10 research outputs found

    Cyclebase.org—a comprehensive multi-organism online database of cell-cycle experiments

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    The past decade has seen the publication of a large number of cell-cycle microarray studies and many more are in the pipeline. However, data from these experiments are not easy to access, combine and evaluate. We have developed a centralized database with an easy-to-use interface, Cyclebase.org, for viewing and downloading these data. The user interface facilitates searches for genes of interest as well as downloads of genome-wide results. Individual genes are displayed with graphs of expression profiles throughout the cell cycle from all available experiments. These expression profiles are normalized to a common timescale to enable inspection of the combined experimental evidence. Furthermore, state-of-the-art computational analyses provide key information on both individual experiments and combined datasets such as whether or not a gene is periodically expressed and, if so, the time of peak expression. Cyclebase is available at http://www.cyclebase.org

    Nonlinear Model-Based Method for Clustering Periodically Expressed Genes

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    Clustering periodically expressed genes from their time-course expression data could help understand the molecular mechanism of those biological processes. In this paper, we propose a nonlinear model-based clustering method for periodically expressed gene profiles. As periodically expressed genes are associated with periodic biological processes, the proposed method naturally assumes that a periodically expressed gene dataset is generated by a number of periodical processes. Each periodical process is modelled by a linear combination of trigonometric sine and cosine functions in time plus a Gaussian noise term. A two stage method is proposed to estimate the model parameter, and a relocation-iteration algorithm is employed to assign each gene to an appropriate cluster. A bootstrapping method and an average adjusted Rand index (AARI) are employed to measure the quality of clustering. One synthetic dataset and two biological datasets were employed to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results show that our method allows the better quality clustering than other clustering methods (e.g., k-means) for periodically expressed gene data, and thus it is an effective cluster analysis method for periodically expressed gene data

    Analyzing circadian expression data by harmonic regression based on autoregressive spectral estimation

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    Motivation: Circadian rhythms are prevalent in most organisms. Identification of circadian-regulated genes is a crucial step in discovering underlying pathways and processes that are clock-controlled. Such genes are largely detected by searching periodic patterns in microarray data. However, temporal gene expression profiles usually have a short time-series with low sampling frequency and high levels of noise. This makes circadian rhythmic analysis of temporal microarray data very challenging

    Transcriptome Phase Distribution Analysis Reveals Diurnal Regulated Biological Processes and Key Pathways in Rice Flag Leaves and Seedling Leaves

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    Plant diurnal oscillation is a 24-hour period based variation. The correlation between diurnal genes and biological pathways was widely revealed by microarray analysis in different species. Rice (Oryza sativa) is the major food staple for about half of the world's population. The rice flag leaf is essential in providing photosynthates to the grain filling. However, there is still no comprehensive view about the diurnal transcriptome for rice leaves. In this study, we applied rice microarray to monitor the rhythmically expressed genes in rice seedling and flag leaves. We developed a new computational analysis approach and identified 6,266 (10.96%) diurnal probe sets in seedling leaves, 13,773 (24.08%) diurnal probe sets in flag leaves. About 65% of overall transcription factors were identified as flag leaf preferred. In seedling leaves, the peak of phase distribution was from 2:00am to 4:00am, whereas in flag leaves, the peak was from 8:00pm to 2:00am. The diurnal phase distribution analysis of gene ontology (GO) and cis-element enrichment indicated that, some important processes were waken by the light, such as photosynthesis and abiotic stimulus, while some genes related to the nuclear and ribosome involved processes were active mostly during the switch time of light to dark. The starch and sucrose metabolism pathway genes also showed diurnal phase. We conducted comparison analysis between Arabidopsis and rice leaf transcriptome throughout the diurnal cycle. In summary, our analysis approach is feasible for relatively unbiased identification of diurnal transcripts, efficiently detecting some special periodic patterns with non-sinusoidal periodic patterns. Compared to the rice flag leaves, the gene transcription levels of seedling leaves were relatively limited to the diurnal rhythm. Our comprehensive microarray analysis of seedling and flag leaves of rice provided an overview of the rice diurnal transcriptome and indicated some diurnal regulated biological processes and key functional pathways in rice

    Department of Computer Science Activity 1998-2004

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    This report summarizes much of the research and teaching activity of the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College between late 1998 and late 2004. The material for this report was collected as part of the final report for NSF Institutional Infrastructure award EIA-9802068, which funded equipment and technical staff during that six-year period. This equipment and staff supported essentially all of the department\u27s research activity during that period

    Computational methods for analysis and modeling of time-course gene expression data

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    Genes encode proteins, some of which in turn regulate other genes. Such interactions make up gene regulatory relationships or (dynamic) gene regulatory networks. With advances in the measurement technology for gene expression and in genome sequencing, it has become possible to measure the expression level of thousands of genes simultaneously in a cell at a series of time points over a specific biological process. Such time-course gene expression data may provide a snapshot of most (if not all) of the interesting genes and may lead to a better understanding gene regulatory relationships and networks. However, inferring either gene regulatory relationships or networks puts a high demand on powerful computational methods that are capable of sufficiently mining the large quantities of time-course gene expression data, while reducing the complexity of the data to make them comprehensible. This dissertation presents several computational methods for inferring gene regulatory relationships and gene regulatory networks from time-course gene expression. These methods are the result of the author’s doctoral study. Cluster analysis plays an important role for inferring gene regulatory relationships, for example, uncovering new regulons (sets of co-regulated genes) and their putative cis-regulatory elements. Two dynamic model-based clustering methods, namely the Markov chain model (MCM)-based clustering and the autoregressive model (ARM)-based clustering, are developed for time-course gene expression data. However, gene regulatory relationships based on cluster analysis are static and thus do not describe the dynamic evolution of gene expression over an observation period. The gene regulatory network is believed to be a time-varying system. Consequently, a state-space model for dynamic gene regulatory networks from time-course gene expression data is developed. To account for the complex time-delayed relationships in gene regulatory networks, the state space model is extended to be the one with time delays. Finally, a method based on genetic algorithms is developed to infer the time-delayed relationships in gene regulatory networks. Validations of all these developed methods are based on the experimental data available from well-cited public databases

    Phase-independent rhythmic analysis of genome-wide expression patterns

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    We introduce a model-based analysis technique for extracting and characterizing rhythmic expression profiles from genome-wide DNA microarray hybridization data. These patterns are clues to discovering rhythmic genes implicated in cell-cycle, circadian, or other biological processes. The algorithm, implemented in a program called RAGE (Rhythmic Analysis of Gene Expression), decouples the problems of estimating a pattern’s wavelength and phase. Our algorithm is linear-time in frequency and phase resolution, an improvement over previous quadratic-time approaches. Unlike previous approaches, RAGE uses a true distance metric for measuring expression profile similarity, based on the Hausdorff distance. This results in better clustering of expression profiles for rhythmic analysis. The confidence of each frequency estimate is computed using Z-scores. We demonstrate that RAGE is superior to other techniques on synthetic and actual DNA microarray hybridization data. We also show how to replace the discretized phase search in our method with an exact (combinatorially precise) phase search, resulting in a faster algorithm with no complexity dependence on phase resolution. Key words: T he 1

    Abstract Phase-Independent Rhythmic Analysis of Genome-Wide Expression Patterns

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    We introduce a model-based analysis technique for extracting and characterizing rhythmic expression profiles from genome-wide DNA microarray hybridization data. These patterns are clues to discovering rhythmic genes implicated in cell-cycle, circadian, or other biological processes. The algorithm, implemented in a program called rage (Rhythmic Analysis of Gene Expression), decouples the problems of estimating a pattern’s periodicity and phase. Our algorithm is linear-time in frequency and phase resolution, an improvement over previous quadratic-time approaches. Unlike previous approaches, rage uses a true distance metric for measuring expression profile similarity, based on the Hausdorff distance. This results in better clustering of expression profiles for rhythmic analysis. The confidence of each frequency estimate is computed using Z-scores. We demonstrate that rage is superior to other techniques on synthetic and actual DNA microarray hybridization data. We also show how to replace the discretized phase search in our method with an exact (combinatorially precise) phase search, resulting in a faster algorithm with no complexity dependence on phase resolution