35 research outputs found

    Proposal of a mobile learning preferences model

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    A model consisting of five dimensions of mobile learning preferences – location, level of distractions, time of day, level of motivation and available time – is proposed in this paper. The aim of the model is to potentially increase the learning effectiveness of individuals or groups by appropriately matching and allocating mobile learning materials/applications according to each learner’s type. Examples are given. Our current research investigations relating to this model are described

    Collaboration between Librarians and Learning Technologists to enhance the learning of health sciences students.

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    Collaboration between Librarians and Learning Technologists at Bournemouth University (BU) has been stimulated and cemented by Pathfinder funding from the Higher Education Academy. This paper will consider four case studies collected as part of the eRes Project that describe the use of Web 2.0 technologies in the School of Health and Social Care at BU. The project aimed to enhance the student learning experience in an increasingly electronic environment. This was achieved by developing and disseminating innovative pedagogical frameworks, bringing together learning activities and academically led quality e-resources within the unit of study. An e-reading strategy which encompasses models for resource discovery and e-literacy was developed, drawing on the experiences and findings of the case studies. Issues considered in this paper will include accessing academic electronic reading materials and using a social bookmarking tool integrated within BU’s virtual learning environment with students studying away from the main campus. Additionally the paper will consider how technology can be used to motivate students, especially in large groups and how it can be used to engage students with a subject perceived as “dry” or “difficult”. The rich possibilities of health science materials can be exploited more fully using new technologies embedded within the curriculum

    Efficacy of Mastery-Based Adaptive Technology in Introductory Quantitative Reasoning Course

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    In this study, we explored the efficacy of using Hawkes Learning, a mastery-based adaptive technology system in a freshmen level Quantitative Reasoning course at a four-year private university. Students used this competency based adaptive platform to master the content by learning the material at their own pace, then practicing the problems and finally getting certified on their homework assignments. Each topic of this system offered three intuitive modes to mastery: Learn, Practice, and Certify. We analyzed students’ performance and perceptions with this system and compared it with the previous traditional model. Our study indicated that there is no statistically significant difference between students’ performance but their perceptions towards learning have improved significantly when they used this technology. We found that most students were able to succeed in QR course with this technology and it enabled them to become better independent learners. Keywords: Mastery-Based Learning, Adaptive Technology, Digital Learning, Quantitative Reasoning, Introductory Mathematics Course DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-24-02 Publication date: August 31st 201


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    This study aims to determine the increase in students' self-regulation abilities after the application of self-assessment during the online science learning process. This research was a Pre-Experimental Design using One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The subjects of this study were 22 students of VIII-F class at SMPN 1 Gresik in the 2020/2021 academic year. The data collection techniques used a self-assessment test method and questionnaire method in the form of a pre-post self-regulation questionnaire based on seven essential indicators in the LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory) Instrument. The self-assessment sheet used to practice students' self-regulation abilities during the learning process and the self-regulation questionnaire used to determine achievement and improvement on each student's self-regulation indicator. Through the self-regulation questionnaire, it was found that students' self-regulation abilities had an average increase of 30% (N-Gain: moderate). This increase occurred because through self-assessment, students became more accustomed to assessing and criticizing the process and also the achievement of their own online learning at their homes. All indicators of students' self-regulation ability in online science learning have been achieved in the good category. The highest increase occurred in the motivation indicator (N-Gain: 0.32), while the lowest increase occurred in the self-testing indicator (N-Gain: 0.05). Through the self-assessment sheet, it was found that 86.36% of students had a very good category of self-regulation ability. The application of self-assessment can be used as a reference by science teachers to improve students' self-regulation skills and learning motivation in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Improving graduate employability by using social networking systems

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    In a recent decade many universities responded to challenges of the internet penetration into the society and economics by simply adding computerized facilities to their existing curriculum services as their e-learning strategy [3] so that the traditional teaching and learning model could be preserved. This e-learning strategy deployment is now being challenged by the emergence of Social Networking System/Site (SNS). In order to evaluate how SNS would have affected current Higher Education System (HES), one needs to look into the inner working of value exchange within a broader societal community to extract relational interactions among its participating components (entities), and substantiate what had been challenged internally of a community to prepare for the external intrusion of SNS in a foreseeable future. In this paper, a triple-entity learning community framework is proposed with its Core Value that glues the participating entities together (figure 5). Prior to this framework, graduate's employability issues as part of the Core Value are brought to the surface to help educators revise their existing e-learning strategies, so that curriculum content providing educational resources to its clients will be serviced in a more timely and responsive manner


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    Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran yang beragam sudah banyak diterapkan, terlebih pada kondisi pandemi yang berlangsung menyebabkan pembelajaran diterapkan melalui jarak jauh (PJJ). Pada kondisi tersebut, pemilihan media pembelajaran yang tepat sangat diperlukan agar peserta didik tidak mengalami learning loss. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas video pembelajaran interaktif, tingkat self regulated learning peserta didik, dan pengaruh video pembelajaran interaktif terhadap self regulated learning peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yang menggunakan metode one group pre-test-post-test design. Subjek eksperimen pada penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik kelas XI IPS 4. Variabel pada penelitian ini adalah efektivitas media pembelajaran dengan indikatornya yaitu kesesuaian, kemudahan, kemenarikan, dan kemanfaatan, serta self regulated learning dengan indikatornya yaitu inisiatif belajar, mendiagnosis kebutuhan belajar, menetapkan target atau tujuan belajar, memandang kesulitan sebagai tantangan, memanfaatkan dan mencari sumber yang relevan, serta mengevaluasi proses dan hasil belajar. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah pedoman observasi dan angket. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik statistika inferensial dengan uji t sebagai uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, video pembelajaran interaktif efektif sebagai media belajar dengan indikator kemanfaatan yang paling konsisten muncul pada setiap pembelajarannya. Adapun tingkat self regulated learning peserta didik berada pada kategori tinggi dengan skor 71, sedangkan mengevaluasi proses dan hasil belajar merupakan indikator dengan skor tertinggi yaitu 12. Pada hasil uji t, didapatkan bahwa thitung < -ttabel yakni -10.098 < -2.032 sehingga HI diterima yang mana sesudah media tersebut digunakan terdapat perbedaan rata-rata terhadap tingkat self regulated learning peserta didik. The use of diverse learning media should have been widely applied, especially in the ongoing pandemic conditions that cause learning to be implemented through distance. In these conditions, the selection of the right learning media is very necessary so that students do not experience learning loss. This research aims to determine the effectiveness of interactive learning video, the level of students' self-regulated learning, and the effect of interactive learning videos on students' self-regulated learning. This type of research is an experimental research that uses the one group pre-test-post-test design method. The experimental subjects in this research were students of class XI IPS 4. The variables in this research are the effectiveness of learning media with indicators such as suitability, convenience, attractiveness, and usefulness, also self-regulated learning with indicators such as learning initiatives, diagnosing learning needs, setting learning targets or goals, viewing difficulties as challenges, utilizing and looking for relevant sources, and evaluating learning processes and outcomes. The instruments used in data collection are observation guidelines and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using inferential statistical techniques with a t-test as a hypothesis test. Based on the research results, interactive learning video are effective as a learning media with the most consistent indicators of usefulness appearing in each lesson. As for the level of self-regulated learning of students is in the high category with a score of 71, while evaluating learning processes and outcomes is an indicator with the highest score of 12. On the results of the t test, it was found that tcount < -ttable i.e. -10.098 < -2.032 so that HI was accepted which after using the media there is an average difference in the level of students' self-regulated learning

    Unleashing Process Mining for Education: Designing an IT-Tool for Students to Self-Monitor their Personal Learning Paths

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    The ability of students to self-monitor their learning paths is in demand as never before due to the recent rise of online education formats, which entails less interaction with lecturers. Recent advantages in educational process mining (EPM) offer new opportunities to monitor students’ learning paths by processing log data captured by technology-mediated learning environments. However, current literature falls short on providing user-centered design principles for ITtools which can monitor learning paths using EPM. Hence, in this paper, we examine how to design a self-monitoring tool that supports students to evaluate their learning paths. Based on theoretical insights of 66 papers and nine user interviews, we propose seven design principles for an IT-tool which facilitates self-monitoring for students based on EPM. Further, we evaluate the design principles with seven potential users. Our results demonstrate a promising approach to help students improve their self-efficacy in their individual learning process using EPM

    Un modelo híbrido para el entrenamiento adaptativo basado en ejercicios

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    En el presente trabajo se propone una estrategia de ejercitación basada en un modelo híbrido que integra técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial, Bases de Datos y Programación Orientada a Objetos, donde los conceptos fundamentales son: Ejercicio Prototipo y Nivel de Complejidad. El ejercicio prototipo permite optimizar el código almacenado de una gran variedad de ejercicios del mismo tipo, mientras que el nivel de complejidad garantiza la adaptación del entrenamiento de acuerdo al nivel de preparación del estudiante. Para lograr la funcionalidad del modelo, se han definido diversas estructuras de representación del conocimiento que componen en tiempo de ejecución el enunciado y la solución al problema presentado, lo cual posibilita el diseño de ejercicios genéricos. Se incluye, además, el registro de todo el quehacer del aprendiz, de modo que puede servir de base para dar seguimiento a su proceso de aprendizaje y por consiguiente, para brindarle las recomendaciones necesarias. Con este modelo de entrenamiento se logra ofrecer una gran diversidad de ejercicios que apoyen la etapa de reforzamiento y eviten el uso repetitivo de los mismos ejercicios, adaptar la ejercitación a las necesidades del alumno y brindar una asesoría desde el punto de vista que éste es orientado durante su preparación.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Un modelo híbrido para el entrenamiento adaptativo basado en ejercicios

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    En el presente trabajo se propone una estrategia de ejercitación basada en un modelo híbrido que integra técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial, Bases de Datos y Programación Orientada a Objetos, donde los conceptos fundamentales son: Ejercicio Prototipo y Nivel de Complejidad. El ejercicio prototipo permite optimizar el código almacenado de una gran variedad de ejercicios del mismo tipo, mientras que el nivel de complejidad garantiza la adaptación del entrenamiento de acuerdo al nivel de preparación del estudiante. Para lograr la funcionalidad del modelo, se han definido diversas estructuras de representación del conocimiento que componen en tiempo de ejecución el enunciado y la solución al problema presentado, lo cual posibilita el diseño de ejercicios genéricos. Se incluye, además, el registro de todo el quehacer del aprendiz, de modo que puede servir de base para dar seguimiento a su proceso de aprendizaje y por consiguiente, para brindarle las recomendaciones necesarias. Con este modelo de entrenamiento se logra ofrecer una gran diversidad de ejercicios que apoyen la etapa de reforzamiento y eviten el uso repetitivo de los mismos ejercicios, adaptar la ejercitación a las necesidades del alumno y brindar una asesoría desde el punto de vista que éste es orientado durante su preparación.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI