5 research outputs found

    Deep Space Gateway Concept Science Workshop : February 27–March 1, 2018, Denver, Colorado

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    The purpose of this workshop is to discuss what science could be leveraged from a deep space gateway, as well as first-order determination of what instruments are required to acquire the scientific data.Institutional Support, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Universities Space Research Association ; Executive Committee, Ben Bussey, HEOMD Chief Scientist, NASA Headquarters, Jim Garvin, Goddard Space Flight Center Chief Scientist, Michael New, NASA Headquarters, Deputy AA for Research, SMD, Paul Niles, Executive Secretary, NASA Johnson Space Center, Jim Spann, MSFC Chief Scientist, Eileen Stansbery, Johnson Space CenterPARTIAL CONTENTS: Deep Space Gateway as a Deployment Staging Platform and Communication Hub of Lunar Heat Flow Experiment--Lunar Seismology Enabled by a Deep Space Gateway--In-Situ Measurements of Electrostatic Dust Transport on the Lunar Surface--Science Investigations Enabled by Magnetic Field Measurements on the Lunar Surface--Enhancing Return from Lunar Surface Missions via the Deep Space Gateway--Deep Space Gateway Support of Lunar Surface Ops and Tele-Operational Transfer of Surface Assets to the Next Landing Site--Development of a Lunar Surface Architecture Using the Deep Space Gateway--The Deep Space Gateway: The Next Stepping Stone to Mar

    Annual Report of the University, 2000-2001, Volumes 1-4

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    Message from the President Thank you for joining me in this look back over the past year at the University of New Mexico. It was a year filled with activity, accomplishment and challenge, and this is our opportunity to reflect back on that year. In 2000-2001 we engaged in a University-wide strategic planning process that called on the energies and talents of hundreds of individuals- faculty, staff, students and members of our broader community. The plan, which will be completed in Fall 2001, will serve as our roadmap for the future and will guide our efforts to capitalize on the opportunities and to meet the challenges of the next several years. This process has encouraged us to examine closely our mission and our values, who we are and what we aspire to become. It has given us reason to be proud of our past and cause to think seriously about how we must change in the future. While this was a year for looking ahead, it was also a year of significant accomplishment. For example, we launched a comprehensive set of programs designed to enrich the academic and social experiences of our undergraduate students. We began the implementation of Freshman Learning Communities where small cohorts of students study and learn together in a common set of courses under the guidance of a senior faculty scholar. We reorganized our advisement systems, we undertook the construction or renovation of student-centered facilities on campus, and we created new support systems to enhance student academic success. It was a year in which our support of faculty, staff and students was our highest priority. Through the support of the New Mexico Legislature, faculty and staff received significant salary increases. A new health benefits plan for graduate assistants was implemented. Our Staff as Students program enabled more than 40 staff members to obtain UNM degrees. And, a Center for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning was established to assist faculty in their efforts to develop more effective teaching skills. Finally, this was a year in which UNM dramatically expanded its role in the local community and throughout the state. Never before has the University been as active or as visible in meeting its public responsibility as it was in 2000-2001. From its active participation in economic development initiatives, to its involvement in K-12 educational improvement efforts, to its significant leadership role in health care delivery, UNM demonstrated its ability to help the state meet its most pressing social challenges. And, as UNM took on a more visible role in supporting the state\\u27s citizens, the support for UNM was returned in kind. This year, annual giving to the University rose to a record 35.3 million dollars, a 40% increase over just two years ago. All told, it has been a gratifying and successful year. However, we cannot allow our past accomplishments to mask the continued challenges facing this University. Neither will we allow these challenges to dominate our thinking and diminish out pride in what the University has achieved. So we will savor our successes and continue to move forward. As always, we thank you for sharing our dreams and for supporting the University of New Mexico. Sincerely, William C. Gordon, Presiden

    Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop : February 27–28 and March 1, 2017, Washington, DC

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    This workshop is meant to provide NASA’s Planetary Science Division with a very long-range vision of what planetary science may look like in the future.Organizer, Lunar and Planetary Institute ; Conveners, James Green, NASA Planetary Science Division, Doris Daou, NASA Planetary Science Division ; Science Organizing Committee, Stephen Mackwell, Universities Space Research Association [and 14 others]PARTIAL CONTENTS: Exploration Missions to the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud--Future Mercury Exploration: Unique Science Opportunities from Our Solar System’s Innermost Planet--A Vision for Ice Giant Exploration--BAOBAB (Big and Outrageously Bold Asteroid Belt) Project--Asteroid Studies: A 35-Year Forecast--Sampling the Solar System: The Next Level of Understanding--A Ground Truth-Based Approach to Future Solar System Origins Research--Isotope Geochemistry for Comparative Planetology of Exoplanets--The Moon as a Laboratory for Biological Contamination Research--“Be Careful What You Wish For:” The Scientific, Practical, and Cultural Implications of Discovering Life in Our Solar System--The Importance of Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Analysis and Imaging to the Search for Life on the Ocean Worlds--Follow the (Outer Solar System) Water: Program Options to Explore Ocean Worlds--Analogies Among Current and Future Life Detection Missions and the Pharmaceutical/ Biomedical Industries--On Neuromorphic Architectures for Efficient, Robust, and Adaptable Autonomy in Life Detection and Other Deep Space Missions

    Remote Sensing of Earth Resources: A literature survey with indexes (1970 - 1973 supplement). Section 1: Abstracts

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    Abstracts of reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system between March 1970 and December 1973 are presented in the following areas: agriculture and forestry, environmental changes and cultural resources, geodesy and cartography, geology and mineral resources, oceanography and marine resources, hydrology and water management, data processing and distribution systems, instrumentation and sensors, and economic analysis

    Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial

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    Este documento contiene el proyecto docente e investigador del candidato Germán Moltó Martínez presentado como requisito para el concurso de acceso a plazas de Cuerpos Docentes Universitarios. Concretamente, el documento se centra en el concurso para la plaza 6708 de Catedrático de Universidad en el área de Ciencia de la Computación en el Departamento de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación de la Universitat Politécnica de València. La plaza está adscrita a la Escola Técnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informàtica y tiene como perfil las asignaturas "Infraestructuras de Cloud Público" y "Estructuras de Datos y Algoritmos".También se incluye el Historial Académico, Docente e Investigador, así como la presentación usada durante la defensa.Germán Moltó Martínez (2022). Proyecto Docente e Investigador, Trabajo Original de Investigación y Presentación de la Defensa, preparado por Germán Moltó para concursar a la plaza de Catedrático de Universidad, concurso 082/22, plaza 6708, área de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18903