64 research outputs found

    Utjecaj čeških violinista u Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj do 1920-ih godina

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    The ethnic territories of Croatia and Slovenia have always been transitional geographic zones that were open to various kinds of cultural and musical migrations and meetings of various musical traditions. One of the most important groups of immigrant musicians was the Bohemians that appeared in Croatia and Slovenia towards the end of the eighteenth century. From the beginning of the nineteenth century until the 1920s, about ninety musicians (violinists) originating from Bohemia were active as violin teachers, orchestra members (concertmasters and conductors), and military music directors that significantly shaped musical life in several cities and towns in Croatia and Slovenia. The most important group of these was the Prague violinists (violin alumni of the Prague Conservatory), whose representatives Václav Huml and Jan Šlais were the founders of the Zagreb and Ljubljana violin schools, respectively.Etnički teritoriji Hrvatske i Slovenije uvijek su bili tranzicijska zemljopisna područja koja su bila otvorena za razne vrste kulturnih i glazbenih migracija i susreta različitih glazbenih tradicija. Jedna od najvažnijih skupina imigrantskih glazbenika bili su Česi koji su se pojavili u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji krajem osamnaestog stoljeća. Od početka devetnaestog stoljeća pa sve do 1920-ih najmanje devedeset glazbenika (violinista) podrijetlom iz Češke djelovalo je kao učitelji violine, članovi orkestra (koncertni majstori i dirigenti) i ravnatelji vojnih glazbi koji su značajno oblikovali glazbeni život u nekoliko gradova i mjesta u Hrvatskoj i Sloveniji. Otprilike deset posto njih bilo je aktivno na oba područja. Najvažniji razlog njihove migracije bio je ekonomski. Nakon što su teško pronalazili posao u svojoj domovini, koja je bila prenapučena visokokvalificiranim glazbenicima, bili su prisiljeni preseliti se u područja koja su bila u glazbenom razvoju i kojima su kvalitetni glazbenici bili nužno potrebni. S druge strane, vojni glazbenici putovali su sa svojim pukovnijama posebno u hrvatske zemlje, gdje su se neki od njih nastanili i nastavili glazbenu karijeru kao civili. Učitelji violine javljali su se na natječaje u novinama diljem austrijskog carstva; u početku su bili imenovani učiteljima glazbe uglavnom u Ljubljani, Karlovcu, Rijeci i Varaždinu. Bili su to široko obrazovani glazbenici, koji su mogli predavati teoriju glazbe, pjevanje i razne instrumente, uključujući violinu. Najvažnija skupina čeških violinista bili su praški violinisti (učenici Praškog konzervatorija). Prvi od njih pojavili su se u hrvatskim zemljama već 1830-ih, ali u Sloveniji ne prije 1870-ih. U Hrvatskoj su u početku djelovali kao ravnatelji vojnih glazbi u Puli, Bjelovaru i Osijeku, ali većina ih se preselila u Zagreb 1890-ih. U Glazbenom zavodu imenovani su učiteljima violine te kao koncertni majstori, članovi orkestra i dirigenti orkestra Narodnog kazališta. U Sloveniji su od kraja devetnaestog stoljeća bili među prvim učiteljima violine u Glazbenom društvu u Ljubljani i ograncima u Novom Mestu, Celju, Kranju, Trstu i Mariboru. Jedan od najvažnijih praških violinista prve polovice dvadesetog stoljeća nesumnjivo je Václav Huml (1880–1953), koji je školovao generaciju sjajnih zagrebačkih violinista iz šire regije, koji su ostvarili međunarodnu karijeru širom svijeta. Zbog toga se danas smatra osnivačem zagrebačke violinističke škole. Od 1920-ih, drugi praški violinist, Jan Šlais, obučavao je prvu važnu generaciju slovenskih violinista u Ljubljani, od kojih su neki nastavili studij violine s Humlom u Zagrebu. Više od stotinu godina češki su violinisti uvježbavali generacije violinista i nekih drugih glazbenika, izvodili suvremeni glazbeni repertoar, preuzeli vodeću ulogu u razvoju komorne glazbe i bili ključni faktor u razvoju orkestara i u Sloveniji i u Hrvatskoj

    Echoes of Charter 77 in french periodical press (1977-1986)

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    Předkládaná bakalářská práce se zabývá interpretací Charty 77 ve francouzském deníku Le Monde v letech 1977-1986. Nejprve se ve vymezeném období věnuje zásadním událostem, jež spoluutvářely dějiny této občanské iniciativy. Poté blíže představí její signatáře a následně se pokusí o zhodnocení postavení hnutí v rámci československé společnosti. Další část práce se zaměří na francouzské prostředí. Jednak na deník Le Monde, který je vybrán pro svou pověstnou objektivitu i velký zájem o zahraniční události jakožto nejvíce reprezentativní zástupce francouzských periodik. V jemu zasvěcené kapitole shrnu jeho vývoj coby média, které velkou měrou odráží francouzské dějiny. Dále se budu věnovat komunikační síti, jež sehrála klíčovou roli ve zprostředkování informací o Chartě 77 ve Francii. Poté bude následovat rozbor primárních pramenů. Pro analýzu článků Le Mondu z let 1977-1986 jsem stanovila tři základní oblasti. První se bude zabývat zejména četností výskytu zpráv o Chartě 77 v deníku, a dále novináři i dalšími osobnostmi, jež tyto zprávy publikují. Další část bude reflektovat to, jak je iniciativa v Le Mondu charakterizována. V poslední části se zaměřím na rovinu, která se v souvislosti s Chartou 77 objevuje nejčastěji. Tou je perzekuce jejích signatářů. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA Charta 77 - opozice - tzv....The presented bachelor thesis deals with the interpretation of Charter 77 in a French daily newspaper Le Monde between years 1977-1986. First, it focuses on the major events that co- shaped the history of this citizen's initiative in a defined period. It will introduce then its signatories in more detail and then it will try to evaluate the position of the movement within Czechoslovak society. The next part of the thesis will focus on the French environment. Firstly, it will focus on the daily Le Monde, which is chosen for its renowned objectivity and great interest in foreign events as the most characteristic representative of French periodicals. In the chapter devoted to him, I will summarize its development as a medium that largely reflects French history. I will also focus on the communication network, which has played a key role in providing information on Charter 77 in France. This will be followed by an analysis of the primary sources. For the analysis of Le Monde's articles from 1977-1986, I identified three basic areas. The first will deal in particular with the frequency of occurrence of reports on Charter 77 in the daily, as well as journalists and other personalities who publish these reports. The next part will reflect how the initiative is characterized in Le Monde. In the last part,...Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisuFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Charter 77 in the journalism of the Parisian “Kultura”

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    Although the Czechoslovak theme was not of particular interest in the journalism of “Kultura” (compared to Ukrainian or Lithuanian issues), it covered issues concerning Poland’s southern neighbour. The year 1968 marked a special period of increased interest in Czechoslovakia and the associated process of a series of social, political and economic reforms, which went down in history under the name of the Prague Spring. The period after the invasion by the Warsaw Pact troops and the start of the so-called process of normalization was also closely commented on by columnists and analysts of “Kultura”. However, particular attention was paid to the activities of the opposition in the area of Charter 77. The purpose of this article is to show how the Parisian “Kultura” referred to the opposition movement in Czechoslovakia. Moreover, Czechoslovak writers associated with Czechoslovak immigrant communities spoke out more often in “Kultura” page

    First Record of Dendrolimus pini Outbreak on Aleppo Pine in Croatia and Severe Case of Population Collapse Caused by Entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana

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    Background and Purpose: The pine-tree lappet moth, Dendrolimus pini, is a widely distributed pest in Europe that can cause serious needle defoliation on pines, with outbreaks occurring over large geographical areas. In Croatia the presence of D. pini was recorded only in the continental part, but not in a high level of abundance, and the outbreak of the population has never been recorded so far. Materials and Methods: In autumn 2014 an unexpected and complete defoliation on Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) occurred in the vicinity of Skradin, near Šibenik, and was followed by defoliation in summer and autumn 2017 in Telašćica Nature Park, Dugi otok. Infested areas were inspected and overwintering larvae in soil surface were counted in order to estimate the population and assess whether the critical number of the population has been exceeded. Specimens were collected and transferred to the Laboratory for Entomological Analysis in the Croatian Forest Research Institute for further laboratory analysis. Results: Since more than 10 larvae per m² of soil surface were found, it was concluded that an outbreak occurred at both localities. In both cases natural antagonists played an important role in lowering the pest population. In Skradin, entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana that occurred on the overwintering larvae broke the pest population, and in Dugi otok it was recorded, but to a much lesser extent and in combination with Drino inconspicua parasitoid. In both cases pines recovered very well in the following spring, with some bark beetle attacks mostly at the edge of the forest. Conclusions: The outbreaks of D. pini resulting with a total defoliation of Aleppo pine stands, and the fact that they occurred in the Mediterranean region which is not an optimal area for its appearance, makes these events unusual. Also, this is the first record of D. pini population breakdown by some antagonist

    Making Sense of History with Paul Ricœur and Jan Patočka: From the Past, In the Present, Toward the Future

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    Paul Ricœur and Jan Patočka are considered among the most important phenomenologists of the 20th century. As with Ricœur, Patočka’s philosophy is shaped by an enduring critical confrontation with Husserl’s phenomenology and Heidegger’s phenomenological analyses of Dasein. The present paper aims at analyzing Ricœur’s and Patočka’s convergences and mutual inspirations in their perspectives on the topic of history. More precisely, I will take up the question of the meaning of history in Ricœur and Patočka as profoundly influenced by their readings of Husserl’s Krisis. Then, the attention will be turned to Ricœur’s concept of historicity and Patočka’s notion of care of the soul as concerns involved in the search for meaning in history as an open-ended mediation. In this context, I will discuss Ricœur’s and Patočka’s critical examination of Heidegger’s conception of thrownness (Geworfenheit) and projection (Entwerfen), that is, Dasein’s already-being-in-the-world and its disclosedness, as necessary concepts for understanding their own philosophical approaches to history

    Holocene forest and land-use history of the Erzgebirge, central Europe: a review of palynological data

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    The ongoing ecological conversion of mountain forests in central Europe from widespread Picea monocultures to mixed stands conceptually also requires a historical perspective on the very long-term, i.e. Holocene, vegetation and land-use dynamics. Detailed sources of information for this are palynological data. The Erzgebirge in focus here, with a maximum height of 1244 m a.s.l., represents an extreme case of extensive historical deforestation since the Middle Ages due to mining, metallurgy, and other industrial activities, as well as rural and urban colonisation. For this regional review we collected and evaluated 121 pollen diagrams of different stratigraphic, taxonomic, and chronological resolution. This number makes this region an upland area in central Europe with an exceptionally high density of palynological data. Using well-dated diagrams going back to the early Holocene, main regional vegetation phases were derived: the Betula–Pinus phase (ca. 11 600–10 200 cal yr BP), the Corylus phase (ca. 10 200–9000 cal yr BP), the Picea phase (ca. 9000–6000 cal yr BP), the Fagus–Picea phase (ca. 6000–4500 cal yr BP), the Abies–Fagus–Picea phase (ca. 4000–1000 cal yr BP), and the anthropogenic vegetation phase (ca. 1000–0 cal yr BP). Some diagrams show the presence or even continuous curves of potential pasture and meadow indicators from around 2000 cal BCE at the earliest. Even cereal pollen grains occur sporadically already before the High Medieval. These palynological indications of a local prehistoric human impact also in the higher altitudes find parallels in the (geo-)archaeologically proven Bronze Age tin placer mining and in the geochemically proven Iron Age metallurgy in the Erzgebirge. The pollen data show that immediately before the medieval clearing, i.e. beginning at the end of the 12th century CE, forests were mainly dominated by Fagus and Abies and complemented by Picea with increasing share towards the highest altitudes. According to historical data, the minimum of the regional forest cover was reached during the 17th–18th centuries CE. The dominance of Picea in modern pollen spectra is caused by anthropogenic afforestation in the form of monocultures since that time. Future palynological investigations, preferably within the framework of altitudinal transect studies, should aim for chronologically and taxonomically high-resolution and radiometrically well-dated pollen diagrams from the larger peatlands.</p

    Narrativa del cine checoslovaco de la Nueva Ola (Nová Vlna)

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    La presente tesis recoge un estudio del cine checoslovaco de los años sesenta, cuando tiene lugar la Nueva Ola (1963-1968), uno de los momentos más reconocidos a nivel internacional. Como objetivo principal, busca reconstruir los cimientos sobre los que se estructura nuestro conocimiento del tema, saliendo de las comparaciones con otros cines y trabajando desde un enfoque individualizado. Desde esta singularidad, se construye paulatinamente la significación y relevancia de las producciones de este periodo, las cuales tienen un gran sentido crítico y un carácter comprometido con la sociedad. A través de cuatro capítulos, se recorre la historia de Checoslovaquia, la consolidación del Cine Moderno, la aproximación a multitud de directores vinculados al tema, y se realiza el análisis fílmico para evaluar su pertenencia a la narrativa y técnica del Cine Clásico o del Nuevo Cine

    Staying Faithful to the Standards of Proof

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    Academics have never quite understood the standards of proof or, indeed, much about the theory of proof Their formulations beget probabilistic musings, which beget all sorts of paradoxes, which in turn beget radical reconceptions and proposals for reform. The theoretical radicals argue that the law needs some basic reconception such as recognizing the aim of legal proof as not at all a search for truth but rather the production of an acceptable result, or that the law needs some shattering reform such as greatly heightening the civil standard of proof on each part of the case to ensure a more-likely than- not overall result. This Article refutes all those baroque rereadings. It shows that the standards of proof properly understood on the law\u27s own terms without a probabilistic overlay, work just fine. The law tells factfinders to compare their degree of belief in the alleged fact to their degree of contradictory disbelief. Obeying that instruction resolves mathematically the paradoxes that traditional probability theory creates for itself Most surprising, the burden of proof by which the proponent must prove all the elements and the opponent need disprove only one, does not produce an asymmetry between the parties. The law\u27s standards of proof need no drastic reconception or reform, because the law knew what it was doing all along. It deals with factual beliefs in a world that will remain uncertain, not with the odds of the facts becoming certain. And the well-established mathematics of beliefs are not the mathematics of odds

    Parque patrimonial y ecomuseo en el Morro Solar

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    Esta investigación se centra en la regeneración del Morro Solar y la puesta en valor del cerro Marcavilca (distrito de Chorrilos, Lima) por medio del estudio de su valor histórico y geográfico para generar un espacio público de impacto metropolitano con equipamiento para sus distintos usuarios. Se busca generar una imagen unificada del cerro Marcavilca para controlar el crecimiento acelerado de las invasiones de las laderas al delimitar el área por medio de un parque patrimonial que delimite la zona

    Central and Eastern European Literary Theory and the West

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    The twentieth century saw intensive intellectual exchange between Eastern and Central Europe and the West. Yet political and linguistic obstacles meant that many important trends in East and Central European thought and knowledge hardly registered in Western Europe and the US. This book uncovers the hidden westward movements of Eastern European literary theory and its influence on Western scholarship