46 research outputs found

    Effects of Personalization and Invitation Email Length on Web-Based Survey Response Rates

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    Individual strategies to increase response rate and survey completion have been extensively researched. Recently, efforts have been made to investigate a combination of interventions to yield better response rates for web-based surveys. This study examined the effects of four different survey invitation conditions on response rate. From a large metropolitan university in the West, a group of 1,598 selected students were randomly assigned to four groups, each of which received a different version of the invitation email to participate in a survey of campus technology needs. Findings show that neither the degree of personalization nor the length of the invitation email impacted survey response or completion. Additionally, the outcomes demonstrated the impact of research-based “best practices” and their impact on overall response rate

    Service quality role on customer’s loyalty of Indonesia internet service provider during Covid-19

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    The present study developed a conceptual research framework for potential predictors of loyalty to intention and loyalty to the action ofinternet service providers. This study examined whether customer loyalty of Indonesia service provider was related to service quality dimensions (namely network quality, customer service, information quality, security, and privacy) by providing empirical evidence of the relationship among there variables. Customer loyaltywas reflected by the indicators of loyalty to intention, loyalty to action, and willingness to recommend to others. This is to fill the research gap generated by the fact that many previous studies have only studied up to the intention phase and/or have jumped to the action phase without looking at the intention phase.  A quantitative approach through a questionnaire survey was conducted in primary data collection.Out of 400 internet service provider customers surveyed in this study that collected through internet online survey. The findings and results show: Firstly, network quality directly influences attitudinal loyalty. Secondly, customer service directly influences attitudinal loyalty. Thirdly, information quality directly influences attitudinal loyalty. Fourthly, securityand privacynot only directly influence attitudinal loyalty but also influence behavioral loyalty. Finally, attitudinal loyalty directly influences behavioral loyalty. The contribution to academicians interested in the same research topic was the conceptual model. It contributed to the understanding of the cognition-to action loyalty phase framework, also known as the four-stage loyalty phase framework

    Gender differences in response to Facebook status updates from same and opposite gender friends

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    We conducted two studies to examine gender differences in response to Facebook status updates from same and opposite gender friends. Study 1 surveyed 522 undergraduate students (216 females and 306 males), and compared males’ and females’ responses to two Facebook status updates: one from a same gender friend and one from an opposite gender friend. Females’ public replies and private messages to a female friend showed higher levels of emotional support than males’ public replies and private messages to a male friend. In contrast, there were no significant gender differences in response to an opposite gender friend. Furthermore, males showed higher levels of emotional support in private messages than in public replies to male friends. Study 2 recruited 484 participants (295 females and 189 males) using CrowdFlower. Approximately half received a Facebook status update from a same gender friend and the other half received it from an opposite gender friend. Females’ public replies to a female friend showed significantly high levels of emotional support than males’ public replies to a male friend and there was a similar but marginally significant gender difference for private replies to same gender friends. There was no gender difference in response to opposite gender friends. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed

    Does Survey Format Influence Self-Disclosure on Sensitive Question Items?

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    Although there are advantages for use of internet based survey research over other formats, there remains in question whether survey mode influences the data measurement equivalency. While most research exploring survey format finds little or no difference in measurement equivalency, the interaction of sensitive topics and survey modality is not fully understood. Additionally, research suggests gender differences in item response on sensitive topics. The present study examined archival data from a college health survey using both online and paper–pencil survey formats. The interaction was evaluated between gender, survey format, and item sensitivity level. Results indicate that question topic sensitivity has a large effect on missing data, and survey format has a moderate effect. These findings have necessary implications for survey design and outcome interpretations

    On modeling labor markets for fine-grained insights

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    Examining Factors Impacting Online Survey Response Rates in Educational Research: Perceptions of Graduate Students

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    Background: In educational research, online survey has become one of the most popular methods of data collection. Academic researchers, including faculty and students, expect and require a good response rate to their research projects for reliable results. Purpose: In this paper, the authors examine a wide range of factors related to survey response rates in academic research. Examples include email checking habits, survey design, and attitudes toward research. Setting: An online survey environment Intervention: Not applicable. Research Design:  A cross-sectional quantitative research method was used to analyze the factors that influence participants’ email survey response rate. Data were collected at a single point in time. The authors did not directly measure changes that come over time in this study. Data Collection and Analysis: After receiving the Institutional Research Board’s approval, the researchers distributed the survey via the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Graduate Student Discussion List subscribers. A sample of 454 responses was used in the final analysis-- with a 78.9 % response rate. The authors used descriptive statistics (percentage, average mean) and inferential statistics (chi-square and correlations) to report the data analysis and findings. Findings: Results indicated that research survey response rate was highly influenced by interests of participants, survey structure, communication methods, and assurance of privacy and confidentiality. The findings also suggested that male participants were more likely to respond to surveys if they received a reminder, and older participants were more likely to respond if they were promised a reward. Keywords: academic research; education graduate students; online surveys; postal surveys; survey response rat

    The impact of greeting personalization on prevalence estimates in a survey of sexual assault victimization

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    Although personalized invitations tend to increase response rates in web surveys, little is known about how personalization impacts data quality. To evaluate the impact of personalization on survey estimates of sensitive items, the effects of personalized and generic greetings in a survey (n = 9,673) on an extremely sensitive topic-sexual assault victimization-were experimentally compared. Personalization was found to have increased response rates with negligible impact on victimization reporting, and this impact was similar across most demographic groups. The findings suggest that future studies may benefit from the use of a personalized greeting when recruiting sample members to participate in a sensitive survey, but that further research is necessary to better understand how the impact of personalization on reporting may differ across some demographic groups

    Gender differences in response to Facebook status updates from same and opposite gender friends

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    We conducted two studies to examine gender differences in response to Facebook status updates from same and opposite gender friends. Study 1 surveyed 522 undergraduate students (216 females and 306 males), and compared males’ and females’ responses to two Facebook status updates: one from a same gender friend and one from an opposite gender friend. Females’ public replies and private messages to a female friend showed higher levels of emotional support than males’ public replies and private messages to a male friend. In contrast, there were no significant gender differences in response to an opposite gender friend. Furthermore, males showed higher levels of emotional support in private messages than in public replies to male friends. Study 2 recruited 484 participants (295 females and 189 males) using CrowdFlower. Approximately half received a Facebook status update from a same gender friend and the other half received it from an opposite gender friend. Females’ public replies to a female friend showed significantly high levels of emotional support than males’ public replies to a male friend and there was a similar but marginally significant gender difference for private replies to same gender friends. There was no gender difference in response to opposite gender friends. The practical and theoretical implications of these findings are discussed

    FĂŒhren Online-Befragungen zu anderen Ergebnissen als persönliche Interviews? Eine SchĂ€tzung von Moduseffekten am Beispiel eines Mixed-Mode Surveys

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    Der zunehmende Einsatz von Online-Befragungen (CAWI) ist ein Trend, der sich im Zuge der COVID-19 Pandemie weiter verstĂ€rkte. Der Umstieg von persönlichen Interviews auf Online-Befragungen wirft die Frage nach Moduseffekten auf. Unterscheiden sich die Ergebnisse von Online-Befragungen von jenen auf Basis von Telefoninterviews? Die vorliegende Studie untersucht diese Frage unter Verwendung der Daten aus dem AK COVID Panel Survey, der ein Mixed Mode Design aufweist und im ersten Jahr der COVID-19 Pandemie durchgefĂŒhrt wurde. Die Ergebnisse von Regressionsanalysen fĂŒr 46 verschiedene Variablen, die fĂŒr die Zusammensetzung der CAWI-und CATI-Stichproben kontrollieren, zeigen, dass Moduseffekte auf bestimmte Themenbereiche eingegrenzt werden können. FĂŒr manche Themen werden signifikante und substantiell bedeutsame Moduseffekte geschĂ€tzt (soziales Vertrauen, Zukunftssorgen, finanzielle Problemlagen und Gesundheit). Telefonisch Befragte antworten stĂ€rker sozialerwĂŒnscht, bringen Sorgen weniger stark zum Ausdruck, schĂ€tzen ihre finanzielle Lage, ihren sozialen Status und ihre Gesundheit besser ein, und sie geben an, anderen Menschen mehr zu vertrauen und prosozialer eingestellt zu sein als Online-Befragte. Kaum von Moduseffekten betroffen zeigen sich, faktische‘ Fragen nach krisenbedingten VerĂ€nderungen des Einkommens ohne Bezug zur finanziellen Lage, Fragen zu Arbeitsbedingungen, familiĂ€ren Beziehungen oder vielen politischen Einstellungen. Der Beitrag schließt, dass Ergebnisse persönlicher Befragungen aus Zeiten vor der Pandemie oft nicht direkt mit aktuellen Ergebnissen auf Basis von Online-Erhebungen verglichen werden können und weist auf die Bedeutung heterogener Moduseffekte hin, deren systematische Untersuchung und BerĂŒcksichtigung als ForschungslĂŒcke identifiziert wird