952 research outputs found

    SMAS: A solution-based multi-agent system for improving problem solving skills in computer programming

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    In this research, a solution-based multi-agent system (SMAS) is proposed, which benefits from a novel automatic text-to-flowchart conversion approach in order to improve students' problem solving skills. The aim is to introduce the early stages of learning programming (CS1). By using SMAS, students can focus on solution designing activities in the form of flowchart development more than on language and syntax. Ultimately, an experimental study is devised to assess the success of SMAS as a tool to aid students with problem solving activities and learning computer programming. In total, 30.4% of problems that were left unresolved in previous sessions were solved by students in the control group, whereas 69.7% of previously unresolved problems were solved by students in the experimental group who used SMAS. Therefore, the use of SMAS in practice is supported, as the results indicate considerable gains for the experimental group over the control group

    Speech Therapy Work with Children Having Specific Language Impairment: Algorithms and Personalization

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    The concept of “personalization” is rather strengthened in pedagogy. At the same time, in Russia in the field of special pedagogy and, in particular, in speech therapy, there is an urgent need for personalized influence with specific language impairments. A review of Russian classical and modern data on the comorbidity of speech, language, motor skills, and other processes in children with specific language disorders is presented. The rationale for personifying speech therapy work in children with specific language impairments was justified. The scientific positions of the authors with respect to personalization in the field of differential evaluation, developmental effects, and prevention of systemic consequences of specific language impairments in children are indicated. The groups of personalized means and aids of influence of a speech therapist for specific language impairments in children are indicated. The directions of further development of the indicated problem of personalization of speech therapy work are determined

    Supporting collocation learning with a digital library

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    Extensive knowledge of collocations is a key factor that distinguishes learners from fluent native speakers. Such knowledge is difficult to acquire simply because there is so much of it. This paper describes a system that exploits the facilities offered by digital libraries to provide a rich collocation-learning environment. The design is based on three processes that have been identified as leading to lexical acquisition: noticing, retrieval and generation. Collocations are automatically identified in input documents using natural language processing techniques and used to enhance the presentation of the documents and also as the basis of exercises, produced under teacher control, that amplify students' collocation knowledge. The system uses a corpus of 1.3 B short phrases drawn from the web, from which 29 M collocations have been automatically identified. It also connects to examples garnered from the live web and the British National Corpus

    Revita: a Language-learning Platform at the Intersection of ITS and CALL

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    This paper presents Revita, a Web-based platform for language learning—beyond the beginner level. We anchor the presentation in a survey, where we review the literature about recent advances in the fields of computer-aided language learning (CALL) and intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). We outline the established desiderata of CALL and ITS and discuss how Revita addresses (the majority of) the theoretical requirements of CALL and ITS. Finally, we claim that, to the best of our knowledge, Revita is currently the only platform for learning/tutoring beyond the beginner level, that is functional, freely-available and supports multiple languages.Peer reviewe

    AGReE: A system for generating Automated Grammar Reading Exercises

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    We describe the AGReE system, which takes user-submitted passages as input and automatically generates grammar practice exercises that can be completed while reading. Multiple-choice practice items are generated for a variety of different grammar constructs: punctuation, articles, conjunctions, pronouns, prepositions, verbs, and nouns. We also conducted a large-scale human evaluation with around 4,500 multiple-choice practice items. We notice for 95% of items, a majority of raters out of five were able to identify the correct answer and for 85% of cases, raters agree that there is only one correct answer among the choices. Finally, the error analysis shows that raters made the most mistakes for punctuation and conjunctions.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2022 Demonstration Trac

    Setting and agenda for English for academic and professional purposes in Spain

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    This paper outlines the practical implications of the use of the term English for Academic and Professional Purposes (EAPP), a position originally taken by Alcaraz (2000). The article proposes an agenda for EAPP within tertiary level education in Spain. Firstly, we propose a methodological and theoretical linguistic framework for our EAPP classes in our engineering and business degrees, which takes the form of Personalized Learning and Continuous Evaluation and links our ideas about the nature of language issues in EAPP with a rigorous theoretical framework based on Hallidayan Systemic Linguistics. Secondly, we describe a methodology for Academic English based on corpus linguistic techniques, which involves the building and processing of a corpus rapidly so as to extract lexico-grammatical information that has direct application in the classroom. Thirdly, we suggest that English for Professional Purposes consists of interpersonal activities such as being able to negotiate effectively; conduct interviews and surveys; listen and take notes during meetings and presentations; communicate effectively on the telephone as well as with video conferencing technology; carry out oral presentations etc. Finally, we conclude this paper outlining the specific skills that would be needed by a teacher of EAPP

    Vexique: Vocabulary enhancement software for French immersion students

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    This dissertation developed and tested online writing analytics software, Vexique, designed to improve French immersion (FI) high school students’ lexical richness by promoting use of alternative vocabulary in phrasing an essay. Vexique’s features were grounded in the Hulstijn and Laufer (2001) Involvement Load Hypothesis for second language (L2) vocabulary acquisition, whereby giving more attention to processing lexical information encourages vocabulary acquisition and retention in L2. Forty-five Grade 12 FI students participated. Students wrote two argumentative essays. Vexique provided quantified feedback of vocabulary and usage on the first essay that afforded making lexical improvements prior to submission. To test effects of the software’s analytics, students wrote a second essay without feedback. Lexical richness increased after learners received prompts about their first essay. Results showed statistically detectable benefits to lexical richness indicated by lexical density and diversity. Results also indicated no statistically detectable difference in repetitive content words in the second essay

    Mini-Grammar Lessons: The Pedagogical Application of a Syntactic Analysis to L2 Composition

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    In this paper we demonstrate that by using syntax error-analysis from a single composition from an ESL learner, a succession of structure lessons can be devised based upon the principles of Chomsky’s Generative Transformational Grammar (Koffi, 2010). This is analogous to the Cognitive Code Approach of the 1970s which was greatly influenced by the work of linguists and psycholinguists such as Chomsky and Miller (Celce-Murcia, 1991). We reveal that while mistakes are inevitable in the acquisition process, teachers can create personalized “mini-grammar lessons” (Celce-Murcia & Hilles, 1988, p.145) based on the identification of recurring patterns of errors in their students’ compositions (Kroll & Schafer, 1978)

    Mise en place du modèle ESPIT pour améliorer la production orale des participants du plan stratégique d’amélioration académique

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    In a distance learning environment, English teachers encounter the need to make substantial adaptations to their teaching methodology, considering all the variables that can intervene in such context. At Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Distance State University, UNED) in the English Teaching Major for First and Second Cycles, students who require extra practice and teaching guidance due to low linguistic performance can be part of a successful project called Academic Improvement Strategic Plan (PEMA in its Spanish acronym). In order to help PEMA participants enhance their oral production, researchers designed a methodological model called ESPIT. The article presents the theoretical framework that supports the design of the ESPIT model; which acronym stands for Engaging myself, Shaping my knowledge, Performing my skill, Intervening my production, Transforming my linguistic profile, its main features and structure, the description of the teaching experience, its results and finally the conclusions.En un ambiente de educación a distancia, las personas docentes de inglés enfrentan la necesidad de hacer cambios substanciales a su metodología de aprendizaje considerando muchas variables que podrían intervenir en tal contexto. En la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), en la carrera de Enseñanza del Inglés para I y II ciclos, el estudiantado requiere práctica y guía extra debido a su desempeño bajo lingüístico, pueden ser parte del proyecto exitoso llamado Plan Estratégico de Mejoramiento Académico (PEMA). Con el fin de ayudar a los participantes de PEMA a mejorar su producción oral, los investigadores diseñaron un modelo metodológico llamado ESPIT (cuyas siglas representan Engaging myself, Shaping my knowledge, Performing my skill, Intervening my production, Transforming my linguistic profile). El artículo presenta el fundamento teórico que respalda el diseño del modelo, sus características principales y estructura, la descripción de la experiencia de enseñanza, sus resultados y, finalmente, las conclusiones.Dans le cadre de l’enseignement à distance, les enseignants d’anglais sont confrontés aubesoin de faire des changements notables aux méthodologies d’apprentissage enprenant compte plusieurs variables qui interviennent dans ce contexte. En ce quiconcerne, l’Université de l’État à Distance (UNED), dans la filière de l’Enseignement del’Anglais pour les cycles I et II, les étudiants qui requièrent pratiquer et un guidesupplémentaire dû â leur faible performance linguistique, ils peuvent faire partie duprogramme réussi nommé Plan Stratégique d’Amélioration Académique (PEMA enespagnol). Afin d’aider les participants au PEMA à améliorer la production orale, leschercheurs ont conçu un modèle méthodologique appelé ESPIT –en anglais Engagingmyself, Shaping my knowledge, Perfoming my skill, Intervening my production,Transforming my linguistic profile– (dont les sigles signifient: Engagement avec moimême,Façonner mes connaissances, Développer mes compétences, Intervenir maproduction, Transformer mon profile linguistique). En outre, cet article présente lefondement théorique qui donne support au modèle ESPIT, ses caractéristiquesprincipales, sa structure, la description de l’expérience d’enseignement, les résultats etfinalement, les conclusions