5,051 research outputs found

    Personalized route finding in multimodal transportation networks

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    [EN] Today, smart cities are presented as a solution to achieve a more sustainable urban development while increasing the quality of life of its citizens through the use of new technologies (Neirotti, 2013). Smart Mobility is based on innovative and sustainable ways to provide transport for the inhabitants of cities, enhancing the use of fuels or vehicle propulsion systems that respect the environment, supported by technological tools and a proactive behaviour of citizenship (Neirotti, 2013). In urban mobility, the purpose of the Smart Cities is to develop flexible systems for real-time information to support decisionmaking in the use and management of different transport modes, generating a positive impact, saving users time and improving efficiency and quality of service. In this context, several solution types are being introduced in the world’s cities. They enable the improvement of the abovementioned factors acting on the demand side resulting in more efficient journeys for individual travelers, and improved satisfaction with the service. (Skelley et Al., 2013) with a lower level of investment than that of infrastructure deployment or an increase in the level of service. One of the most extended solutions is the use of mobile apps for providing the user with contextualized -static and real time- transport information. The study is based on a survey carried out among users of public transport in Madrid under the European OPTICITES project of the 7th Research Framework Programme. The survey contained items on their transportation habits, their level of skills and technological capabilities, and their main expectations about the possibility of using a new application, the main desired capabilities and willingness to pay for use. The study results show the preferences of users of public transport capacity, static, real-time search and in-app services for a multimodal real-time application and willingness to pay for this service, all analyzed by different Slicers users. The results also establish the basis for an estimate of the usefulness of these applications for users of public transport.Velázquez Romera, G.; Monzón, A. (2016). PUBLIC TRANSPORT USERS' PREFERENCES AND WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR A PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION MOBILE APP IN MADRID. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 2248-2266. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.3498OCS2248226

    A generic architecture style for self-adaptive cyber-physical systems

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    Die aktuellen Konzepte zur Gestaltung von Regelungssystemen basieren auf dynamischen Verhaltensmodellen, die mathematische Ansätze wie Differentialgleichungen zur Ableitung der entsprechenden Funktionen verwenden. Diese Konzepte stoßen jedoch aufgrund der zunehmenden Systemkomplexität allmählich an ihre Grenzen. Zusammen mit der Entwicklung dieser Konzepte entsteht eine Architekturevolution der Regelungssysteme. In dieser Dissertation wird eine Taxonomie definiert, um die genannte Architekturevolution anhand eines typischen Beispiels, der adaptiven Geschwindigkeitsregelung (ACC), zu veranschaulichen. Aktuelle ACC-Varianten, die auf der Regelungstheorie basieren, werden in Bezug auf ihre Architekturen analysiert. Die Analyseergebnisse zeigen, dass das zukünftige Regelungssystem im ACC eine umfangreichere Selbstadaptationsfähigkeit und Skalierbarkeit erfordert. Dafür sind kompliziertere Algorithmen mit unterschiedlichen Berechnungsmechanismen erforderlich. Somit wird die Systemkomplexität erhöht und führt dazu, dass das zukünftige Regelungssystem zu einem selbstadaptiven cyber-physischen System wird und signifikante Herausforderungen für die Architekturgestaltung des Systems darstellt. Inspiriert durch Ansätze des Software-Engineering zur Gestaltung von Architekturen von softwareintensiven Systemen wird in dieser Dissertation ein generischer Architekturstil entwickelt. Der entwickelte Architekturstil dient als Vorlage, um vernetzte Architekturen mit Verfolgung der entwickelten Designprinzipien nicht nur für die aktuellen Regelungssysteme, sondern auch für selbstadaptiven cyber-physischen Systeme in der Zukunft zu konstruieren. Unterschiedliche Auslösemechanismen und Kommunikationsparadigmen zur Gestaltung der dynamischen Verhalten von Komponenten sind in der vernetzten Architektur anwendbar. Zur Bewertung der Realisierbarkeit des Architekturstils werden aktuelle ACCs erneut aufgenommen, um entsprechende logische Architekturen abzuleiten und die Architekturkonsistenz im Vergleich zu den originalen Architekturen basierend auf der Regelungstheorie (z. B. in Form von Blockdiagrammen) zu untersuchen. Durch die Anwendung des entwickelten generischen Architekturstils wird in dieser Dissertation eine künstliche kognitive Geschwindigkeitsregelung (ACCC) als zukünftige ACC-Variante entworfen, implementiert und evaluiert. Die Evaluationsergebnisse zeigen signifikante Leistungsverbesserungen des ACCC im Vergleich zum menschlichen Fahrer und aktuellen ACC-Varianten.Current concepts of designing automatic control systems rely on dynamic behavioral modeling by using mathematical approaches like differential equations to derive corresponding functions, and slowly reach limitations due to increasing system complexity. Along with the development of these concepts, an architectural evolution of automatic control systems is raised. This dissertation defines a taxonomy to illustrate the aforementioned architectural evolution relying on a typical example of control application: adaptive cruise control (ACC). Current ACC variants, with their architectures considering control theory, are analyzed. The analysis results indicate that the future automatic control system in ACC requires more substantial self-adaptation capability and scalability. For this purpose, more complicated algorithms requiring different computation mechanisms must be integrated into the system and further increase system complexity. This makes the future automatic control system evolve into a self-adaptive cyber-physical system and consistitutes significant challenges for the system’s architecture design. Inspired by software engineering approaches for designing architectures of software-intensive systems, a generic architecture style is proposed. The proposed architecture style serves as a template by following the developed design principle to construct networked architectures not only for the current automatic control systems but also for self-adaptive cyber-physical systems in the future. Different triggering mechanisms and communication paradigms for designing dynamic behaviors are applicable in the networked architecture. To evaluate feasibility of the architecture style, current ACCs are retaken to derive corresponding logical architectures and examine architectural consistency compared to the previous architectures considering the control theory (e.g., in the form of block diagrams). By applying the proposed generic architecture style, an artificial cognitive cruise control (ACCC) is designed, implemented, and evaluated as a future ACC in this dissertation. The evaluation results show significant performance improvements in the ACCC compared to the human driver and current ACC variants

    A Nested Demand Shares Model of Artificial Marine Habitat Choice by Sport Anglers

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    There is growing public interest in the development of artificial habitats to enhance and diversify coastal marine resources for recreational and commercial uses. In this article, a hierarchical discrete choice model of recreational demand for artificial habitat is presented using a nested multinomial logit analysis of artificial and natural habitat site choice by sport anglers. The model can be used to evaluate the effects of site characteristics and socioeconomic attributes of individual sport anglers on the share allocation of marine fishing trips and to estimate the economic benefits of new artificial habitat. An empirical application using survey data from sport anglers in southeast Florida is reported. The model parameters are used to estimate the expected use benefits and distributional implications of alternative new artificial habitat sites. Extensions and limitations of the model for artificial habitat planning are considered.Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Enhancing travel recommendations: Ai-driven personalization through user digital footprints

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    Esta tesis tiene como objetivo examinar la manera en que la huella digital que dejan los usuarios en internet puede utilizarse para optimizar la personalización de los servicios turísticos, mediante el uso de inteligencia artificial. El documento propone que el auge de la inteligencia artificial ha abierto un mundo de oportunidades para desarrollar nuevas herramientas para mejorar la experiencia de viaje digital. El enfoque se basa en la idea de que las huellas digitales son únicas y particulares de cada individuo y estos valiosos datos pueden dar lugar a sugerencias de viaje más inteligentes y certeras. Se consideran las actitudes de comportamiento del usuario, como la influencia del contenido generado por el usuario en las redes sociales y el boca a boca electrónico en el proceso de planificación del viaje, así como las implicaciones de este rastro de datos en la optimización de los servicios de viaje personalizados. Este modelo describe la relación entre la inteligencia artificial y la hiper personalización de servicios. Como es una tendencia creciente que está alterando nuestra realidad actual, la tesis presentada desarrolla una aplicación de viajes a medida que, con el permiso del usuario, aprovecha los datos recopilados de las redes sociales personales para construir un plan de viaje específico basado en las preferencias individuales.This thesis aims to examine the way the digital footprint users leave behind can be utilized to optimize the personalization of tourism services, through the use of artificial intelligence. The paper proposes that the surge of artificial intelligence has opened a world of opportunities to develop new tools to improve the digital travel experience. The approach is based on the idea that digital footprints are unique and particular to each individual and this valuable data can result in smarter and unerring travel suggestions. Behavioral attitudes of the user, such as the influence of user-generated content in social media and e-word of mouth in the travel planning process, are considered, as well as the implications of this data trail in the optimization of customized travel services. This model describes the relationship between artificial intelligence and hyper-personalization of services. As it is a growing trend that is disrupting our current reality, the presented thesis develops a tailor-made traveling application that, with permission of the user, leverages the data collected from personal social media to build a specific travel plan based on each user’s preferences

    The Cycling route trip planning APP

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    Treballs Finals del Màster en Creación y Gestión de Empresas Innovadoras y de Base Tecnológica, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Adriana EspinetThe fitness industry has experienced significant growth in recent years. As research continues to grow, it is increasingly recognized that physical activity is essential for the well-being of individuals. Moreover, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, outdoor physical activities have become more prevalent than ever before, which has led to an increase in bicycle sales and cycling as a mode of transportation. For example, in the United Kingdom, bicycle sales increased by 63% (Reid, 2020), and cycling levels rose by as much as 300% on some days during the lockdown period (2019-2021) (Sutton,2020). Furthermore, in recent years there has been a noticeable trend towards promoting sustainable practices and eco-tourism. One form of eco-tourism that has gained significant attention worldwide is cycle tourism. Cycle tourism, also known as bicycle tourism, is any type of tourism that entails travelling by bicycle and encompasses many different forms such as long-distance cycling trips, guided tours, and self-guided rides. Expedite by the COVID-19 pandemic and consumer-driven ventures to explore nature, the demand for cycle tourism is growing across the globe (Grand View Review, 2022). In 2019, Europe had the largest share of the cycling tourism market, accounting for approximately 40% of the global market (Global View Research, 2022)

    Smart Cities and M<sup>3</sup>: Rapid Research, Meaningful Metrics and Co-Design

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    The research described in this paper is undertaken under the banner of the smart city, a concept that captures the way urban spaces are re-made by the incursion of new technology. Much of smart is centred on converting everyday activities into data, and using this data to generate knowledge mediated by technology. Ordinary citizens, those that may have their lives impacted by the technology, usually are not properly involved in the ‘smartification’ process. Their perceptions, concerns and expectations should inform the conception and development of smart technologies at the same extent. How to engage general public with smart cities research is the central challenge for the Making Metrics Meaningful (MMM) project. Applying a rapid participatory method, ‘Imagine’ over a five-month period (March – July) the research sought to gain insights from the general public into novel forms of information system innovation. This brief paper describes the nature of the accelerated research undertaken and explores some of the themes which emerged in the analysis. Generic themes, beyond the remit of an explicit transport focus, are developed and pointers towards further research directions are discussed. Participatory methods, including engaging with self- selected transport users actively through both picture creation and programmatically specific musical ‘signatures’ as well as group discussion, were found to be effective in eliciting users’ own concerns, needs and ideas for novel information systems

    A communication plan for a portuguese travel agency: Portugal with

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    Portugal With is a Portuguese travel agency founded in 2013 with the aim of providing a personalized and personal experience to its customers. It offers a wide range of trips with the support of several national and international operators. Taking into account the family origin of this company, spreading the word, has always been the main way of publicizing the brand. However, today's digital age and the pandemic situation that has existed for over a year have created a need to invest more in marketing, essentially digital, to increase brand awareness and intensify its presence with the target audience. In this way, a Communication Plan for the second half of 2021 was created in order to study the characteristics and behavior of the consumer in relation to the travel agency market and, thus, assist Portugal With, with a strategy that will achieve the above objectives mentioned. To develop this communication plan, the author first made use of a literature review, external analysis and internal analysis. In addition, she conducted an online survey and an interview with the person responsible for Portugal With, who provided a clear view of the brand and the characteristics of the target audience. As a result of this initial approach, the proposed Communication Plan resulted in a strategy that allows reaching the objectives defined with communication actions in order to improve the current promotional mix.A Portugal With é uma agência de viagens portuguesa fundada em 2013 com o objetivo de proporcionar uma experiência personalizada e pessoal aos seus clientes. Disponibiliza uma vasta oferta de viagens, contando com o apoio de vários operadores nacionais e internacionais. Tendo em conta a origem familiar desta empresa, o passa-palavra foi desde sempre o principal meio de divulgação da marca. No entanto, a era digital dos dias de hoje e a situação pandémica existente há mais de um ano, criaram uma necessidade de investir mais em marketing, essencialmente digital, para aumentar o reconhecimento da marca e intensificar a presença da mesma junto do público-alvo. Desta forma, foi criado um Plano de Comunicação para o segundo semestre de 2021, com o intuito de estudar as caraterísticas e comportamento do consumidor relativamente ao mercado das agências de viagens e desta forma, auxiliar a Portugal With com uma estratégia que permita atingir os objetivos acima mencionados. Para desenvolver este plano de comunicação, a autora recorreu primeiramente a uma revisão de literatura, análise externa e análise interna. Para além disso, realizou um questionário online e uma entrevista com a responsável pela Portugal With, que forneceram uma visão clara sobre a marca e as caraterísticas do público-alvo. Como consequência desta abordagem inicial resultou o Plano de Comunicação proposto em que se definiu uma estratégia que permite alcançar os objetivos definidos com ações de comunicação, de forma a melhorar o mix promocional atual