14 research outputs found

    Phase-field approaches to structural topology optimization

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    The mean compliance minimization in structural topology optimization is solved with the help of a phase field approach. Two steepest descent approaches based on L2- and H-1 gradient flow dynamics are discussed. The resulting flows are given by Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard type dynamics coupled to a linear elasticity system. We finally compare numerical results obtained from the two different approaches

    Allen-Cahn and Cahn-Hilliard variational inequalities solved with Optimization Techniques

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    Parabolic variational inequalities of Allen-Cahn and Cahn- Hilliard type are solved using methods involving constrained optimization. Time discrete variants are formulated with the help of Lagrange multipliers for local and non-local equality and inequality constraints. Fully discrete problems resulting from finite element discretizations in space are solved with the help of a primal-dual active set approach. We show several numerical computations also involving systems of parabolic variational inequalities

    An extension of the projected gradient method to a Banach space setting with application in structural topology optimization

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    For the minimization of a nonlinear cost functional jj under convex constraints the relaxed projected gradient process φk+1=φk+αk(PH(φk−λk∇Hj(φk))−φk)\varphi_{k+1} = \varphi_{k} + \alpha_k(P_H(\varphi_{k}-\lambda_k \nabla_H j(\varphi_{k}))-\varphi_{k}) is a well known method. The analysis is classically performed in a Hilbert space HH. We generalize this method to functionals jj which are differentiable in a Banach space. Thus it is possible to perform e.g. an L2L^2 gradient method if jj is only differentiable in L∞L^\infty. We show global convergence using Armijo backtracking in αk\alpha_k and allow the inner product and the scaling λk\lambda_k to change in every iteration. As application we present a structural topology optimization problem based on a phase field model, where the reduced cost functional jj is differentiable in H1∩L∞H^1\cap L^\infty. The presented numerical results using the H1H^1 inner product and a pointwise chosen metric including second order information show the expected mesh independency in the iteration numbers. The latter yields an additional, drastic decrease in iteration numbers as well as in computation time. Moreover we present numerical results using a BFGS update of the H1H^1 inner product for further optimization problems based on phase field models

    Truncated nonsmooth Newton multigrid methods for simplex-constrained minimization problems

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    We present a multigrid method for the minimization of strongly convex functionals defined on a finite product of simplices. Such problems result, for example, from the discretization of multi-component phase-field problems. Our algorithm is globally convergent, requires no regularization parameters, and achieves multigrid convergence rates. We present numerical results for the vector-valued Allen--Cahn equation and observe that the convergence rate is independent from the temperature parameter and the number of components

    Topology optimization of multiple anisotropic materials, with application to self-assembling diblock copolymers

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    We propose a solution strategy for a multimaterial minimum compliance topology optimization problem, which consists in finding the optimal allocation of a finite number of candidate (possibly anisotropic) materials inside a reference domain, with the aim of maximizing the stiffness of the body. As a relevant and novel application we consider the optimization of self-assembled structures obtained by means of diblock copolymers. Such polymers are a class of self-assembling materials which spontaneously synthesize periodic microstructures at the nanoscale, whose anisotropic features can be exploited to build structures with optimal elastic response, resembling biological tissues exhibiting microstructures, such as bones and wood. For this purpose we present a new generalization of the classical Optimality Criteria algorithm to encompass a wider class of problems, where multiple candidate materials are considered, the orientation of the anisotropic materials is optimized, and the elastic properties of the materials are assumed to depend on a scalar parameter, which is optimized simultaneously to the material allocation and orientation. Well-posedness of the optimization problem and well-definition of the presented algorithm are narrowly treated and proved. The capabilities of the proposed method are assessed through several numerical tests

    A semismooth Newton method with analytical path-following for the H1H^1-projection onto the Gibbs simplex

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    An efficient, function-space-based second-order method for the H1H^1-projection onto the Gibbs-simplex is presented. The method makes use of the theory of semismooth Newton methods in function spaces as well as Moreau-Yosida regularization and techniques from parametric optimization. A path-following technique is considered for the regularization parameter updates. A rigorous first and second-order sensitivity analysis of the value function for the regularized problem is provided to justify the update scheme. The viability of the algorithm is then demonstrated for two applications found in the literature: binary image inpainting and labeled data classification. In both cases, the algorithm exhibits mesh-independent behavior

    Topology optimization subject to additive manufacturing constraints

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    In Topology Optimization the goal is to find the ideal material distribution in a domain subject to external forces. The structure is optimal if it has the highest possible stiffness. A volume constraint ensures filigree structures, which are regulated via a Ginzburg-Landau term. During 3D Printing overhangs lead to instabilities, which have only been tackled unsatisfactorily. The novel idea is to incorporate an Additive Manufacturing Constraint into the phase field method. A rigorous analysis proves the existence of a solution and leads to first order necessary optimality conditions. With an Allen-Cahn interface propagation the optimization problem is solved iteratively. At a low computational cost the Additive Manufacturing Constraint brings about support structures, which can be fine tuned according to engineering demands. Stability during 3D Printing is assured, which solves a common Additive Manufacturing problem

    Sharp interface limit for a phase field model in structural optimization

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    We formulate a general shape and topology optimization problem in structural optimization by using a phase field approach. This problem is considered in view of well-posedness and we derive optimality conditions. We relate the diffuse interface problem to a perimeter penalized sharp interface shape optimization problem in the sense of T-convergence of the reduced objective functional. Additionally, convergence of the equations of the first variation can be shown. The limit equations can also be derived directly from the problem in the sharp interface setting. Numerical computations demonstrate that the approach can be applied for complex structural optimization problems