115 research outputs found

    Phenology and classification of abandoned agricultural land based on ALOS-1 and 2 PALSAR multi-temporal measurements

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    Agricultural crop abandonment negatively impacts local economy and environment since land, as a resource for agriculture, is not optimally utilized. To take necessary actions to rehabilitate abandoned agricultural lands, the identification of the spatial distribution of these lands must be acknowledged. While optical images had previously illustrated potentials in the identification of agricultural land abandonment, tropical areas often suffer cloud coverage problem that limits the availability of the imageries. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the potential of ALOS-1 and 2 (Advanced Land Observing Satellite-1 and 2) PALSAR (Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) images for the identification and classification of abandoned agricultural crop areas, namely paddy, rubber and oil palm fields. Distinct crop phenology for paddy and rubber was identified from ALOS-1 PALSAR; nonetheless, oil palm did not demonstrate any useful phenology for discriminating between the abandoned classes. The accuracy obtained for these abandoned lands of paddy, rubber and oil palm was 93.33% ± 0.06%, 78% ± 2.32% and 63.33% ± 1.88%, respectively. This study confirmed that the understanding of crop phenology in relation to image date selection is essential to obtain high accuracy for classifying abandoned and non-abandoned agricultural crops. The finding also portrayed that PALSAR offers a huge advantage for application of vegetation in tropical areas

    Assessment of multi-temporal, multi-sensor radar and ancillary spatial data for grasslands monitoring in Ireland using machine learning approaches

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    Accurate inventories of grasslands are important for studies of carbon dynamics, biodiversity conservation and agricultural management. For regions with persistent cloud cover the use of multi-temporal synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data provides an attractive solution for generating up-to-date inventories of grasslands. This is even more appealing considering the data that will be available from upcoming missions such as Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2. In this study, the performance of three machine learning algorithms; Random Forests (RF), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and the relatively underused Extremely Randomised Trees (ERT) is evaluated for discriminating between grassland types over two large heterogeneous areas of Ireland using multi-temporal, multi-sensor radar and ancillary spatial datasets. A detailed accuracy assessment shows the efficacy of the three algorithms to classify different types of grasslands. Overall accuracies ≥ 88.7% (with kappa coefficient of 0.87) were achieved for the single frequency classifications and maximum accuracies of 97.9% (kappa coefficient of 0.98) for the combined frequency classifications. For most datasets, the ERT classifier outperforms SVM and RF

    Parameters affecting interferometric coherence and implications for long-term operational monitoring of mining-induced surface deformation

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.Surface deformation due to underground mining poses risks to health and safety as well as infrastructure and the environment. Consequently, the need for long-term operational monitoring systems exists. Traditional field-based measurements are point-based meaning that the full extent of deforming areas is poorly understood. Field-based techniques are also labour intensive if large areas are to be monitored on a regular basis. To overcome these limitations, this investigation considered traditional and advanced differential radar interferometry techniques for their ability to monitor large areas over time, remotely. An area known to be experiencing mining induced surface deformation was used as test case. The agricultural nature of the area implied that signal decorrelation effects were expected. Consequently, four sources of data, captured at three wavelengths by earth-orbiting satellites were obtained. This provided the opportunity to investigate different phase decorrelation effects on data from standard imaging platforms using real-world deformation phenomenon as test-case. The data were processed using standard dInSAR and polInSAR techniques. The deformation measurement results together with an analysis of parameters most detrimental to long-term monitoring were presented. The results revealed that, contrary to the hypothesis, polInSAR techniques did not provide an enhanced ability to monitor surface deformation compared to dInSAR techniques. Although significant improvements in coherence values were obtained, the spatial heterogeneity of phase measurements could not be improved. Consequently, polInSAR could not overcome ecorrelation associated with vegetation cover and evolving land surfaces. However, polarimetric information could be used to assess the scattering behaviour of the surface, thereby guiding the definition of optimal sensor configuration for long-term monitoring. Despite temporal and geometric decorrelation, the results presented demonstrated that mining-induced deformation could be measured and monitored using dInSAR techniques. Large areas could be monitored remotely and the areal extent of deforming areas could be assessed, effectively overcoming the limitations of field-based techniques. Consequently, guidelines for the optimal sensor configuration and image acquisition strategy for long-term operational monitoring of mining-induced surface deformation were provided

    Recent Advancement of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Systems and Their Applications to Crop Growth Monitoring

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    Synthetic aperture radars (SARs) propagate and measure the scattering of energy at microwave frequencies. These wavelengths are sensitive to the dielectric properties and structural characteristics of targets, and less affected by weather conditions than sensors that operate in optical wavelengths. Given these advantages, SARs are appealing for use in operational crop growth monitoring. Engineering advancements in SAR technologies, new processing algorithms, and the availability of open-access SAR data, have led to the recent acceleration in the uptake of this technology to map and monitor Earth systems. The exploitation of SAR is now demonstrated in a wide range of operational land applications, including the mapping and monitoring of agricultural ecosystems. This chapter provides an overview of—(1) recent advancements in SAR systems; (2) a summary of SAR information sources, followed by the applications in crop monitoring including crop classification, crop parameter estimation, and change detection; and (3) summary and perspectives for future application development

    Urban morphology analysis by remote sensing and gis technique, case study: Georgetown, Penang

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    This paper was analysed the potential of applications of satellite remote sensing to urban planning research in urban morphology. Urban morphology is the study of the form of human settlements and the process of their formation and transformation. It is an approach in designing urban form that considers both physical and spatial components of the urban structure. The study conducted in Georgetown, Penang purposely main to identify the evolution of urban morphology and the land use expansion. In addition, Penang is well known for its heritage character, especially in the city of Georgetown with more than 200 years of urban history. Four series of temporal satellite SPOT 5 J on year 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2014 have been used in detecting an expansion of land use development aided by ERDAS IMAGINE 2014. Three types of land uses have been classified namely build-up areas, un-built and water bodies show a good accuracy with achieved above 85%. The result shows the built-up area significantly increased due to the rapid development in urban areas. Simultaneously, this study provides an understanding and strengthening a relation between urban planning and remote sensing applications in creating sustainable and resilience of the city and future societies as well

    Remote sensing environmental change in southern African savannahs : a case study of Namibia

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    Savannah biomes cover a fifth of Earth’s surface, harbour many of the world’s most iconic species and most of its livestock and rangeland, while sustaining the livelihoods of an important proportion of its human population. They provide essential ecosystem services and functions, ranging from forest, grazing and water resources, to global climate regulation and carbon sequestration. However, savannahs are highly sensitive to human activities and climate change. Across sub-Saharan Africa, climatic shifts, destructive wars and increasing anthropogenic disturbances in the form of agricultural intensification and urbanization, have resulted in widespread land degradation and loss of ecosystem services. Yet, these threatened ecosystems are some of the least studied or protected, and hence should be given high conservation priority. Importantly, the scale of land degradation has not been fully explored, thereby comprising an important knowledge gap in our understanding of ecosystem services and processes, and effectively impeding conservation and management of these biodiversity hotspots. The primary drivers of land degradation include deforestation, triggered by the increasing need for urban and arable land, and concurrently, shrub encroachment, a process in which the herbaceous layer, a defining characteristic of savannahs, is replaced with hardy shrubs. These processes have significant repercussions on ecosystem service provision, both locally and globally, although the extents, drivers and impacts of either remain poorly quantified and understood. Additionally, regional aridification anticipated under climate change, will lead to important shifts in vegetation composition, amplified warming and reduced carbon sequestration. Together with a growing human population, these processes are expected to compound the risk of land degradation, thus further impacting key ecosystem services. Namibia is undergoing significant environmental and socio-economic changes. The most pervasive change processes affecting its savannahs are deforestation, degradation and shrub encroachment. Yet, the extent and drivers of such change processes are not comprehensively quantified, nor are the implications for rural livelihoods, sustainable land management, the carbon cycle, climate and conservation fully explored. This is partly due to the complexities of mapping vegetation changes with satellite data in savannahs. They are naturally spatially and temporally variable owing to erratic rainfall, divergent plant functional type phenologies and extensive anthropogenic impacts such as fire and grazing. Accordingly, this thesis aims to (i) quantify distinct vegetation change processes across Namibia, and (ii) develop methodologies to overcome limitations inherent in savannah mapping. Multi-sensor satellite data spanning a range of spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions are integrated with field datasets to achieve these aims, which are addressed in four journal articles. Chapters 1 and 2 are introductory. Chapter 3 exploits the Landsat archive to track changes in land cover classes over five decades throughout the Namibian Kalahari woodlands. The approach addresses issues implicit in change detection of savannahs by capturing the distinct phenological phases of woody vegetation and integrating multi-sensor, multi-source data. Vegetation extent was found to have decreased due to urbanization and small-scale arable farming. An assessment of the limitations leads to Chapter 4, which elaborates on the previous chapter by quantifying aboveground biomass changes associated with deforestation and shrub encroachment. The approach centres on fusing multiple satellite datasets, each acting as a proxy for distinct vegetation properties, with calibration/validation data consisting of concurrent field and LiDAR measurements. Biomass losses predominate, demonstrating the contribution of land management to ecosystem carbon changes. To identify whether biomass is declining across the country, Chapter 5 focuses on regional, moderate spatial resolution time-series analyses. Phenological metrics extracted from MODIS data are used to model observed fractional woody vegetation cover, a proxy for biomass. Trends in modelled fractional woody cover are then evaluated in relation to the predominant land-uses and precipitation. Negative trends slightly outweighed positive trends, with decreases arising largely in protected, urban and communal areas. Since precipitation is a fundamental control on vegetation, Chapter 6 investigates its relation to NDVI, by assessing to what extent observed trends in vegetation cover are driven by rainfall. NDVI is modelled as a function of precipitation, with residuals assumed to describe the fraction of NDVI not explained by rainfall. Mean annual rainfall and rainfall amplitude show a positive trend, although extensive “greening” is unrelated to rainfall. NDVI amplitude, used as a proxy for vegetation density, indicates a widespread shift to a denser condition. In Chapter 7, trend analysis is applied to a Landsat time-series to overcome spatial and temporal limitations characteristic of the previous approaches. Results, together with those of the previous chapters, are synthesized and a synopsis of the main findings is presented. Vegetation loss is predominantly caused by demand for urban and arable land. Greening trends are attributed to shrub encroachment and to a lesser extent conservation laws, agroforestry and rangeland management, with precipitation presenting little influence. Despite prevalent greening, degradation processes associated with shrub encroachment, including soil erosion, are likely to be widespread. Deforestation occurs locally while shrub encroachment occurs regionally. This thesis successfully integrates multi-source data to map, measure and monitor distinct change processes across scales

    Applications of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in Chinese agriculture:Challenges and opportunities

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    Ensuring adequate food supplies to a large and increasing population continues to be the key challenge for China. Given the increasing integration of China within global markets for agricultural products, this issue is of considerable significance for global food security. Over the last 50 years, China has increased the production of its staple crops mainly by increasing yield per unit land area. However, this has largely been achieved through inappropriate agricultural practices, which have caused environmental degradation, with deleterious consequences for future agricultural productivity. Hence, there is now a pressing need to intensify agriculture in China using practices that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Given the dynamic nature of crops over space and time, the use of remote sensing technology has proven to be a valuable asset providing end-users in many countries with information to guide sustainable agricultural practices. Recently, the field has experienced considerable technological advancements reflected in the availability of ‘hyper-sensing’ (high spectral, spatial and temporal) satellite imagery useful for monitoring, modelling and mapping of agricultural crops. However, there still remains a significant challenge in fully exploiting such technologies for addressing agricultural problems in China. This review paper evaluates the potential contributions of satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ to agriculture in China and identifies the opportunities and challenges for future work. We perform a critical evaluation of current capabilities in satellite ‘hyper-sensing’ in agriculture with an emphasis on Chinese sensors. Our analysis draws on a series of in-depth examples based on recent and on-going projects in China that are developing ‘hyper-sensing’ approaches for (i) measuring crop phenology parameters and predicting yields; (ii) specifying crop fertiliser requirements; (iii) optimising management responses to abiotic and biotic stress in crops; (iv) maximising yields while minimising water use in arid regions; (v) large-scale crop/cropland mapping; and (vi) management zone delineation. The paper concludes with a synthesis of these application areas in order to define the requirements for future research, technological innovation and knowledge exchange in order to deliver yield sustainability in China

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Remote sensing for biodiversity monitoring: a review of methods for biodiversity indicator extraction and assessment of progress towards international targets

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    Recognizing the imperative need for biodiversity protection, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has recently established new targets towards 2020, the so-called Aichi targets, and updated proposed sets of indicators to quantitatively monitor the progress towards these targets. Remote sensing has been increasingly contributing to timely, accurate, and cost-effective assessment of biodiversity-related characteristics and functions during the last years. However, most relevant studies constitute individual research efforts, rarely related with the extraction of widely adopted CBD biodiversity indicators. Furthermore, systematic operational use of remote sensing data by managing authorities has still been limited. In this study, the Aichi targets and the related CBD indicators whose monitoring can be facilitated by remote sensing are identified. For each headline indicator a number of recent remote sensing approaches able for the extraction of related properties are reviewed. Methods cover a wide range of fields, including: habitat extent and condition monitoring; species distribution; pressures from unsustainable management, pollution and climate change; ecosystem service monitoring; and conservation status assessment of protected areas. The advantages and limitations of different remote sensing data and algorithms are discussed. Sorting of the methods based on their reported accuracies is attempted, when possible. The extensive literature survey aims at reviewing highly performing methods that can be used for large-area, effective, and timely biodiversity assessment, to encourage the more systematic use of remote sensing solutions in monitoring progress towards the Aichi targets, and to decrease the gaps between the remote sensing and management communities

    Evaluation of low-cost Earth observations to scale-up national forest monitoring in Miombo Woodlands of Malawi

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    This study explored the extent that low-cost Earth Observations (EO) data could effectively be combined with in-situ tree-level measurements to support national estimates of Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and Carbon (C) in Malawi’s Miombo Woodlands. The specific objectives were to; (i) investigate the effectiveness of low-cost optical UAV orthomosaics in geo-locating individual trees and estimating AGB and C, (ii) scale-up the AGB estimates using the canopy height model derived from the UAV imagery, and crown diameter measurements; and (iii) compare results from (ii), ALOS-PALSAR-2, Sentinel1, ESA CCI Biomass Map datasets, and Sentinel 2 vis/NIR/SWIR band combination datasets in mapping biomass. Data were acquired in 2019 from 13 plots over Ntchisi Forest in 3-fold, vis-a-vis; (i) individual tree measurements from 0.1ha ground-based (gb) plots, (ii) 3-7cm pixel resolution optical airborne imagery from 50ha plots, and (iii) SAR backscatter and Vis/NIR/SWIR bands imagery. Results demonstrate a strong correlational relationship (R2 = 0.7, RMSE = 11tCha-1) between gb AGB and gb fractional cover percent (FC %), more importantly (R2 = 0.7) between gb AGB and UAV-based FC. Similarly, another set of high correlation (R2 = 0.9, RMSE = 7tCha-1; R2 = 0.8, RMSE = 8tCha-1; and R2 = 0.7) was observed between the gb AGB and EO-based AGB from; (i) ALOS-PALSAR-2, (ii) ESA-CCI-Biomass Map, and (iii) S1-C-band, respectively. Under the measurement conditions, these findings reveal that; (i) FC is more indicative of AGB and C pattern than CHM, (ii) the UAV can collect optical data of very high resolution (3-7cm resolution with ±13m horizontal geolocation error), and (iii) provides the cost-effective means of bridging the ground datasets to the wall-to-wall satellite EO data (£7 ha-1 compared to £30 ha-1, per person, provided by the gb system). The overall better performance of the SAR backscatter (R2 = 0.7 to 0.9) establishes the suitability of the SAR backscatter to infer the Miombo AGB and fractional cover with high accuracy. However, the following factors compromised the accuracy for both the SAR and optical measurements; leaf-off and seasonality (fire, aridness), topography (steep slopes of 18-74%), and sensing angle. Inversely, the weak to moderate correlation observed between the gb height and UAV FC % measurements (R2 = 0.4 to 0.7) are attributable to the underestimation systematic error that UAV height datasets are associated with. The visual lacunarity analysis on S2-Vis/NIR/SWIR composite band and SAR backscatter measurements demonstrated robust, consistent and homogenous spatial crown patterns exhibited particularly by the leaf-on tree canopies along riverine tree belts and cohorts. These results reveal the potential of vis/NIR/SWIR band combination in determining the effect of fire, rock outcrops and bare land/soil common in these woodlands. Coarsening the EO imagery to ≥50m pixel resolution compromised the accuracy of the estimations, hence <50m resolution is the ideal scale for these Miombo. Careful consideration of the aforementioned factors and incorporation of FC parameter in during estimation of AGB and C will go a long way in not only enhancing the accuracy of the measurements, but also in bolstering Malawi’s NFMS standards to yield carbon off-set payments under the global REDD+ mechanism