective: Association of musculoskeletal discomfort with physical activity among final year DPT students in Peshawar Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted on total of 167 final year DPT students in Peshawar was carried out from 1st April to 1st August, 2020 after ethical approval from the institutional review board (IRB) of Khyber Medical University, Peshawar. After informed consent, two standard questionnaires were used i.e. international physical Activity Questionnaire-short form to assess the level of physical activity and standard Nordic questionnaire to find musculoskeletal discomforts. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for categorical variables while mean and standard deviations were calculated for continues variables. Association of Physical activity with musculoskeletal discomfort was found through Chi square test. Results: Our study results showed high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in final year DPT students that is 82.3%. Most commonly affected region was low back (43.3%). 48.9% students were in moderate level of physical activity. Through chi-square test, there were no association between physical activity and musculoskeletal pain. Conclusion: In association of physical activity level with musculoskeletal discomfort none of the areas have P-value less than 0.05 so it means there was no association of physical activity with any of musculoskeletal discomfort during 12 months. Key Words: Lack of Physical Activity, Musculoskeletal Pain, Physical Activity, Physical Inactivity


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    This work has been supported by Croatian Science Foundation under the project number UIP-2019-04-7547 “Digital technology in the family: patterns of behaviour and effects on the child development”. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between some aspects of children’s smartphone use (time and motives for smartphone use), indicators of well-being (life satisfaction, positive and negative affect), and school achievement. Participants were 283 children (59,2% girls) aged from 10 to 15 (median 12) years and one of their parents who agreed to participate in the project “Digital technology in the family: patterns of behaviour and effects on child development”. A new scale for children’s motives for smartphone use was developed and it showed good psychometric properties. Children’s life satisfaction was assessed using the Short multidimensional life-satisfaction scale (Seligson et al., 2003), positive and negative effects were assessed using the PANAS-C scale (Ebesutani et al., 2012), and school achievement was measured according to the Croatian grading scale. Results show that as they grow older, children tend to spend more time using smartphones, and their life satisfaction declines. Girls tend to experience more negative affect, while boys tend to experience more positive affect. Girls are also more prone to use smartphone for communication and their school tasks. More usage of smartphones for entertainment is related to higher levels of negative effect in children, while more usage of smartphones for communication is related to higher positive affect and lower school achievement in children. The obtained results are discussed and represent a direction for future research, pointing to the examination of the content to which children and young people are exposed on smartphones and social media.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost između nekih aspekata dječjeg korištenja pametnog telefona (vrijeme i motivi za korištenje pametnog telefona), pokazatelja dobrobiti (zadovoljstvo životom, pozitivni i negativni afekt) i školskog uspjeha. Istraživanje je dio longitudinalne studije (Studija 2) istraživačkog projekta “Digitalna tehnologija u obitelji: obrasci ponašanja i učinci na razvoj djece” kojeg financiraju Hrvatska zaklada za znanost i Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 283 djece (59,2% djevojčica) u dobi od 10 do 15 (medijan 12) godina i 283 roditelja (79,8% majki). Sudionici su bili iz šest zagrebačkih osnovnih škola. Roditelji i djeca koji su odlučili sudjelovati u istraživanju potpisali su informirani pristanak za sudjelovanje. Istraživački tim je školama dostavio upitnike. Jedan upitnik bio je za roditelje koji su ga popunjavali kod kuće. Upitnik za djecu sastojao se od dva dijela. Jedan dio djeca su popunjavala kod kuće, a drugi u školi. Upitnici su, uz pomoć učitelja i stručnih suradnika, prikupljeni i isporučeni istraživačkom timu. Za potrebe ovoga istraživanja razvijena je nova Skala motiva korištenje pametnog telefona za djecu na temelju rezultata iz Studije 1. Dječje zadovoljstvo životom ispitano je Kratkom multidimenzionalnom ljestvicom zadovoljstva životom (Seligson i sur., 2003.), a pozitivni i negativni afekti ispitani su PANAS-C ljestvicom (Ebesutani i sur., 2012.). Školski uspjeh mjeren je prema hrvatskoj ljestvici ocjenjivanja djece u školi. Procjene dječjeg vremena korištenja pametnog telefona pokazuju da djeca dnevno u prosjeku provedu oko 3 sata i 15 minuta koristeći pametni telefon. Rezultati o vremenu korištenja pametnog telefona su u skladu su s prethodnim istraživanjima koja pokazuju da djeca u dobi od 10 do 18 godina koriste pametne telefone više od 3 sata dnevno (npr. Kliesener et al., 2022; Lee i Kim, 2018; Park, 2020; Poulain et al., 2021; Samahel et al. al., 2020; Twenge i Campbell, 2018). Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da djeca u prosjeku imaju visoku razinu zadovoljstva životom, te da djeca u prosjeku doživljavaju više pozitivnih nego negativnih afekta. Većini djece primarni motiv za korištenje mobitela je komunikacija. Druga dva najčešća motiva za korištenje mobitela među djecom su zabava i pisanje zadaće. Rezultati pokazuju da motiv za pisanje zadaće nije statistički značajno povezan s vremenom provedenim na pametnom telefonu, dok su motiv za komunikacijom i motiv za zabavom statistički značajno pozitivno povezani s vremenom provedenim na pametnom telefonu. Također, djeca su prošlu školsku godinu u prosjeku završila s odličnim uspjehom. Rezultati su pokazali da je više prosječno dnevno vrijeme korištenja pametnog telefona povezano s višim razinama negativnog afekta, nižim zadovoljstvom životom, ali ne i s lošijim školskim uspjehom. Nadalje, rezultati pokazuju da, kako odrastaju, djeca provode više vremena koristeći pametne telefone, a njihovo zadovoljstvo životom opada. Prethodna istraživanja također su pokazala da je veći broj sati provedenih u korištenju pametnog telefona povezan s nižim zadovoljstvom životom i češćim negativnim afektima (Babić i sur., 2017; Khan i sur., 2021; Li i sur., 2020). Dječaci i djeca koji koriste pametne telefone uglavnom za komunikaciju češće doživljavaju pozitivne afekte. Djevojčice i djeca koja koriste pametne telefone u svrhu zabave češće doživljavaju negativni afekt, a djeca koja koriste pametne telefone za komunikaciju s drugima imaju lošiji školski uspjeh. Ovo istraživanje ima određena ograničenja s obzirom na korištenu metodu samoprocjene, koja je vjerojatno rezultirala poznatim pristranostima i nepouzdanim procjenama upotrebe pametnih telefona. Najdalje, zaključci su izvedeni iz relativno malog uzorka. Potencijalno ograničenje odnosi se i na relativno mali broj mogućih motiva za korištenje pametnog telefona koji su ispitani. Također, pri tumačenju ovih rezultata treba uzeti u obzir međuodnos varijabli. Odnos između testiranih pokazatelja dobrobiti i upotrebe pametnog telefona može bi biti recipročan, tako da bi niska razina dobrobiti mogla dovesti do percipirane ili stvarne upotrebe pametnog telefona i obrnuto. Ovo istraživanje doprinosi unapređenju područja koje se bavi dječjim korištenjem pametnih telefona daljnjim istraživanjem ključnih korelata i prediktora povezanih s psihološkom dobrobiti i motivima za korištenje pametnih telefona. Važno je primijetiti da vrijeme korištenja pametnog telefona kao prediktor nije doseglo statističku značajnost u predviđanju pokazatelja dobrobiti zbog čega rezultati ovog rada daju smjer za buduća istraživanja koja bi se trebala usmjeriti na ispitivanje sadržaja kojima su djeca i adolescenti izloženi, a ne na vrijeme. Također, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju važnost svijesti djece o ometajućem učinku koji pametni telefoni mogu imati na školski uspjeh i koliko često doživljavaju taj negativan učinak. Doista, djeca često nisu svjesna da pametni telefon može imati učinak na njihovu izvedbu

    Social Public Health System and Sustainability

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    This edited volume contains 18 articles published in Sustainability from late 2018 to early 2021. During that time, the world faced the fatal and widespread health crisis, COVID-19, which had threatened the social and public health systems at every corner for quite some time.As the Guest-Editors and also a contributing authors, we are glad that the academic contents from the Special Issue will now be put together in this volume, making the authors' hard work and efforts accessible to the larger audience

    Attitudes towards exercise content on social media and the choice of fitness trainer

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    The aim of this study was to: a) investigate and determine gender differences towards factors influencing gym-goers’ choice of fitness trainer; and b) to identify and explain gender differences in gym-goers’ attitudes towards social media exercise contents (SMEC). For this purpose, a questionnaire was created. The study was conducted on a sample of 50 gym-goers (N1=13 male and N2=37 female), all attending a gym in Split, Croatia. The variable sample consisted of five groups of variables. Test-retest overlap was performed to determine the reliability (88.20%) of the questionnaire. The results showed that the affirmative attitudes were statistically significant in contrast to the non-affirmative attitudes (Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test, T=250.00, Z=3.60, p<0.001). In addition, male gym-goers generally have a significantly more affirmative attitude towards SMEC than female gym-goers (Mann-Whitney U-test, U=119.50, Z=–2.68, p=0.007). Furthermore, there are gender differences in choosing a fitness trainer based on their appearance; but there are no gender differences in the attitude towards the number of fitness trainers’ followers on social media as an indicator of trustworthiness. As this study was specifically concerned with the attitudes of gym-goers, future studies should focus on sports professionals and their attitudes toward this topic