4 research outputs found

    Deep learning in phishing mitigation: a uniform resource locator-based predictive model

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    To mitigate the evolution of phish websites, various phishing prediction8 schemes are being optimized eventually. However, the optimized methods produce gratuitous performance overhead due to the limited exploration of advanced phishing cues. Thus, a phishing uniform resource locator-based predictive model is enhanced by this work to defeat this deficiency using deep learning algorithms. This model鈥檚 architecture encompasses pre-processing of the effective feature space that is made up of 60 mutual uniform resource locator (URL) phishing features, and a dual deep learning-based model of convolution neural network with bi-directional long short-term memory (CNN-BiLSTM). The proposed predictive model is trained and tested on a dataset of 14,000 phish URLs and 28,074 legitimate URLs. Experimentally, the performance outputs are remarked with a 0.01% false positive rate (FPR) and 99.27% testing accuracy

    An Experiment to Create Awareness in People concerning Social Engineering Attacks

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    Social Engineering is the technique of obtaining confidential information from users, in a fraudulent way, with the purpose of using it against themselves, or against the organizations where they work. This study presents an experiment focused on raising awareness about the consequences of this type of attack, by executing a controlled attack on trustworthy people. To accomplish this, we have carried out a set of activities or tricks that attackers use to obtain information, inspiring the curiosity of social network contacts to visit a personal blog with fictitious information. In addition to this human interaction, a hidden plug-in has been installed to collect user information such as his IP address, country, operative system, and browser type. With the information collected, a pentesting attack has been done to ports 80 and 22, in order to collect more information. Finally, the results were shown to the victims. In addition, after the attack, users were surveyed about their knowledge of Phishing or Social Engineering. The results demonstrate that only 2% of people suspected or asked about the real reason to visit the Blog. Furthermore, it reveals that the people, who visited the blog, don not have any knowledge and awareness of how to steal sensitive information in a relatively simple way.La Ingenier铆a Social es la t茅cnica que permite obtener informaci贸n confidencial de los usuarios, de manera fraudulenta, con la finalidad de usarla en contra de ellos mismos, o de las organizaciones en las que laboran.  Este estudio presenta un experimento enfocado a crear conciencia acerca de las consecuencias de este tipo de ataque, mediante la ejecuci贸n de un ataque controlado a personas de confianza. Para lograrlo, se han llevado a cabo un conjunto de enga帽os y actividades, que los atacantes usan com煤nmente para obtener informaci贸n sensible, incentivando la curiosidad de los contactos de las redes sociales para que visiten un blog personal con informaci贸n ficticia. A m谩s de esta interacci贸n humana, se ha instalado un complemento oculto y no deseado, para recolectar informaci贸n del usuario tales como: su direcci贸n IP, pa铆s de origen, sistema operativo y tipo de navegador. Con la informaci贸n recolectada, se realiz贸 un ataque de escaneo a los puertos 80 (Web server) y 22 (SSH Server), para encontrar m谩s informaci贸n sensible. Posteriormente, se muestran los resultados a las v铆ctimas. Adem谩s, luego del ataque se realiz贸 una encuesta a los usuarios acerca de su conocimiento de Phishing y de Ingenier铆a Social.  Los resultados muestran que 煤nicamente el 2% de las personas, sospecharon o preguntaron acerca del verdadero motivo para visitar el Blog. M谩s a煤n, demuestra que las personas que visitaron el blog, no tienen conocimiento y conciencia de c贸mo se puede vulnerar informaci贸n sensible de una forma relativamente sencilla