170 research outputs found


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    Ultra-Wideband (UWB) chirp generators are used on Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar systems for high-resolution and high-accuracy range measurements. At the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), we have developed two UWB radar sensors for high resolution measurements of surface elevation and snow cover over Greenland and Antarctica. These radar systems are routinely operated from both surface and airborne platforms. Low cost implementations of UWB chirp generators are possible using an UWB Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). VCOs possess several advantages over other competing technologies, but their frequency-voltage tuning characteristics are inherently non-linear. This nonlinear relationship between the tuning voltage and the output frequency should be corrected with a linearization system to implement a linear frequency modulated (LFM) waveform, also known as a chirp. If the waveform is not properly linearized, undesired additional frequency modulation is found in the waveform. This additional frequency modulation results in undesired sidebands at the frequency spectrum of the Intermediate Frequency (IF) stage of the FMCW radar. Since the spectrum of the filtered IF stage represents the measured range, the uncorrected nonlinear behavior of the VCO will cause a degradation of the range sensing performance of a FMCW radar. This issue is intensified as the chirp rate and nominal range of the target increase. A linearization method has been developed to linearize the output of a VCO-based chirp generator with 6 GHz of bandwidth. The linearization system is composed of a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) and an external compensation added to the loop. The nonlinear behavior of the VCO was treated as added disturbances to the loop, and a wide loop bandwidth PLL was designed for wideband compensation of these disturbances. Moreover, the PLL requires a loop filter able to attenuate the reference spurs. The PLL has been designed with a loop bandwidth as wide as possible while maintaining the reference spur level below 35 dBc. Several design considerations were made for the large loop bandwidth design. Furthermore, the large variations in the tuning sensitivity of the oscillator forced a design with a large phase margin at the average tuning sensitivity. This design constraint degraded the tracking performance of the PLL. A second compensation signal, externally generated, was added to the compensation signal of the PLL. By adding a compensation signal, which was not affected by the frequency response effects of the loop compensation, the loop tracking error is reduced. This technique enabled us to produce an output chirp signal that is a much closer replica of the scaled version of the reference signal. Furthermore, a type 1 PLL was chosen for improved transient response, compared to that of the type 2 PLL. This type of PLL requires an external compensation to obtain a finite steady state error when applying a frequency ramp to the input. The external compensation signal required to solve this issue was included in the second compensation signal mentioned above. Measurements for the PLL performance and the chirp generator performance were performed in the laboratory using a radar demonstrator. The experimental results show that the designed loop bandwidth was successfully achieved without significantly increasing the spurious signal level. The chirp generator measurements show a direct relationship between the bandwidth of the external compensation and the range resolution performance

    Bistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar Synchronization Processing

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    Direct digital synthesizers : theory, design and applications

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    Traditional designs of high bandwidth frequency synthesizers employ the use of a phase-locked-loop (PLL). A direct digital synthesizer (DDS) provides many significant advantages over the PLL approaches. Fast settling time, sub-Hertz frequency resolution, continuous-phase switching response and low phase noise are features easily obtainable in the DDS systems. Although the principle of the DDS has been known for many years, the DDS did not play a dominant role in wideband frequency generation until recent years. Earlier DDSs were limited to produce narrow bands of closely spaced frequencies, due to limitations of digital logic and D/A-converter technologies. Recent advantages in integrated circuit (IC) technologies have brought about remarkable progress in this area. By programming the DDS, adaptive channel bandwidths, modulation formats, frequency hopping and data rates are easily achieved. This is an important step towards a "software-radio" which can be used in various systems. The DDS could be applied in the modulator or demodulator in the communication systems. The applications of DDS are restricted to the modulator in the base station. The aim of this research was to find an optimal front-end for a transmitter by focusing on the circuit implementations of the DDS, but the research also includes the interface to baseband circuitry and system level design aspects of digital communication systems. The theoretical analysis gives an overview of the functioning of DDS, especially with respect to noise and spurs. Different spur reduction techniques are studied in detail. Four ICs, which were the circuit implementations of the DDS, were designed. One programmable logic device implementation of the CORDIC based quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulator was designed with a separate D/A converter IC. For the realization of these designs some new building blocks, e.g. a new tunable error feedback structure and a novel and more cost-effective digital power ramp generator, were developed.reviewe

    Optical Microwave Signal Generation for Data Transmission in Optical Networks

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    The massive growth of telecommunication services and the increasing global data traffic boost the development, implementation, and integration of different networks for data transmission. An example of this development is the optical fiber networks, responsible today for the inter-continental connection through long-distance links and high transfer rates. The optical networks, as well as the networks supported by other transmission media, use electrical signals at specific frequencies for the synchronization of the network elements. The quality of these signals is usually determined in terms of phase noise. Due to the major impact of the phase noise over the system performance, its value should be minimized. The research work presented in this document describes the design and implementation of an optoelectronic system for the microwave signal generation using a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and its integration into an optical data transmission system. Considering that the proposed system incorporates a directly modulated VCSEL, a theoretical and experimental characterization was developed based on the laser rate equations, dynamic and static measurements, and an equivalent electrical model of the active region. This procedure made possible the extraction of some VCSEL intrinsic parameters, as well as the validation and simulation of the VCSEL performance under specific modulation conditions. The VCSEL emits in C-band, this wavelength was selected because it is used in long-haul links. The proposed system is a self-initiated oscillation system caused by internal noise sources, which includes a VCSEL modulated in large signal to generate optical pulses (gain switching). The optical pulses, and the optical frequency comb associated, generate in electrical domain simultaneously a fundamental frequency (determined by a band-pass filter) and several harmonics. The phase noise measured at 10 kHz from the carrier at 1.25 GHz was -127.8 dBc/Hz, and it is the lowest value reported in the literature for this frequency and architecture. Both the jitter and optical pulse width were determined when different resonant cavities and polarization currents were employed. The lowest pulse duration was 85 ps and was achieved when the fundamental frequency was 2.5 GHz. As for the optical frequency comb, it was demonstrated that its flatness depends on the electrical modulation conditions. The flattest profiles are obtained when the fundamental frequency is higher than the VCSEL relaxation frequency. Both the electrical and the optical output of the system were integrated into an optical transmitter. The electrical signal provides the synchronization of the data generating equipment, whereas the optical pulses are employed as an optical carrier. Data transmissions at 155.52 Mb/s, 622.08 Mb/s and 1.25 Gb/s were experimentally validated. It was demonstrated that the fundamental frequency and harmonics could be extracted from the optical data signal transmitted by a band-pass filter. It was also experimentally proved that the pulsed return-to-zero (RZ) transmitter at 1.25 Gb/s, achieves bit error rates (BER) lower than 10−910^{-9} when the optical power at the receiver is higher than -33 dBm.La masificación de los servicios de telecomunicaciones y el creciente tráfico global de datos han impulsado el desarrollo, despliegue e integración de diferentes redes para la transmisión de datos. Un ejemplo de este despliegue son las redes de fibra óptica, responsables en la actualidad de la interconexión de los continentes a través de enlaces de grandes longitudes y altas tasas de transferencia. Las redes ópticas, al igual que las redes soportadas por otros medios de transmisión, utilizan señales eléctricas a frecuencias específicas para la sincronización de los elementos de red. La calidad de estas señales es determinante en el desempeño general del sistema, razón por la que su ruido de fase debe ser lo más pequeño posible. El trabajo de investigación presentado en este documento describe el diseño e implementación de un sistema optoelectrónico para la generación de señales microondas utilizando diodos láser de cavidad vertical (VCSEL) y su integración en un sistema de transmisión de datos óptico. Teniendo en cuenta que el sistema propuesto incorpora un láser VCSEL modulado directamente, se desarrolló una caracterización teórico-experimental basada en las ecuaciones de evolución del láser, mediciones dinámicas y estáticas, y un modelo eléctrico equivalente de la región activa. Este procedimiento posibilitó la extracción de algunos parámetros intrínsecos del VCSEL, al igual que la validación y simulación de su desempeño bajo diferentes condiciones de modulación. El VCSEL utilizado emite en banda C y fue seleccionado considerando que esta banda es comúnmente utilizada en enlaces de largo alcance. El sistema propuesto consiste en un lazo cerrado que inicia la oscilación gracias a las fuentes de ruido de los componentes y modula el VCSEL en gran señal para generar pulsos ópticos (conmutación de ganancia). Estos pulsos ópticos, que en el dominio de la frecuencia corresponden a un peine de frecuencia óptico, son detectados para generar simultáneamente una frecuencia fundamental (determinada por un filtro pasa banda) y varios armónicos. El ruido de fase medido a 10 kHz de la portadora a 1.25 GHz fue -127.8 dBc/Hz, y es el valor más bajo reportado en la literatura para esta frecuencia y arquitectura. Tanto la fluctuación de fase (jitter) y el ancho de los pulsos ópticos fueron determinados cuando diferentes cavidades resonantes y corrientes de polarización fueron empleadas. La duración de pulso más baja fue 85 ps y se obtuvo cuando la frecuencia fundamental del sistema era 2.5 GHz. En cuanto al peine de frecuencia óptico, se demostró que su planitud (flatness) depende de las condiciones eléctricas de modulación y que los perfiles más planos se obtienen cuando la frecuencia fundamental es superior a la frecuencia de relajación del VCSEL. Tanto la salida eléctrica como la salida óptica del sistema fueron integradas en un transmisor óptico. La señal eléctrica permite la sincronización de los equipos encargados de generar los datos, mientras que los pulsos ópticos son utilizados como portadora óptica. La transmisión de datos a 155.52 Mb/s, 622.08 Mb/s y 1.25 Gb/s fue validada experimentalmente. Se demostró que la frecuencia fundamental y los armónicos pueden ser extraídos de la señal óptica de datos transmitida mediante un filtro pasa banda. También se comprobó experimentalmente que el transmisor de datos pulsados con retorno a cero (RZ) a 1.25 Gb/s, logra tasas de error de bit (BER) menores a 10-9 cuando la potencia óptica en el receptor es mayor a -33 dBm.Gobernación de NariñoBPIN 2013000100092Doctorad

    Waveform generator for Software Defined Radio

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eléctrónica e TelecomunicaçõesEsta dissertação insere-se na área de eletrónica de radio frequência, mais concretamente na geração de sinal para caracterizar sistemas com a arquitetura Software Denned Radio (SDR). Esta arquitetura tem como conceito a definição de um rádio completamente ajustável por software, através de conversão de blocos de domínio análgico para digital. Atendendo a importância que as novas tecnologias têm nos dias de hoje, os sistemas SDR aparecem como uma solução, uma vez que tendem a diminuir a parte de hardware, aproximando a conversão para o domínio digital cada vez mais próxima da antena. Neste trabalho propõem-se duas implementações, um gerador CW (Continuous Wave) que tem como funções estimular um dispositivo sobre teste e ainda de actuar como oscilador local. A outra implementação assemelhando-se com a arquitetura de um gerador AWG (Arbitrary Waveform Generator) que terá como função originar dois tons para estimular um dispositivo sobre teste. A gama de frequências encontra-se entre os 40 e 1000 MHz.This dissertation is inserted into the area of radio frequency electronics, specially in signal generation to characterize systems with Software Defined Radio (SDR) architecture. This architecture has like a concept defining a radio completely adjustable by software, by converting blocks of the analog domain to the digital domain. This architecture has like a concept defining a radio completely adjustable by software, by converting blocks of the analog domain to the digital domain. Considering the importance that new technologies have nowadays, SDR systems appear as a solution since they tend to reduce the hardware part by approximating the conversion to the digital domain closer and closer to the antenna. In this work, two implementations are proposed, one is a CW (Continuous Wave) generator which has the function to stimulate a device under test and also to act as a local oscillator. In the other implementation, that has a similar architecture of an AWG (Arbitrary Waveform Generator) generator has as function generating two tones to stimulate a device under test

    Design of a Dual Band Local Positioning System

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    This work presents a robust dual band local positioning system (LPS) working in the 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz industrial science medical (ISM) bands. Position measurement is based on the frequency-modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar approach, which uses radio frequency (RF) chirp signals for propagation time and therefore distance measurements. Contrary to state of the art LPS, the presented system uses data from both bands to improve accuracy, precision and robustness. A complete system prototype is designed consisting of base stations and tags encapsulating most of the RF and analogue signal processing in custom integrated circuits. This design approach allows to reduce size and power consumption compared to a hybrid system using off-the-shelf components. Key components are implemented using concepts, which support operation in multiple frequency bands, namely, the receiver consisting of a low noise amplifier (LNA), mixer, frequency synthesizer with a wide band voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) having broadband chirp generation capabilities and a dual band power amplifier. System imperfections occurring in FMCW radar systems are modelled. Effects neglected in literature such as compression, intermodulation, the influence of automatic gain control, blockers and spurious emissions are modeled. The results are used to derive a specification set for the circuit design. Position estimation from measured distances is done using an enhanced version of the grid search algorithm, which makes use of data from multiple frequency bands. The algorithm is designed to be easily and efficiently implemented in embedded systems. Measurements show a coverage range of the system of at least 245m. Ranging accuracy in an outdoor scenario can be as low as 8.2cm. Comparative dual band position measurements prove an effective outlier filtering in indoor and outdoor scenarios compared to single band results, yielding in a large gain of accuracy. Positioning accuracy in an indoor scenario with an area of 276m² can be improved from 1.27m at 2.4GHz and 1.86m at 5.8GHz to only 0.38m in the dual band case, corresponding to an improvement by at least a factor of 3.3. In a large outdoor scenario of 4.8 km², accuracy improves from 1.88m at 2.4GHz and 5.93m at 5.8GHz to 0.68m with dual band processing, which is a factor of at least 2.8.Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Entwurf eines robusten lokalen Positionierungssystems (LPS), welches in den lizenzfreien Frequenzbereichen für industrielle, wissenschaftliche und medizinische Zwecke (industrial, scientific, medical, ISM) bei 2,4GHz und 5,8GHz arbeitet. Die Positionsbestimmung beruht auf dem Prinzip des frequenzmodulierten Dauerstrichradars (frequency modulated continuous wave, FMCW-Radar), welches hochfrequente Rampensignale für Laufzeitmessungen und damit Abstandsmessungen benutzt. Im Gegensatz zu aktuellen Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet benutzt das vorgestellte System Daten aus beiden Frequenzbändern zur Erhöhung der Genauigkeit und Präzision sowie Verbesserung der Robustheit. Ein Prototyp des kompletten Systems bestehend aus Basisstationen und mobilen Stationen wurde entworfen. Fast die gesamte analoge hochfrequente Signalverarbeitungskette wurde als anwendungsspezifische integrierte Schaltung realisiert. Verglichen mit Systemen aus Standardkomponenten erlaubt dieser Ansatz die Miniaturisierung der Systemkomponenten und die Einsparung von Leistung. Schlüsselkomponenten wurden mit Konzepten für mehrbandige oder breitbandige Schaltungen entworfen. Dabei wurden Sender und Empfänger bestehend aus rauscharmem Verstärker, Mischer und Frequenzsynthesizer mit breitbandiger Frequenzrampenfunktion implementiert. Außerdem wurde ein Leistungsverstärker für die gleichzeitige Nutzung der beiden definierten Frequenzbänder entworfen. Um Spezifikationen für den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten, wurden in der Fachliteratur vernachlässigte Nichtidealitäten von FMCW-Radarsystemen modelliert. Dazu gehören Signalverzerrungen durch Kompression oder Intermodulation, der Einfluss der automatischen Verstärkungseinstellung sowie schmalbandige Störer und Nebenschwingungen. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierung wurden benutzt, um eine Spezifikation für den Schaltungsentwurf zu erhalten. Die Schätzung der Position aus gemessenen Abständen wurde über eine erweiterte Version des Gittersuchalgorithmus erreicht. Dieser nutzt die Abstandsmessdaten aus beiden Frequenzbändern. Der Algorithmus ist so entworfen, dass er effizient in einem eingebetteten System implementiert werden kann. Messungen zeigen eine maximale Reichweite des Systems von mindestens 245m. Die Genauigkeit von Abstandsmessungen im Freiland beträgt 8,2cm. Positionsmessungen wurden unter Verwendung beider Einzelbänder durchgeführt und mit den Ergebnissen des Zweiband-Gittersuchalgorithmus verglichen. Damit konnte eine starke Verbesserung der Positionsgenauigkeit erreicht werden. Die Genauigkeit in einem Innenraum mit einer Grundfläche von 276m² kann verbessert werden von 1,27m bei 2,4GHz und 1,86m bei 5,8GHz zu nur 0,38m im Zweibandverfahren. Das entspricht einer Verbesserung um einen Faktor von mindestens 3,3. In einem größeren Außenszenario mit einer Fläche von 4,8 km² verbessert sich die Genauigkeit um einen Faktor von mindestens 2,8 von 1,88m bei 2,4GHz und 5,93m bei 5,8GHz auf 0,68m bei Nutzung von Daten aus beiden Frequenzbändern

    Remote vital signs monitoring using a mm-wave FMCW radar

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    A vision on the migration from contact standard health monitoring measurement devices to non-contact measurement technologies has gained a tremendous attention in literature and in industry. A promising method for realizing the remote measurement of vital signs is using electromagnetic radars such as frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars. However, using these radars has challenges to precisely acquire the respiration and heart rates. A solution for higher accurate measurement of the vital signs can be the use of mm-wave frequencies, which gives a high-resolution sensing of displacements in an environment in the order of sub-mm changes. On the other hand, being in mm-wave bands increases both hardware and signal processing designs and implementations. In this work, a mm-wave radar is used to monitor the breathing and the heart rates as well as their waveforms for further clinical diagnostics. To that end, we established a complete analysis of the FMCW radars principles by considering hardware impairments. The analysis considers the effect of antenna coupling, RF cross-talk, stationary clutters, phase noise, IQ imbalances, and the thermal noise. Also, the effect of the individual hardware imperfections on the phase quality is shown by simulations and experiments. The simulations are carried out with a Matlab Simulink model. For the experiments, Texas Instruments (TI) mm-wave FMCW radars have been used. To earn insight into vital signs monitoring, different experiments are designed. In the experiments, the effect of the thermal instability of the RF parts on the phase is shown. In addition, to mimic the behaviour of the chest vibration due to respiration and the heartbeats, a two-pendulum system is designed and tested. Particularly, the pendulum system performance in terms of vibration frequency estimations of the two pendulums versus distance is then measured. In the simulations, the system performance is obtained for different signal to noise ratios (SNR) and different phase noise levels, as well as different stationary clutters. Finally, to test the TI sensors for different directions to the subjects, Hexoskin smart garment is used as a reference sensor, which is a reliable commercial product. Our results show great system improvement in terms of accuracy of the vital signs detection in comparison to other similar research. For different sleep positions, the accuracy of HR and BR are greater than 94\% and 96\%, respectively. In addition to detecting the vital rates, we have shown that their waveforms can also be reconstructed by using an adaptive optimum filter

    Scattering Analysis and Ultra-Wideband Radar for High-Throughput Phenotyping of Wheat Canopies

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    Rising the yield of wheat crops is essential to meet the projected demands of future consumption and it is expected that most yield increases will be associated to improvements in biomass accumulation. Cultivars with canopy architectures that focus the light interception where photosynthetic-capacity is greater achieve larger biomass accumulation rates. Identifying varieties with improved traits could be performed with modern breeding methods, such as genomic-selection, which depend on genotype-phenotype mappings. Developing a non-destructive sensor with the capability of efficiently phenotyping wheat-canopy architecture parameters, such as height and vertical distribution of projected-leaf-area-density, would be useful for developing architecture-related genotype-phenotype maps of wheat cultivars. In this dissertation, new scattering analysis tools and a new 2-18 GHz radar system are presented for efficiently phenotyping the architecture of wheat canopies. The radar system presented was designed with the objective to measure the RCS profile of wheat canopies at close range. The frequency range (2-18 GHz), topology (Frequency-modulated-continuous-wave) and other radar parameters were chosen to meet that goal. Phase noise of self-interference signals is the main source of coherent and incoherent noise in FMCW radars. A new comprehensive noise analysis is presented, which predicts the power-spectral-density of the noise at the output of FMCW radars, including those related to phase noise. The new 2-18 GHz chirp generator is based on a phase-locked-loop that was designed with large loop bandwidth to suppress the phase noise of the chirp. Additionally, the radar RF front-end was designed to achieve low levels of LO-leakage and antenna feed-through, which are the main self-interference signals of FMCW radars. In addition to the radar system, a new efficient radar simulator was developed to predict the RCS waveforms collected from wheat canopies over the 2-18 GHz frequency range. The coherent radar simulator is based on novel geometric and fully-polarimetric scattering models of wheat canopies. The scattering models of wheat canopies, leaves with arbitrary orientation and curvature, stems and heads were validated using a full-wave commercial simulator and measurements. The radar simulator was used to derive retrieval algorithms of canopy height and projected-leaf-area-density from RCS profiles, which were tested with field-collected measurements. The retrieved heights and projected-leaf-area densities compare well against ruler measurements and image-based retrievals, respectively

    Linearization using Digital Predistortion of a High-Speed, Pulsed, Radio Frequency Power Amplifier for VHF Radar Depth-Sounder Systems

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    Depth-sounding radar systems provide the scientific data that are useful in modeling polar ice sheets and predicting sea-level rise. These radars are typically deployed on crewed aircraft; however, crewed missions over polar regions are difficult and dangerous. Thus, CReSIS is developing uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAVs) from which fine-resolution measurements can be made over vast areas. These fine-resolution measurements require highly linear power amplifiers (PAs) to create low range side-lobe levels. However, highly linear PAs are typically less efficient and require large and bulky heat sinks for heat dissipation, which increases the payload weight and decreases flight time. Furthermore, the linear FM chirp signal used for these radar systems creates Fresnel ripples and side-lobes will be generated when there are deviations from the ideal rectangular spectrum amplitude even with efficient windowing techniques, such as a Tukey window. Therefore, a 100 W, high-speed, pulsed, VHF power amplifier was developed and linearized using memoryless digital predistortion (DP) to obtain high linearity and high efficiency. The DP linearization decreased near-range side-lobe levels 11 dB from -46 dBc to -57 dBc, with a maximum reduction in the far-range side-lobe levels of 17 dB over the Tukey (transmit) and Blackmann2 (receive) windowing alone. The high-speed switching circuit reduced current consumption to 117 mA (or 3.28 W at +28 V) for a 10-us pulse at 1-kHz PRF

    Investigative Development of an UWB Radar for UAS-borne Applications

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    The engineering ethos of the last decade has been miniaturization. Progress in various industries like material design, semiconductor technology, and digital signal processing has resulted in low-profile electrical systems. This has facilitated the means of integration onto platforms. Sensors such as radars are typically large, heavy, and consume a lot of power. Miniaturization of radars can enable important applications like remote sensing the various aspects of the Earth System from Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). Information about natural topography like ice sheets, vegetation cover, and ocean currents can improve our understanding of the natural processes and continued measurements offer insight into the changes over time. Soil plays a vital role in the Earth’s hydrological cycle. The moisture in soil influences the weather, vegetation, and human endeavors like construction. Models are built using an extensive set of temporal soil moisture data to predict natural disasters like droughts, floods, and landslides. It plays a central role in the areas of agriculture and water resource management and hence can influence policy making and economic decisions. In this work, an investigative approach to the design, build, and test of a 2 – 18 GHz Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave radar for snow and soil measurements is reported. The radar system is designed to be integrated to the Vapor 55 rotorcraft, which is a Group 1 UAS. The radar can operate as a scatterometer to measure backscatter signatures in all four combinations of vertical and horizontal polarizations; or as a nadir-looking sounder for fine-resolution snow thickness measurements. One of the primary contributions of this work is the exploration of a single-module that integrates the radar’s RF transmitter, RF receiver, receiver’s IF section, wideband sweep generator, and the DC bias circuitry for the active components. The sweep generator is based on a phase-locked loop and frequency multiplication/translation stage. The compact assembly is in the form of two multilayer Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) merged together and it occupies an area of nearly 170 cm2. This thesis describes the design, construction, and testing of the module, along with recommendations for future revisions. A commercially off-the-shelf module (Arena series by Tomorrow.io, formerly Remote Sensing Solutions) is the digital backend and it consists of an Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) and a data acquisition system capable of sampling up to 250 MSPS. The module is low-profile with dimensions of 7.6 cm x 19.3 cm x 2.3 cm and weighs less than 400 g including the separate aluminum enclosure intended to be integrated with the radar’s RF and mixed-signal sections. A second contribution of this work is the design of a prototype antenna front-end, which consists of four four-element antenna arrays housed in a Delrin plastic fixture and are fed using custom-designed microstrip power dividers. The dimensions of the fixture are 13.7 cm x 5.9 cm x 5.5 cm and the uniform elemental distance is 2.5 cm. The arrays are fastened to a metal sheet and a custom-designed four-layer fiberglass composite fairing protects the arrays. The entire front-end is integrated on the rotorcraft and measured in an anechoic chamber. The measured, fully integrated return loss of each array covers 2 – 18 GHz and the highest value is -7.22 dB at 5.23 GHz. The radiation pattern shows a distinct nadir-pointing main lobe for nearly the entire bandwidth, however the effects of the platform increase the average side-lobe levels to less than 10 dB for 12 – 18 GHz. The measured maximum nadir gain is 15.88 dB at 10 GHz and there is a greater than 6 dB variation in magnitude within the bandwidth. This variation is compensated by processing the backscatter data over distinct sub-bands that have a maximum nadir gain variation of 6 dB. Lastly, the thesis describes two system tests conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a prototype radar with soil as the target. These are proof-of-concept measurements to detect differences in backscatter signatures between dry and wet soil. Gravimetric measurements of collected soil samples indicate an average change of 9.5% between the two moisture states. The antenna front-end is exclusively characterized using a Vector Network Analyzer and measurements are recorded for both co- and cross-polarization at three look angles of nadir, 15°, and 30°. The relative measurements are repeated on the same patch of land with a 1U version of the miniaturized radar. There are distinct differences in relative received power and backscatter profile for all four polarizations and at each look angle. It is observed that vertical polarization indicates a change in moisture content by an increase in the relative received power over an extended range beyond the primary backscatter signal. The horizontal polarization results in a greater peak received power for the primary backscatter signal, relative to the vertical polarization. The degradation in backscatter profile for vertical polarization is higher than horizontal polarization as a function of angle and this is observed for both dry and wet soil.The ETD Release form has been added to this record as a License bitstrea
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