4 research outputs found

    Joint Clustering and Registration of Functional Data

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    Curve registration and clustering are fundamental tools in the analysis of functional data. While several methods have been developed and explored for either task individually, limited work has been done to infer functional clusters and register curves simultaneously. We propose a hierarchical model for joint curve clustering and registration. Our proposal combines a Dirichlet process mixture model for clustering of common shapes, with a reproducing kernel representation of phase variability for registration. We show how inference can be carried out applying standard posterior simulation algorithms and compare our method to several alternatives in both engineered data and a benchmark analysis of the Berkeley growth data. We conclude our investigation with an application to time course gene expression

    Dissimilarity for functional data clustering based on smoothing parameter commutation.

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    Many studies measure the same type of information longitudinally on the same subject at multiple time points, and clustering of such functional data has many important applications. We propose a novel and easy method to implement dissimilarity measure for functional data clustering based on smoothing splines and smoothing parameter commutation. This method handles data observed at regular or irregular time points in the same way. We measure the dissimilarity between subjects based on varying curve estimates with pairwise commutation of smoothing parameters. The intuition is that smoothing parameters of smoothing splines reflect the inverse of the signal-to-noise ratios and that when applying an identical smoothing parameter the smoothed curves for two similar subjects are expected to be close. Our method takes into account the estimation uncertainty using smoothing parameter commutation and is not strongly affected by outliers. It can also be used for outlier detection. The effectiveness of our proposal is shown by simulations comparing it to other dissimilarity measures and by a real application to methadone dosage maintenance levels

    Phase and amplitude-based clustering for functional data

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    Functional data that are not perfectly aligned in the sense of not showing peaks and valleys at the precise same locations possess phase variation. This is commonly addressed by pre-processing the data via a warping procedure. As opposed to treating phase variation as a nuisance effect, we explicitly recognize it as a possible important source of information for clustering. We illustrate how results from a multiresolution warping procedure can be used for clustering. This approach allows to address detailed questions to find local clusters that differ in phase, or clusters that differ in amplitude, or both simultaneous.status: publishe