325 research outputs found

    Orbital Study of MSU CubeSath

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    The project is an orbital design study of a proposed CubeSat at Mississippi State University. The launch date is not specified. As for the mission, it is defined as forest fire detection. CubeSats are small satellites that are 10 x 10 x 10 cm in dimension and has a mass no more than 1 kg. They are currently used in different applications in many countries as an easy access to space. The analyses of this project have been carried out using a commercial software package, System Tool Kit (STK), developed by Analytical Graphics, Incorporated. This software provides a tool for performing simulations required for determining the orbit or the trajectory for satellites. In addition, a perturbation orbital study has been conducted and different propagators have been tested

    Design of a Martian Communication Constellation of CubeSats

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    Spacecraft operating on the Martian surface have used relay satellites as a means of improving communication capabilities, mainly in terms of bandwidth and availability. However, the spacecraft used to achieve this have been large spacecraft (1000s of kilograms) and were not designed with relay capability as the design priority. This thesis explores the possibility of using a CubeSat-based constellation as a communications network for spacecraft operating on the Martian surface. Brute-force techniques are employed to explore the design space of possible constellations. An analysis of constellation configurations that provide complete, continuous coverage of the Martian surface is presented. The stability of these constellations are analyzed, and recommendations are made for stable configurations and the orbital maintenance thereof. Link budget analysis is used to determine the communications capability of each constellation, and recommendations are made for sizing each communication element. The results of these three analyses are synthesized to create an architecture generation tool. This tool is used to identify mission architectures that suit a variety of mission requirements, and these architectures are presented. The primary recommended architecture utilizes 18 CubeSats in three orbital planes with six additional larger relay satellites to provide an average of over one terabit/sol downlink and 100 kbps uplink capability

    Determining Feasibility of a Propulsionless Microsatellite Formation Flight Mission

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    Benefits of developing missions with multiple formation flying spacecraft as an alternative to a traditional monolithic vehicle are becoming apparent. In some cases, these missions can lower cost and increase flexibility among other situational advantages. However, there are various limitations that are imposed by these missions that are centered on the concept of maintaining the necessary formation. One such limitation is that of the propulsion system required for each spacecraft. To mitigate the complexity and mass of the onboard propulsion, the pairing of electromagnetic actuators and differential drag to replace the functionality of a propulsive system is investigated. By using COTS magnetorquer boards to command satellite orientation, a scenario in which two 3U CubeSats are initially deployed from the ISS NanoRacks at an altitude of 400 km. They are then commanded to achieve a relative separation of 1 km and hold the spacing to demonstrate the capability of formation flight. The scenario was simulated through the MATLAB/Simulink platform and the magnitude of the necessary command torques were determined. By comparison to the ISIS magnetorquer board, the necessary command torques seem relatively high than compared to what the actuator is capable of. The ISIS board may supply ~5e-6 Nm of torque while the mission requires as much as 3e-3 Nm at times. However, by extending the settling time of the control law at the expense of absolute orientation control, the control torques necessary to carry out the simulated mission are well within the bounds of the ISIS magnetorquer boards as well as other COTS boards. With this alteration, mission feasibility is determined. It should be noted that further analysis should be conducted regarding concerns with CubeSat detumble to further confirm feasibility

    Solar radiation pressure augmented deorbiting from high altitude sun-synchronous orbits

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    This paper discusses the use of solar radiation pressure (SRP) augmented deorbiting to passively remove small satellites from high altitude Sun-synchronous orbits. SRP-augmented deorbiting works by deploying a light-weight reflective inflatable device to increase the area-to-mass-ratio of the spacecraft. The interactions of the orbital perturbations due to solar radiation pressure and the Earth’s oblateness cause the eccentricity of the orbit to librate at a quasi-constant semi-major axis. A large enough area-to-mass-ratio will ensure that a maximum eccentricity is reached where the spacecraft will then experience enough aerodynamic drag at the orbit pericentre to deorbit. An analytical model of the orbital evolution based on a Hamiltonian approach is used to obtain a first guess for the required area-to-mass-ratio to deorbit. This first guess is then used in a numerical propagation of the orbital elements using the Gauss’ equations to find the actual requirements as a function of altitude. The results are discussed and altitude regions for Sun-synchronous orbits are identified in which the proposed method is most effective. Finally, the implementation of the device is discussed. It is shown that passive solar radiation pressure deorbiting is a useful alternative to propulsive end-of-life manoeuvres for future high altitude Sun-synchronous missions

    Limited-duty-cycle Satellite Formation Control via Differential Drag

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    As CubeSat formation flying missions relying on differential drag control become increasingly common, additional missions based on this control must be studied. A mission planning tool is investigated to control the relative spacing of a CubeSat formation where differential drag is the sole control mechanism. System performance is investigated under varying perturbations and a range of system parameters, including limiting the control duty cycle. Optimal solutions based on using a pseudo spectral numerical solver, GPOPS-II, to minimize maneuver time. This study includes the development of a mission planning tool to work with the modeled CubeSat mission to calculate optimal maneuvers for its mission architecture. The effects of mission altitude, solar cycle, various maneuver sizes and formations, limited control, various computational methods, and error checkers were evaluated. The mission planning tool developed can properly execute all desired run parameters and options, though it suffers from computational complexity. Pseudo spectral methods executed in MatLab were determined to be poorly suited to the problem due to memory requirements involved. Limited duty cycle control can be applied with differential drag with varying effectiveness dependent on mission parameters

    Orbital Determination Feasibility of LEO Nanosatellites Using Small Aperture Telescopes

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    This thesis is directed toward the feasibility of observing satellites on the nano scale and determining an accurate propagated orbit using a Meade LX600-ACF 14” diameter aperture telescope currently located on the California Polytechnic State University campus. The optical telescope is fitted with an f/6.3 focal reducer, SBIG ST-10XME CCD camera and Optec TCF-S Focuser. This instrumentation allowed for a 22’ X 15’ arcminute FOV in order to accurately image passing LEO satellites. Through the use of the Double-r and Gauss Initial Orbit Determination methods as well as Least Squared Differential Correction and Extended Kalman Filter Orbit Determination methods, an accurate predicted orbit can be determined. These calculated values from observational data of satellites within the Globalstar system are compared against the most updated TLEs for each satellite at the time of observation. The determined differential errors from the well-defined TLEs acquired via online database were used to verify the feasibility of the accuracy which can be obtained from independent observations. Through minimization of error caused from imaging noise, pointing error, and timing error, the main determination of accurate orbital determination lies in the instrumentation mechanical capabilities itself. With the ability to acquire up to 7 individual satellite observations during a single transit, the use of both IOD and OD methods, and the recently acquired Cal Poly telescope with an increased 14” aperture, the feasibility of imaging and orbital determination of nanosatellites is greatly improved

    Multi-CubeSat Deployment Strategies: How Different Satellite Deployment Schemes Affect Satellite Separation and Detection for Various Types of Constellations and Missions

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    As economics drive an increased demand for small satellites and, consequently, an increase in the number of satellites deployed per launch, different deployment schemes and their effects on satellite dynamics must be well understood. While there are advantages to deploying multiple satellites at once, users may have trouble with tracking, identifying, and communicating with their satellites. This investigation examines the deployment of eight 3U CubeSats, and the resulting relative motion within a constellation. Both the distance between any two satellites within a constellation and the volume of a polygon encompassing a constellation are used to analyze the satellite dynamics within a constellation. Deployment schemes differ from one another by varying the deployment geometry, by delaying the ejection of specific CubeSats relative to one another, the deployment location, and the separation velocity imparted upon the CubeSats for various mission types. This investigation presents several conclusions. Delaying the deployment of part of a constellation increases the maximum volume of the constellation over the first 24 hours while varying long term effects. Deployments into the plane normal to the velocity vector of the deployer result in minimal dispersal of a constellation. Finally, lower constellation deployment altitudes disperse a constellation faster

    Study on orbital propagators: constellation analysis with NASA 42 and MATLAB/SIMULINK

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    Desde el comienzo de la era espacial, la filosofía de diseño de satélites estuvo dominada por diseños conservadores construidos con componentes altamente duraderos para soportar condiciones ambientales extremas. Durante las últimas dos décadas, la aparición de los CubeSats ha cambiado esta filosofía permitiendo todo un mundo de nuevas posibilidades. El despliegue de grandes constelaciones de CubeSats en órbita terrestre baja (LEO, en inglés) revolucionará el sector espacial al permitir ciclos de innovación más rápidos y económicos. Sin embargo, la confiabilidad de los CubeSats todavía se considera un obstáculo debido a las considerables tasas de fallo entre universidades y empresas, generalmente atribuidas a casos de pérdida completa de misión tras la eyección del desplegador orbital y al fallo de los subsistemas. Esta tesis se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto de investigación PLATHON, que pretende desarrollar una plataforma de emulación Hardware-in-the-loop para constelaciones de nanosatélites con comunicación óptica entre satélites y enlaces tierra-satélite. Un aspecto crucial de este proyecto es tener un propagador orbital suficientemente preciso con control de maniobras y representación gráfica en tiempo real. Los programas de propagadores disponibles se han analizado para seleccionar el sistema OpenSatKit de la NASA, una plataforma multifacética con un propagador incorporado conocido como 42. El propósito de esta disertación es analizar la viabilidad de implementación del programa para la creación de un banco de pruebas de constelaciones en comparación con un propagador previo desarrollado en MATLAB/Simulink. La documentación inicial es un enfoque de exploración para examinar las capacidades del 42 en distintos escenarios con objeto de adaptar el sistema PLATHON al funcionamiento interno y las limitaciones del programa. Las modificaciones y simulaciones del programa allanan el camino para el futuro desarrollo de la red interconectada PLATHON; específicamente, las comunicaciones entre procesos se han probado para imitar las entradas de los sistemas de control de actitud de las naves espaciales a través de interfaces de comunicación bidireccionales.Since the beginning of the space age, satellite design philosophy was dominated by conservative designs built with highly reliable components to endure extreme environmental conditions. During the last two decades, the dawn of the CubeSats has changed this philosophy enabling a whole world of new possibilities. The deployment of monumental CubeSat constellations in low Earth orbit is set to revolutionise the space sector by enabling faster and economical innovation cycles. However, CubeSat reliability is still considered an obstacle due to the sizeable fail rates among universities and companies, generally attributed to the dead-on-arrival cases and subsystem malfunctions. This thesis is developed in the framework of the PLATHON research project that intends to develop a Hardware-in-the-loop emulation platform for nanosatellite constellations with optical inter-satellite communication and ground-to-satellite links. A crucial aspect of this project is to have a sufficiently precise orbital propagator with real-time manoeuvring control and graphical representation. The available propagator programmes are analysed to select NASA’s OpenSatKit, a multi-facet platform with an inbuilt propagator known as 42. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the implementation feasibility of the programme for the creation of a constellation testing bench compared to previously selfdeveloped propagators based on MATLAB/Simulink. The initial documentation is a scouting approach to examine 42’s capabilities under distinct scenarios to adapt the PLATHON system to the programme’s inner workings and constraints. The programme modifications and simulations pave the way for the future development of the interconnected PLATHON network; specifically, the inter-process communication capabilities have been tested to imitate the inputs of spacecraft attitude control systems through bidirectional socket interfaces