995 research outputs found

    Optical timing receiver for the NASA laser ranging system. Part 2: High precision time interval digitizer

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    The development of a high precision time interval digitizer is described. The time digitizer is a 10 psec resolution stop watch covering a range of up to 340 msec. The measured time interval is determined as a separation between leading edges of a pair of pulses applied externally to the start input and the stop input of the digitizer. Employing an interpolation techniques and a 50 MHz high precision master oscillator, the equivalent of a 100 GHz clock frequency standard is achieved. Absolute accuracy and stability of the digitizer are determined by the external 50 MHz master oscillator, which serves as a standard time marker. The start and stop pulses are fast 1 nsec rise time signals, according to the Nuclear Instrument means of tunnel diode discriminators. Firing level of the discriminator define start and stop points between which the time interval is digitized

    Axial resonances a1(1260), b1(1235) and their decays from the lattice

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    The light axial-vector resonances a1(1260)a_1(1260) and b1(1235)b_1(1235) are explored in Nf=2 lattice QCD by simulating the corresponding scattering channels ρπ\rho\pi and ωπ\omega\pi. Interpolating fields qˉq\bar{q} q and ρπ\rho\pi or ωπ\omega\pi are used to extract the s-wave phase shifts for the first time. The ρ\rho and ω\omega are treated as stable and we argue that this is justified in the considered energy range and for our parameters mπ266 m_\pi\simeq 266~MeV and L2 L\simeq 2~fm. We neglect other channels that would be open when using physical masses in continuum. Assuming a resonance interpretation a Breit-Wigner fit to the phase shift gives the a1(1260)a_1(1260) resonance mass ma1res=1.435(53)(109+0)m_{a1}^{res}=1.435(53)(^{+0}_{-109}) GeV compared to ma1exp=1.230(40)m_{a1}^{exp}=1.230(40) GeV. The a1a_1 width Γa1(s)=g2p/s\Gamma_{a1}(s)=g^2 p/s is parametrized in terms of the coupling and we obtain ga1ρπ=1.71(39)g_{a_1\rho\pi}=1.71(39) GeV compared to ga1ρπexp=1.35(30)g_{a_1\rho\pi}^{exp}=1.35(30) GeV derived from Γa1exp=425(175)\Gamma_{a1}^{exp}=425(175) MeV. In the b1b_1 channel, we find energy levels related to π(0)ω(0)\pi(0)\omega(0) and b1(1235)b_1(1235), and the lowest level is found at E1mω+mπE_1 \gtrsim m_\omega+m_\pi but is within uncertainty also compatible with an attractive interaction. Assuming the coupling gb1ωπg_{b_1\omega\pi} extracted from the experimental width we estimate mb1res=1.414(36)(83+0)m_{b_1}^{res}=1.414(36)(^{+0}_{-83}).Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, updated to match published versio

    SIRU development. Volume 1: System development

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    A complete description of the development and initial evaluation of the Strapdown Inertial Reference Unit (SIRU) system is reported. System development documents the system mechanization with the analytic formulation for fault detection and isolation processing structure; the hardware redundancy design and the individual modularity features; the computational structure and facilities; and the initial subsystem evaluation results

    Novel Systematic Phase Noise Reduction Techniques for Phase Interpolator Clock and Data Recovery

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    This work focused on high-speed source-synchronous clock and multi-channel data receivers for inter-chip communications. Designs of inter-chip communication are becoming increasingly difficult with the rise in clock rates and the reduction in voltage supplies. Data transmissions at rates of gigabits per second require a fast and accurate clock and data recovery system on the front end of receivers. Many designs allow for source-synchronous clocking architectures, but this work focused on a dual-loop with a phase-locked loop for frequency tracking and phase integrators for tracking each individual data lane. Limitations with the phase interpolator architecture cause systematic jitter, reducing the data eye. Various techniques exist that aim to reduce or eliminate this systematic jitter from phase interpolator architectures. A technique based on digital lock detection was developed for this work that eliminates the phase interpolator systematic jitter

    A high-resolution time interpolator based on a delay locked loop and an RC delay line

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    An architecture for a time interpolation circuit with an rms error of ~25 ps has been developed in a 0.7- mu m CMOS technology. It is based on a delay locked loop (DLL) driven by a 160-MHz reference clock and a passive RC delay line controlled by an autocalibration circuit. Start-up calibration of the RC delay line is performed using code density tests (CDT). The very small temperature/voltage dependence of R and C parameters and the self calibrating DLL results in a low- power, high-resolution time interpolation circuit in a standard digital CMOS technology. (11 refs)

    Time-to-digital converters and histogram builders in SPAD arrays for pulsed-LiDAR

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    Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is a 3D imaging technique widely used in many applications such as augmented reality, automotive, machine vision, spacecraft navigation and landing. Pulsed-LiDAR is one of the most diffused LiDAR techniques which relies on the measurement of the round-trip travel time of an optical pulse back-scattered from a distant target. Besides the light source and the detector, Time-to-Digital Converters (TDCs) are fundamental components in pulsed-LiDAR systems, since they allow to measure the back-scattered photon arrival times and their performance directly impact on LiDAR system requirements (i.e., range, precision, and measurements rate). In this work, we present a review of recent TDC architectures suitable to be integrated in SPAD-based CMOS arrays and a review of data processing solutions to derive the TOF information. Furthermore, main TDC parameters and processing techniques are described and analyzed considering pulsed-LiDAR requirements