33 research outputs found

    Numerical And Experimental Studies For A High Pressure Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Sensor

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    We report a study of using photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) for high pressure applications. An opto-mechanical analysis was realized in regular PCFs and suspended-core microstructured optical fibers for different fiber geometrical parameters. It was found that the pressure sensitivity is highly dependent on the fiber structure. It was also experimentally shown that even small core PCFs with high air filling fraction can deal with pressures as high as 500 bar (7350 psi) without any noticeable problem. © American Institute of Physics.1055133136de Matos, C.J.S., (2008) CLEO conferenceR.E.P. de Oliveira, submitted to WSOF2008 AIP Proceedings (2008)Cordeiro, C.M.B., (2007) Optics Letters, 32, pp. 3324-3326Szpulak, M., Martynkien, T., Urbanczyk, W., (2004) Appl. Optics, 43, pp. 4739-4744MacPherson, W.N., (2005) Journal Light, 23, pp. 1227-1231. , TechnZhou, J., (2006) OFC'06, WI2Kosolapov, A.F., (2006) Inorganic Materials, 43, pp. 310-31

    Simple And Temperature-insensitive Pressure Sensing Based On A Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fiber

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    The sensitivity to pressure of lossy air-guided modes in a commercial hollow-core photonic crystal fiber was experimentally exploited to develop a novel pressure sensor. The transmission of these modes was directly modulated by the measurand, which makes the interrogation system very simple. Using a supercontinuum source, these specific modes were identified within the visible spectral range and correspond to narrow transmission windows well away from the fiber's main bandgap, centered around 1550 nm. The origin of these windows is being investigated but is likely to be related to cladding bandgaps. One of these windows, around 633 nm, was used for the analysis presented in this paper. An attenuation increase was observed when pressure was applied to a ∼3-cm long cell, which was traversed by the fiber. The attenuation reached 5 dB with 300kgf/cm2 gauge pressure. The transmission was found to be insensitive to temperature up to 100°C, which is a highly attractive feature for sensing applications. It was also found that much higher sensitivities (a few dB attenuation with ∼0.5kgf/cm2 gauge pressure) could be obtained when pressure was internally applied to the fiber microstructure. This fact allows for the construction of sensors with a wide range of sensitivities, which can, thus, suit different applications. Transmission within the infrared bandgap was insensitive to pressure and can serve as a reference. © American Institute of Physics.1055129132Knight, J.C., (2003) Nature, 424, pp. 847-851Alkeskjold, T.T., Lægsgaard, J., Bjarklev, A., Hermann, D.S., Broeng, J., Li, J., Gauza, S., Wu, S.-T., (2006) Appl. Opt, 45, pp. 2261-2264Cordeiro, C.M.B., de Matos, C.J.S., dos Santos, E.M., Bozolan, A., Ong, J.S.K., Facincani, T., Chesini, G., Brito Cruz, C.H., (2007) Meas. Sci. Technol, 18, pp. 3075-3081Jensen, J.B., Pedersen, L.H., Hoiby, P.E., Nielsen, L.B., Hansen, T.P., Folkenberg, J.R., Riishede, J., Bjarklev, A., (2004) Opt. Lett, 29, pp. 1974-1976Krohn, D.A., Pressure Sensors (2000) Fiber Optic Sensors, pp. 143-151. , Research Triangle Park: Instrument Society of AmericaXu, M.G., Reekie, L., Chow, Y.T., Dakin, J.P., (1993) Electron. Let, 29, pp. 398-399Hsu, Y.S., Wang, L., Fung Liu, W., Chiang, Y.J., (2006) IEEE Photon. Technol. Let, 18, pp. 874-876Nasilowski, T., (2005) Appl. Phys. B, 81, pp. 325-331Bock, W.J., Chen, J., Eftimov, T., Urbanczyk, W., (2006) IEEE T. Instrum. Meas, 55, pp. 874-876Shinde, Y.S., Gahir, H.K., (2008) IEEE Photon. Technol. Let, 20, pp. 279-28

    PCF Based Sensor with High Sensitivity, High Birefringence and Low Confinement Losses for Liquid Analyte Sensing Applications

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    In this paper, we report a design of high sensitivity Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) sensor with high birefringence and low confinement losses for liquid analyte sensing applications. The proposed PCF structures are designed with supplementary elliptical air holes in the core region vertically-shaped V-PCF and horizontally-shaped H-PCF. The full vectorial Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations performed to examine the sensitivity, the confinement losses, the effective refractive index and the modal birefringence features of the proposed elliptical air hole PCF structures. We show that the proposed PCF structures exhibit high relative sensitivity, high birefringence and low confinement losses simultaneously for various analytes

    Supercontinuum Generation by Controlling Pitch in Photonic Crystal Fibers

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    The influence of varying the distance between air holes (Pitch)on the geography of solitone propagation through the photonic crystal fiber has been tested, and the study depend on the Split-Step Fourier method, the results that were reached by using the MATLAB program.  The first-order solitone was tested with the change in the pitch, as it was found that there is a clear decay in the amplitude of the resulting pulse with the increase in the pitch . While when increasing the pitch  in the case of second-order solitons, it was noticed that the pulse would split into multiple-order solitons down to higher-order solitons with the increase in the pitch, while in the case of third-order solitons, solitonic fission leads to the supercontinuum generation with increasing the pitch, where the supercontinuum generation  was reached in this way depending on a very small energy source compared to the high energies approved to generate  this type of spectrum  by the previously  methods. In this study observed when Increased the pitch values in the third-order soliton, this result lead  to obtained supercontinuum generation (SGG) which have many application such as medical and industrial, it has an important  role in modern communication systems. &nbsp

    Design of a Novel 1x4 Two-Dimensional Demultiplexer Based on Multicore Photonic Crystal Fiber

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    This work suggests a brand-new 1*4 two-dimensional demultiplexer design based on multicore photonic crystal fiber.  Numerical models show that the optical signals can be separated in a photonic crystal fiber construction using optical signals with wavelengths of 0.85, 1.1, 1.19, and 1.35 µm injected on the center core and separated into four cores. The innovative design switches different air-hole positions using pure silica layers throughout the length of the fiber to regulate the direction of light transmission between layers.Wavelength demultiplexers are essential parts of optical systemic communications. They serve as a data distributor and canuse a single input to produce multiple outputs. The background material is frequently natural silica, and air holes can be found anywhere throughout the length of the fiber as the low-index components.The simulation results showed that after a 6 mm light propagation, the four-channel demux can start to demultiplex

    Design of a Novel 1x4 Two-Dimensional Demultiplexer Based on Multicore Photonic Crystal Fiber

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    This work suggests a brand-new 1*4 two-dimensional demultiplexer design based on multicore photonic crystal fiber.  Numerical models show that the optical signals can be separated in a photonic crystal fiber construction using optical signals with wavelengths of 0.85, 1.1, 1.19, and 1.35 µm injected on the center core and separated into four cores. The innovative design switches different air-hole positions using pure silica layers throughout the length of the fiber to regulate the direction of light transmission between layers.Wavelength demultiplexers are essential parts of optical systemic communications. They serve as a data distributor and canuse a single input to produce multiple outputs. The background material is frequently natural silica, and air holes can be found anywhere throughout the length of the fiber as the low-index components.The simulation results showed that after a 6 mm light propagation, the four-channel demux can start to demultiplex

    Development of Photonic Crystal Fiber Based Gas/ Chemical Sensors

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    The development of highly-sensitive and miniaturized sensors that capable of real-time analytes detection is highly desirable. Nowadays, toxic or colorless gas detection, air pollution monitoring, harmful chemical, pressure, strain, humidity, and temperature sensors based on photonic crystal fiber (PCF) are increasing rapidly due to its compact structure, fast response and efficient light controlling capabilities. The propagating light through the PCF can be controlled by varying the structural parameters and core-cladding materials, as a result, evanescent field can be enhanced significantly which is the main component of the PCF based gas/chemical sensors. The aim of this chapter is to (1) describe the principle operation of PCF based gas/ chemical sensors, (2) discuss the important PCF properties for optical sensors, (3) extensively discuss the different types of microstructured optical fiber based gas/ chemical sensors, (4) study the effects of different core-cladding shapes, and fiber background materials on sensing performance, and (5) highlight the main challenges of PCF based gas/ chemical sensors and possible solutions


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    Nonlinear characteristics of fused silica, solid-core photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) with a square array of air holes are studied numerically. We present a novel design that emphasizes the difference in air hole diameters in the photonic cladding. These PCFs have the advantages of flat dispersion, high nonlinearity, and low attenuation. Based on simulation results, three optimal structures, denoted #F1, #F2, and #F3, having anomalous and all-normal dispersions in the near-infrared range are selected to investigate characteristic properties at the pump wavelength. Such PCFs open up many possibilities for nonlinear optical applications, especially supercontinuum generation


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    We examine the possibility of improving the nonlinear properties of photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) with As2Se3 substrates by creating a difference in the diameters of the air holes of the rings around the core. With the new design, all-normal dispersion properties, small effective mode area, high nonlinear coefficient, and low confinement loss were achieved in the long-wavelength range of 2.0–7.0 µm. The highest nonlinear coefficient is 4414.918 W-1.km-1 at 4.5 µm for the lattice constant (Ʌ) of 3.0 µm and the filling factor (d/Ʌ) of 0.85, while the lowest loss is 1.823´10-21 dB/cm with Ʌ = 3.5 µm and d/Ʌ = 0.8. Based on the numerical simulation results, the characteristics of two optimal structures have been analyzed in detail to guide the application in supercontinuum generation