228 research outputs found

    Employee Involvement In EMS/ISO 14001 And Its Spillover Effect In Creating Consumer Environmentally Responsible Behavior [TS155.7. R173 2007 f rb].

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    Kajian ini memberi jawapan kepada satu persoalan utama iaitu sama ada perlaksanaan satu sistem pengurusan yang komprehensif dan menyeluruh seperti Sistem Pengurusan Alamsekitar (SPA) boleh mengukuhkan sikap-kerja dan norma yang mesra-alamsekitar dan sama ada sikap dan norma tersebut boleh melimpah dalam bentuk tingkah-laku diluar organisasi. This study answers the main question of whether the implementation of a comprehensive and pervasive management system such as the Environmental Management System (EMS) could reinforce work attitude and norms that are eco friendly and whether the same attitude and norm would spill out into behavior outside the organization

    Inter-organizational fault management: Functional and organizational core aspects of management architectures

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    Outsourcing -- successful, and sometimes painful -- has become one of the hottest topics in IT service management discussions over the past decade. IT services are outsourced to external service provider in order to reduce the effort required for and overhead of delivering these services within the own organization. More recently also IT services providers themselves started to either outsource service parts or to deliver those services in a non-hierarchical cooperation with other providers. Splitting a service into several service parts is a non-trivial task as they have to be implemented, operated, and maintained by different providers. One key aspect of such inter-organizational cooperation is fault management, because it is crucial to locate and solve problems, which reduce the quality of service, quickly and reliably. In this article we present the results of a thorough use case based requirements analysis for an architecture for inter-organizational fault management (ioFMA). Furthermore, a concept of the organizational respective functional model of the ioFMA is given.Comment: International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC

    Disparities in Access to Health Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Benefit between Non-Contingent and Contingent Farm Workers in U.S. Agriculture

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    The share of contingent employment has increased significantly in the last two decades. Not much is known about the impact of this shift on disparities in access to health insurance and other benefits. I examined disparities in access to any type of health insurance, employer-sponsored health insurance and workers’ compensation (WC) benefits between contingent and non-contingent workers in U.S. agriculture. I used the National Agricultural Workers Survey and the extended Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition technique to estimate disparities. Contingent employment could be a barrier to access of health insurance and WC benefit, which in turn could contribute to health inequalities in the long-run

    Universality of Load Balancing Schemes on Diffusion Scale

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    We consider a system of NN parallel queues with identical exponential service rates and a single dispatcher where tasks arrive as a Poisson process. When a task arrives, the dispatcher always assigns it to an idle server, if there is any, and to a server with the shortest queue among dd randomly selected servers otherwise (1dN)(1 \leq d \leq N). This load balancing scheme subsumes the so-called Join-the-Idle Queue (JIQ) policy (d=1)(d = 1) and the celebrated Join-the-Shortest Queue (JSQ) policy (d=N)(d = N) as two crucial special cases. We develop a stochastic coupling construction to obtain the diffusion limit of the queue process in the Halfin-Whitt heavy-traffic regime, and establish that it does not depend on the value of dd, implying that assigning tasks to idle servers is sufficient for diffusion level optimality

    Rapid Assessment of Protected area Pressures and Threats in Nigeria National Parks

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    Regular evaluation of protected area operations can enable policy makers develop strategic responses to pervasive management problems. Pressures and threats in seven National Parks of the National Park Service (NPS) were therefore assessed using the Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Area Management (RAPPAM) methodology. The parks were Cross River National Park (CRNP), Okomu National Park (ONP), Old Oyo National Park (OONP), Gashaka –Gumti National Park (GGNP), Kainji Lake National Park (KLNP), Chad Basin National Park (CBNP) and Kamuku National Park (KNP). Quantitative data was collected from 207 rangers and 49 senior staff including park records. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation. The parks had professionals (1.06%), technical staff 33 (2.19%), rangers 1094 (72.55%), and administrative staff 266 (17.64%). Personnel cost (19.6%), administrative operations (36.9%) and conservation of park resources (3.4%) were significantly (p<0.05) different. The greatest threats facing the parks were Grazing (57.76%), Hunting (24.17%), Logging (6.17%) and Fishing (5.06%). Threats and pressures were positively and significantly correlated (r=0.75, P<0.05) with vulnerability. The staff profile and inappropriate budgetary allocation to conservation activities might be responsible for the overall pressures and threats recorded in the parks during the study.KEYWORDS: Threats, Pressures, Protected Areas, National Park, Managemen

    The Role of Internal Antecedents

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    Management innovation is the introduction of new management practices, processes, techniques or organizational structures that significantly alter the way the work of management is performed. This paper examines a particular characteristic of management innovation: i.e. pervasiveness. Based on the behavioral theory of the firm, the determinants of firms’ adoption of pervasive management innovations are explored. I find that performance shortfalls have a direct positive effect on the pervasiveness of adopted innovations. Likewise, I find a direct effect of education level, richness of internal communication and CEO novelty on pervasiveness

    Pushing context-awareness down to the core: moreflexibility for the PerLa language

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    Information technology is increasingly pervading our envi- ronment, making real Mark Weiser’s vision of a “disappear- ing technology”. The work described in this paper focuses on using context to enable pervasive system personaliza- tion, allowing context-aware sensor-data tailoring. Since sensor networks, besides data collection, are also able to pro- duce active behaviours, the tailoring capabilities are also ex- tended to these, thus applying context-awareness to generic system operations. Moreover, because the number of pos- sible context can grow rapidly with the complexity of the application, the design phase is also supported by the possi- bility to speed-up and modularize the definition of the data and operations associated with each specific context, pro- ducing a support tool that eases the job of the designers of modern context-aware pervasive systems

    The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Teaching Speaking Recount Texts to the Students of Vocational High School

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    Abstrak Berbicara adalah tindakan interaktif untuk membangun makna yang melibatkan memproduksi, menerima, dan juga memproses informasi. Itu berarti berbicara adalah cara bagi siswa untuk mengekspresikan kata atau kalimat untuk memperluas informasi untuk pendengar atau audiens. Bisa dikatakan kemampuan siswa dapat diukur dengan cara dia berbicara.. Masalah yang umum ditemukan adalah kurangnya kosa kata, pengucapan, dan lingkungan yang tidak didukung untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris. Secara praktis, diyakini bahwa Project Based Learning dapat membantu siswa untuk berbicara. Dalam metode ini siswa dapat memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan dengan belajar melalui menanggapi masalah otentik dan juga tantangan. Project Based Learning sangat membantu untuk mengasah penampilan berbicara siswa karena mereka terlibat untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara mereka sendiri secara langsung, sedangkan guru bertindak sebagai pengamat dan fasilitator dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif mengenai penerapan Project Based Learning dalam pengajaran teks recount kepada siswa kelas X dan untuk menganalisis kinerja berbicara siswa.Kata kunci: Berbicara, Teks Recount, Project Based Learning Abstract Speaking is an interactive activity to construct meaning that involves producing, receiving, and also processing information. That means speaking is a way for students to express words or sentences to expand information for the listener or audience. It can be said that a students ability can be measured by the way he speaks. A common problem found are lack of vocabulary, pronunciation, and an environment that is not supported for speaking English. Practically, it is believed that Project Based Learning can help students to talk. In this method, students can gain knowledge and skills by learning through responding to authentic problems and also challenges. Project-Based Learning is very helpful for sharpening students speaking performance because they are involved to develop their speaking skills directly, while the teacher acts as an observer and facilitator in the teaching-learning process. This research is a qualitative descriptive study regarding the application of Project-Based Learning in teaching recount texts to class X students and to analyze students speaking performance. Keywords: Speaking, Recount texts, Project Based Learnin