10 research outputs found

    Overview of Digital Library Components and Developments

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    Digital libraries are being built upon a firm foundation of prior work as the high-end information systems of the future. A component architecture approach is becoming popular, with well established support for key components like the repository, especially through the Open Archives Initiative. We consider digital objects, metadata, harvesting, indexing, searching, browsing, rights management, linking, and powerful interfaces. Flexible interaction will be possible through a variety of architectures, using buses, agents, and other technologies. The field as a whole is undergoing rapid growth, supported by advances in storage, processing, networking, algorithms, and interaction. There are many initiatives and developments, including those supporting education, and these will certainly be of benefit in Latin America

    D-Lib Magazine Pioneered Web-Based Scholarly Communication

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    The web began with a vision of, as stated by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991, “that much academic information should be freely available to anyone”. For many years, the development of the web and the development of digital libraries and other scholarly communications infrastructure proceeded in tandem. A milestone occurred in July, 1995, when the first issue of D-Lib Magazine was published as an online, HTML-only, open access magazine, serving as the focal point for the then emerging digital library research community. In 2017 it ceased publication, in part due to the maturity of the community it served as well as the increasing availability of and competition from eprints, institutional repositories, conferences, social media, and online journals – the very ecosystem that D-Lib Magazine nurtured and enabled. As long-time members of the digital library community and frequent contributors to D-Lib Magazine, we reflect on the many innovations that D-Lib Magazine pioneered and were made possible by the web, including: open access, HTML-only publication and embracing the hypermedia opportunities afforded by HTML, persistent identifiers and stable URLs, rapid publication, and community engagement. Although it ceased publication after 22 years and 265 issues, it remains unchanged on the live web and still provides a benchmark for academic serials and web-based publishing

    Nacionalne digitalne knjižnice u Europskoj Uniji

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    Digitalne knjižnice rezultat su razvoja računalnih i informacijskih sustava te evolucije tradicionalnih knjižnica kroz proteklih pola stoljeća. Pojava računala sredinom šezdesetih godina predstavlja novu paradigmu razvoja i početak automatizacije knjižničnog poslovanja. Daljnji razvoj računalne tehnologije omogućio je pohranu knjižnične građe u digitalnom obliku te stvaranje velikog broja digitalnih knjižnica. Važnost digitalnih knjižnica prepoznata je na nacionalnoj razini. U radu je pružen pregled digitalnih zbirki u sklopu nacionalnih knjižnica 28 zemalja Europske Unije te njihovih postojećih i planiranih projekata vezanih uz organizaciju digitalne građe. Izabran je niz kriterija po kojima je uspoređeno 17 postojećih nacionalnih digitalnih knjižnica, a posebna pozornost dana je korisničkim sučeljima. Hrvatska nema nacionalnu digitalnu knjižnicu, ona za sada postoji samo kao koncept u dokumentima strateškog razvoja nacionalne knjižnice. Kao najmlađa članica Europske Unije, Hrvatska može pronaći mnoštvo pozitivnih i negativnih primjera te učiti na iskustvu drugih članica. Jednom realizirana, hrvatska nacionalna digitalna knjižnica služiti će kao reprezentativni dio identiteta države.Digital libraries are the result of the development of computer and information systems and the evolution of the traditional library through the past half century. The emergence of computers in the mid-sixties represents a new paradigm of development and the beginning of the automation of library management. Further development of computer technology made it possible to store library materials in digital form and create a large number of digital libraries. The importance of digital libraries has been recognized at the national level. This paper provides an overview of digital collections as part of the national libraries of 28 countries of the European Union and their current and planned projects related to the organization of digital resources. A set of criteria was chosen by which 17 existing national digital libraries have been compared, with special attention given to user interfaces. Croatia does not have a national digital library; it currently exists only as a concept in the documents of strategic development of the National Library. As the youngest member of the EU, Croatia can find lots of positive and negative examples and learn from the experiences of other members. Once created, the Croatian national digital library will serve as a representative part of the identity of the state

    The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008 Annual Edition

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    The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: 2008 Annual Edition presents over 3,350 English-language articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. Most sources have been published from 1990 through 2008; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 1990 are also included. Where possible, links are provided to works that are freely available on the Internet, including e-prints in disciplinary archives and institutional repositories. It is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License

    Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography 2010

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    The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography 2010 presents over 3,800 selected English-language articles, books, and other textual sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet. It covers digital copyright, digital libraries, digital preservation, digital rights management, digital repositories, economic issues, electronic books and texts, electronic serials, license agreements, metadata, publisher issues, open access, and other related topics. Most sources have been published from 1990 through 2010. Many references have links to freely available copies of included works. It is under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License. Cite as: Bailey, Charles W., Jr. Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography 2010. Houston: Digital Scholarship, 2011

    Perspectives on DLI-2 - Growing the Field

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