5 research outputs found

    Automated Voice Pathology Discrimination from Continuous Speech Benefits from Analysis by Phonetic Context

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    In contrast to previous studies that look only at discriminating pathological voice from the normal voice, in this study we focus on the discrimination between cases of spasmodic dysphonia (SD) and vocal fold palsy (VP) using automated analysis of speech recordings. The hypothesis is that discrimination will be enhanced by studying continuous speech, since the different pathologies are likely to have different effects in different phonetic contexts. We collected audio recordings of isolated vowels and of a read passage from 60 patients diagnosed with SD (N=38) or VP (N=22). Baseline classifiers on features extracted from the recordings taken as a whole gave a cross-validated unweighted average recall of up to 75% for discriminating the two pathologies. We used an automated method to divide the read passage into phone-labelled regions and built classifiers for each phone. Results show that the discriminability of the pathologies varied with phonetic context as predicted. Since different phone contexts provide different information about the pathologies, classification is improved by fusing phone predictions, to achieve a classification accuracy of 83%. The work has implications for the differential diagnosis of voice pathologies and contributes to a better understanding of their impact on speech

    Automated voice pathology discrimination from audio recordings benefits from phonetic analysis of continuous speech

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    In this paper we evaluate the hypothesis that automated methods for diagnosis of voice disorders from speech recordings would benefit from contextual information found in continuous speech. Rather than basing a diagnosis on how disorders affect the average acoustic properties of the speech signal, the idea is to exploit the possibility that different disorders will cause different acoustic changes within different phonetic contexts. Any differences in the pattern of effects across contexts would then provide additional information for discrimination of pathologies. We evaluate this approach using two complementary studies: the first uses a short phrase which is automatically annotated using a phonetic transcription, the second uses a long reading passage which is automatically annotated from text. The first study uses a single sentence recorded from 597 speakers in the Saarbrucken Voice Database to discriminate structural from neurogenic disorders. The results show that discrimination performance for these broad pathology classes improves from 59% to 67% unweighted average recall when classifiers are trained for each phone-label and the results fused. Although the phonetic contexts improved discrimination, the overall sensitivity and specificity of the method seems insufficient for clinical application. We hypothesise that this is because of the limited contexts in the speech audio and the heterogeneous nature of the disorders. In the second study we address these issues by processing recordings of a long reading passage obtained from clinical recordings of 60 speakers with either Spasmodic Dysphonia or Vocal fold Paralysis. We show that discrimination performance increases from 80% to 87% unweighted average recall if classifiers are trained for each phone-labelled region and predictions fused. We also show that the sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic test with this performance is similar to other diagnostic procedures in clinical use. In conclusion, the studies confirm that the exploitation of contextual differences in the way disorders affect speech improves automated diagnostic performance, and that automated methods for phonetic annotation of reading passages are robust enough to extract useful diagnostic information

    Artificial Intelligence for Suicide Assessment using Audiovisual Cues: A Review

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    Death by suicide is the seventh leading death cause worldwide. The recent advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI), specifically AI applications in image and voice processing, has created a promising opportunity to revolutionize suicide risk assessment. Subsequently, we have witnessed fast-growing literature of research that applies AI to extract audiovisual non-verbal cues for mental illness assessment. However, the majority of the recent works focus on depression, despite the evident difference between depression symptoms and suicidal behavior and non-verbal cues. This paper reviews recent works that study suicide ideation and suicide behavior detection through audiovisual feature analysis, mainly suicidal voice/speech acoustic features analysis and suicidal visual cues. Automatic suicide assessment is a promising research direction that is still in the early stages. Accordingly, there is a lack of large datasets that can be used to train machine learning and deep learning models proven to be effective in other, similar tasks.Comment: Manuscript submitted to Arificial Intelligence Reviews (2022

    Phonetic feature extraction for context-sensitive glottal source processing

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    The effectiveness of glottal source analysis is known to be dependent on the phonetic properties of its concomitant supraglottal features. Phonetic classes like nasals and fricatives are particularly problematic. Their acoustic characteristics, including zeros in the vocal tract spectrum and aperiodic noise, can have a negative effect on glottal inverse filtering, a necessary pre-requisite to glottal source analysis. In this paper, we first describe and evaluate a set of binary feature extractors, for phonetic classes with relevance for glottal source analysis. As voice quality classification is typically achieved using feature data derived by glottal source analysis, we then investigate the effect of removing data from certain detected phonetic regions on the classification accuracy. For the phonetic feature extraction, classification algorithms based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are compared. Experiments demonstrate that the discriminative classifiers (i.e. ANNs and SVMs) in general give better results compared with the generative learning algorithm (i.e. GMMs). This accuracy generally decreases according to the sparseness of the feature (e.g., accuracy is lower for nasals compared to syllabic regions). We find best classification of voice quality when just using glottal source parameter data derived within detected syllabic regions.<br/