647 research outputs found

    Phase-based tuning for better utilized performance-asymmetric multicores

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    The latest trend towards performance asymmetry among cores on a single chip of a multicore processor is posing new software engineering challenges for developers. A key challenge is that for effective utilization of these performance-asymmetric multicore processors, application threads must be assigned to cores such that the resource needs of a thread closely matches resource availability at the assigned core. Determining this assignment manually is tedious, error prone, and it significantly complicates software development. We contribute a transparent and fully-automatic program analysis, which we call phase-guided tuning, to solve this problem. Phase-guided tuning adapts an application to effectively utilize performance-asymmetric cores of a processor. Our technique does not require any changes in the compiler or operating system, thus it is easy to deploy in existing tool chains. It does not require any input from the programmer except the application. Furthermore, it is independent of the characteristics (performance-asymmetry) of the target multicore processor, which has two benefits. First, it avoids the need to create multiple customizations of the binary for each target architecture, and second it relieves the programmer of the burden of anticipating the target architecture. Last but not least, our technique significantly improves performance. Compared to the stock Linux scheduler, our best technique shows 215% improvement in throughput and 36% average process speedup, while maintaining fairness and with negligible overheads

    Phase-based Tuning for Better Utilized Multicores

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    The latest trend towards performance asymmetry among cores on a single chip of a multicore processor is posing new software engineering challenges for developers. A key challenge is that for effective utilization of these performance-asymmetric multicore processors, code sections of a program must be assigned to cores such that the resource needs of a section closely matches resource availability at the assigned core. Determining this assignment manually is tedious, error prone, and it significantly complicates software development. We contribute a transparent and fully-automatic program analysis, which we call phase-based tuning, to solve this problem. Phase-based tuning adapts an application to effectively utilize performance-asymmetric cores of a processor. Our technique does not require any changes in the compiler or operating system, thus it is easy to deploy in existing tool chains. It does not require any input from the programmer except the application. Furthermore, it is independent of the characteristics (performance-asymmetry) of the target multicore processor, which has two benefits. First, it avoids the need to create multiple customizations of the binary for each target architecture, and second it relieves the programmer of the burden of anticipating the target architecture. Last but not least, our technique significantly improves performance. Compared to the stock Linux scheduler, our best technique shows 36% average process speedup, while maintaining fairness and with negligible overheads

    Exploiting heterogeneity in Chip-Multiprocessor Design

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    In the past decade, semiconductor manufacturers are persistent in building faster and smaller transistors in order to boost the processor performance as projected by Moore’s Law. Recently, as we enter the deep submicron regime, continuing the same processor development pace becomes an increasingly difficult issue due to constraints on power, temperature, and the scalability of transistors. To overcome these challenges, researchers propose several innovations at both architecture and device levels that are able to partially solve the problems. These diversities in processor architecture and manufacturing materials provide solutions to continuing Moore’s Law by effectively exploiting the heterogeneity, however, they also introduce a set of unprecedented challenges that have been rarely addressed in prior works. In this dissertation, we present a series of in-depth studies to comprehensively investigate the design and optimization of future multi-core and many-core platforms through exploiting heteroge-neities. First, we explore a large design space of heterogeneous chip multiprocessors by exploiting the architectural- and device-level heterogeneities, aiming to identify the optimal design patterns leading to attractive energy- and cost-efficiencies in the pre-silicon stage. After this high-level study, we pay specific attention to the architectural asymmetry, aiming at developing a heterogeneity-aware task scheduler to optimize the energy-efficiency on a given single-ISA heterogeneous multi-processor. An advanced statistical tool is employed to facilitate the algorithm development. In the third study, we shift our concentration to the device-level heterogeneity and propose to effectively leverage the advantages provided by different materials to solve the increasingly important reliability issue for future processors

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    PMCTrack: Delivering performance monitoring counter support to the OS scheduler

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    Hardware performance monitoring counters (PMCs) have proven effective in characterizing application performance. Because PMCs can only be accessed directly at the OS privilege level, kernellevel tools must be developed to enable the end-user and userspace programs to access PMCs. A large body of work has demonstrated that the OS can perform effective runtime optimizations in multicore systems by leveraging performance-counter data. Special attention has been paid to optimizations in the OS scheduler. While existing performance monitoring tools greatly simplify the collection of PMC application data from userspace, they do not provide an architecture-agnostic kernel-level mechanism that is capable of exposing high-level PMC metrics to OS components, such as the scheduler. As a result, the implementation of PMC-based OS scheduling schemes is typically tied to specific processor models. To address this shortcoming we present PMCTrack, a novel tool for the Linux kernel that provides a simple architecture-independent mechanism that makes it possible for the OS scheduler to access per-thread PMC data. Despite being an OSoriented tool, PMCTrack still allows the gathering of monitoring data from userspace, enabling kernel developers to carry out the necessary offline analysis and debugging to assist them during the scheduler design process. In addition, the tool provides both the OS and the user-space PMCTrack components with other insightful metrics available in modern processors and which are not directly exposed as PMCs, such as cache occupancy or energy consumption. This information is also of great value when it comes to analyzing the potential benefits of novel scheduling policies on real systems. In this paper, we analyze different case studies that demonstrate the flexibility, simplicity and powerful features of PMCTrack.Facultad de InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Heterogeneity-aware scheduling and data partitioning for system performance acceleration

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    Over the past decade, heterogeneous processors and accelerators have become increasingly prevalent in modern computing systems. Compared with previous homogeneous parallel machines, the hardware heterogeneity in modern systems provides new opportunities and challenges for performance acceleration. Classic operating systems optimisation problems such as task scheduling, and application-specific optimisation techniques such as the adaptive data partitioning of parallel algorithms, are both required to work together to address hardware heterogeneity. Significant effort has been invested in this problem, but either focuses on a specific type of heterogeneous systems or algorithm, or a high-level framework without insight into the difference in heterogeneity between different types of system. A general software framework is required, which can not only be adapted to multiple types of systems and workloads, but is also equipped with the techniques to address a variety of hardware heterogeneity. This thesis presents approaches to design general heterogeneity-aware software frameworks for system performance acceleration. It covers a wide variety of systems, including an OS scheduler targeting on-chip asymmetric multi-core processors (AMPs) on mobile devices, a hierarchical many-core supercomputer and multi-FPGA systems for high performance computing (HPC) centers. Considering heterogeneity from on-chip AMPs, such as thread criticality, core sensitivity, and relative fairness, it suggests a collaborative based approach to co-design the task selector and core allocator on OS scheduler. Considering the typical sources of heterogeneity in HPC systems, such as the memory hierarchy, bandwidth limitations and asymmetric physical connection, it proposes an application-specific automatic data partitioning method for a modern supercomputer, and a topological-ranking heuristic based schedule for a multi-FPGA based reconfigurable cluster. Experiments on both a full system simulator (GEM5) and real systems (Sunway Taihulight Supercomputer and Xilinx Multi-FPGA based clusters) demonstrate the significant advantages of the suggested approaches compared against the state-of-the-art on variety of workloads."This work is supported by St Leonards 7th Century Scholarship and Computer Science PhD funding from University of St Andrews; by UK EPSRC grant Discovery: Pattern Discovery and Program Shaping for Manycore Systems (EP/P020631/1)." -- Acknowledgement

    Exploiting Heterogeneous Multicore Processors Through Fine-Grained Scheduling and Low-Overhead Thread Migration

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    Heterogeneous (also known as asymmetric) multicore processors (HMPs) offer significant advantages over homogeneous multicores in terms of both power and performance. Power-efficient cores can be paired with higher-performance cores to achieve advantageous power/performance tradeoffs. Particular cores could also be tailored to efficiently meet the demands of particular application domains. Unfortunately, HMPs also create unique challenges in effective mapping of running processes to cores. The greater the diversity of cores, the more complex this problem becomes.Existing dynamic scheduling approaches for HMPs fall into two categories: sampling and prediction. Sampling approaches permute running applications to across core types to find the best-performing assignment. This sampling step hurts performance and power due to time spent migrating threads through non-optimal assignments. Alternatively, prediction-based approaches estimate the performance for each application on different types of cores and choose the schedule with the best estimated performance. Prediction eliminates the cost of sampling but may result in sub-optimal scheduling decisions.This dissertation introduces new and novel phase-identification-based online schedulers for HMPs that combine aspects of both sampling and prediction approaches by identifying phases of execution (instruction sequences with similar behavior), sampling new phases, recognizing repeating phases and reusing recorded phase information to predict the best performing schedule and optimize the schedule for either performance or power consumption. While previous approaches utilized only phase-change detection to begin evaluating new schedules, the proposed approaches recognize the current phase of each executing thread and reuse phase information recorded in a Signature History Table when the same or similar behavior of programs reoccurs. This dissertation further proposes machine-learning based schedulers that learns effective scheduling policies using the same characteristics of these program phases.Exploiting differences between relatively short duration phases using the presented scheduling techniques results in frequent thread migrations that can harm performance. Operating system (OS) context switching can be time consuming. To reduce this context switching overhead, a context switching circuit that both accelerates thread switches among cores in HMPs and reduces switching cost within each core (multitasking) is further introduced in this work. This novel context switch circuit enables low-overhead hardware-level thread migration between cores on a chip and results in up to1380X speedup as compared to an OS context switch. Together with the presented scheduling approaches, this mechanism enables efficient and fine-grained scheduling for HMPs

    MURAC: A unified machine model for heterogeneous computers

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    Includes bibliographical referencesHeterogeneous computing enables the performance and energy advantages of multiple distinct processing architectures to be efficiently exploited within a single machine. These systems are capable of delivering large performance increases by matching the applications to architectures that are most suited to them. The Multiple Runtime-reconfigurable Architecture Computer (MURAC) model has been proposed to tackle the problems commonly found in the design and usage of these machines. This model presents a system-level approach that creates a clear separation of concerns between the system implementer and the application developer. The three key concepts that make up the MURAC model are a unified machine model, a unified instruction stream and a unified memory space. A simple programming model built upon these abstractions provides a consistent interface for interacting with the underlying machine to the user application. This programming model simplifies application partitioning between hardware and software and allows the easy integration of different execution models within the single control ow of a mixed-architecture application. The theoretical and practical trade-offs of the proposed model have been explored through the design of several systems. An instruction-accurate system simulator has been developed that supports the simulated execution of mixed-architecture applications. An embedded System-on-Chip implementation has been used to measure the overhead in hardware resources required to support the model, which was found to be minimal. An implementation of the model within an operating system on a tightly-coupled reconfigurable processor platform has been created. This implementation is used to extend the software scheduler to allow for the full support of mixed-architecture applications in a multitasking environment. Different scheduling strategies have been tested using this scheduler for mixed-architecture applications. The design and implementation of these systems has shown that a unified abstraction model for heterogeneous computers provides important usability benefits to system and application designers. These benefits are achieved through a consistent view of the multiple different architectures to the operating system and user applications. This allows them to focus on achieving their performance and efficiency goals by gaining the benefits of different execution models during runtime without the complex implementation details of the system-level synchronisation and coordination
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