7 research outputs found

    Data mining of commodity proposals based on context recommendations

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    Інтернет-технології є невід’ємною складовою відносин, які виникають у сучасному суспільстві. Через швидке впровадження та зручність електронних майданчиків, прогнозовано зростає попит на ринку IT-продуктів для рекомендаційних систем. У статті розглянуті різноманітні обмеження поточних рекомендаційних методів та обговорено можливі розширення, що можуть покращити рекомендаційні можливості та зробити їх більш ціностними для широкого кола додатків. Ці розширення включають покращення сприймання користувачів та елементів, включення контекстної інформації в рекомендаційний процес, підтримка багатокритеріальних рейтингів та надання більш гнучких і водночас менш нав’язливих типів рекомендацій. Важливу роль відіграє інтеграція діяльності, якаполягає у підтримці усіх аспектів електронної комерції від виконання транзакцій до підтримки мережі постачання, що дає змогу спростити документообіг та збільшити вигоду учасників.Направленість даної розробки – проводити аналітичну обробку даних торгівельних майданчиків, на основі контекстних рекомендацій, об’єктивний аналіз та здійснювати актуальний моніторинг ділової активності на торговельному майданчику. Розглянуто задачу складання різноманітних аналітичних звітів, що дозволить учасникам ринку IT-продуктів для рекомендаційних систем об’єктивно і своєчасно аналізувати розвиток ситуації на ринку, виявляти існуючі та прогнозні тенденції. Побудова сфери надання інтелектуальних аналітичних послуг здійснюється для залучення додаткових учасників, або якісно нових гравців ринку та одержання додаткового прибутку.Для обробки доцільно використовувати принципово нові технології Data Mining, що дозволить отримати якісно цінні дані. Data Mining – це технологія, призначена для пошуку у великих інформаційних масивах неочевидних даних, об’єктивних, корисних на практиці закономірностей.Internet technologies are an integral part of the relationship that arises in modern society. The rapid introduction and convenience of electronic platforms triggered the projected growth in demand in the market for IT products for recommender systems.The article discusses various limitations of current recommender methods and discusses possible extensions that can improve the recommender capabilities and make them more valuable for a wide range of applications. These extensions include improving the perception of users and elements, including contextual information in the recommendatory process, supporting multi-criteria ratings and providing more flexible and at the same time less intrusive types of recommendations.When integrating the relevant information technology to develop a commodity proposals environment, it is therefore necessary to consider the personalization requirements of the proposal to ensure that the technology achieves its intended result. This study therefore sought to apply context aware technology and recommendation algorithms to develop a system realize personalized goals in a context aware manner and improve commodity proposals effectiveness.In order to offer context-aware and personalized information, intelligent processing techniques are necessary. Different initiatives considering many contexts have been proposed, but users preferences need to be learned to offer contextualized and personalized services, products or information. Therefore, this paper proposes an agent-based architecture for context-aware and personalized event recommendation based on ontology and the spreading algorithm. The use of ontology allows to define the domain knowledge model, while the spreading activation algorithm learns user patterns by discovering user interests.Also from the statistical observation, it is found that there exists a higher level agreement towards the system between the participants of both end users and expert

    A journey from Cure to Care- Wellness management for healthy lifestyle: Diabetes management a case study

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    Smart ubiquitous computing has a vital role to avoid and indicate the preventable lifestyle-based chronic diseases. It is focusing to adopt a healthy lifestyle by converging science and technology in this digital world for improving health and quality of life. From the last decade, the development of wellness applications has supported personalization and self-quantification. These applications facilitate the users through activity tracking and monitoring, based on the raw sensory data to adopt healthy behavior. The challenge of behavior change is not only to indicate the issues but also provides step-by-step coaching and guidance at real time. The realization of behavior change theories through digital technology has revolutionized the lifestyle change in a systematic and measurable manner. We have proposed a methodology to understand the behavior for generating just-in-time intervention for adopting a healthy lifestyle. Wellness platform based behavior analysis is performed using unbiased life-log and questionnaire for qualitative assessment of behavior. Behavior stage wise intervention is provided to adapt behavior for enhancing the quality of life and boost the socio-economic conditions. Personalized education is provided to understand the importance of healthy behavior and motivate the users, whereas just-in-time context-based recommendations have supported the stage-wise adaptation of unhealthy behavior. These capabilities require status evaluation of the activities and an efficient way to portray the comprehensive index of lifestyle habits. The real focus is to correlate the primarily linked habits in appropriate proportion through healthy behavior index (HBI) for personalized wellness support services. The healthy behavior index and behavior change theories through smart technologies

    Context-aware Knowledge-based Systems: A Literature Review

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    Context awareness systems, a subcategory of intelligent systems, are concerned with suggesting relevant products/services to users' situations as smart services. One key element for improving smart services’ quality is to organize and manipulate contextual data in an appropriate manner to facilitate knowledge generation from these data. In this light, a knowledge-based approach, can be used as a key component in context-aware systems. Context awareness and knowledge-based systems, in fact, have been gaining prominence in their respective domains for decades. However, few studies have focused on how to reconcile the two fields to maximize the benefits of each field. For this reason, the objective of this paper is to present a literature review of how context-aware systems, with a focus on the knowledge-based approach, have recently been conceptualized to promote further research in this area. In the end, the implications and current challenges of the study will be discussed

    Dynamic physical activity recommendation on personalised mobile health information service: A deep reinforcement learning approach

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    Mobile health (mHealth) information service makes healthcare management easier for users, who want to increase physical activity and improve health. However, the differences in activity preference among the individual, adherence problems, and uncertainty of future health outcomes may reduce the effect of the mHealth information service. The current health service system usually provides recommendations based on fixed exercise plans that do not satisfy the user specific needs. This paper seeks an efficient way to make physical activity recommendation decisions on physical activity promotion in personalised mHealth information service by establishing data-driven model. In this study, we propose a real-time interaction model to select the optimal exercise plan for the individual considering the time-varying characteristics in maximising the long-term health utility of the user. We construct a framework for mHealth information service system comprising a personalised AI module, which is based on the scientific knowledge about physical activity to evaluate the individual exercise performance, which may increase the awareness of the mHealth artificial intelligence system. The proposed deep reinforcement learning (DRL) methodology combining two classes of approaches to improve the learning capability for the mHealth information service system. A deep learning method is introduced to construct the hybrid neural network combing long-short term memory (LSTM) network and deep neural network (DNN) techniques to infer the individual exercise behavior from the time series data. A reinforcement learning method is applied based on the asynchronous advantage actor-critic algorithm to find the optimal policy through exploration and exploitation

    An optimized context-aware mobile computing model to filter inappropriate incoming calls in smartphone

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    Requests for communication via mobile devices can be disruptive to the receiver in certain social situation. For example, unsuitable incoming calls may put the receiver in a dangerous condition, as in the case of receiving calls while driving. Therefore, designers of mobile computing interfaces require plans for minimizing annoying calls. To reduce the frequency of these calls, one promising approach is to provide an intelligent and accurate system, based on context awareness with cues of a callee's context allowing informed decisions of when to answer a call. The processing capabilities and advantages of mobile devices equipped with portable sensors provide the basis for new context-awareness services and applications. However, contextawareness mobile computing systems are needed to manage the difficulty of multiple sources of context that affects the accuracy of the systems, and the challenge of energy hungry GPS sensor that affects the battery consumption of mobile phone. Hence, reducing the cost of GPS sensor and increasing the accuracy of current contextawareness call filtering systems are two main motivations of this study. Therefore, this study proposes a new localization mechanism named Improved Battery Life in Context Awareness System (IBCS) to deal with the energy-hungry GPS sensor and optimize the battery consumption of GPS sensor in smartphone for more than four hours. Finally, this study investigates the context-awareness models in smartphone and develops an alternative intelligent model structure to improve the accuracy rate. Hence, a new optimized context-awareness mobile computing model named Optimized Context Filtering (OCF) is developed to filter unsuitable incoming calls based on context information of call receiver. In this regard, a new extended Naive Bayesian classifier was proposed based on the Naive Bayesian classifier by combining the incremental learning strategy with appropriate weight on the new training data. This new classifier is utilized as an inference engine to the proposed model to increase its accuracy rate. The results indicated that 7% improvement was seen in the accuracy rate of the proposed extended naive Bayesian classifier. On the other hand, the proposed model result showed that the OCF model improved the accuracy rate by 14%. These results indicated that the proposed model is a hopeful approach to provide an intelligent call filtering system based on context information for smartphones

    Precision Medicine Informatics: Principles, Prospects, and Challenges

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    Precision Medicine (PM) is an emerging approach that appears with the impression of changing the existing paradigm of medical practice. Recent advances in technological innovations and genetics, and the growing availability of health data have set a new pace of the research and imposes a set of new requirements on different stakeholders. To date, some studies are available that discuss about different aspects of PM. Nevertheless, a holistic representation of those aspects deemed to confer the technological perspective, in relation to applications and challenges, is mostly ignored. In this context, this paper surveys advances in PM from informatics viewpoint and reviews the enabling tools and techniques in a categorized manner. In addition, the study discusses how other technological paradigms including big data, artificial intelligence, and internet of things can be exploited to advance the potentials of PM. Furthermore, the paper provides some guidelines for future research for seamless implementation and wide-scale deployment of PM based on identified open issues and associated challenges. To this end, the paper proposes an integrated holistic framework for PM motivating informatics researchers to design their relevant research works in an appropriate context.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, journal pape