3 research outputs found

    Accessible Interfaces for Educational Multimedia Contents

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    Proceedings of: Workshop on Advanced Learning Technologies for Disabled and Non-Disabled People (WALTD 2008), July 1st-July 5th, 2008, Santander, Cantabria, Spain, in conjunction with the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2008)The use of technology is growing in every field of education, and not only in the education of disabled students but also as a learning resource for everybody. The teachers are more and more introducing these digital contents in their lessons and there are many resources related to learning on internet.. If an equal access to these resources is guaranteed, then we can avoid students feeling that their learning capacity is limited due to a possible inaccessibility to them. Inclusive methodologies have to be followed to reach these objectives applying the standards such as Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG) and rules of accessibility in the design and development of web pages, technical supporting, software, author tools, etc. This papers describes a practical case with two accessible interfaces of multimedia resources implemented with Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL.)Publicad

    Digital Systems Laboratory for Visually Impaired Students

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    Comunicación presentada al 2nd ACM Workshop on Methods and Cases in Computing Education for the European Higher Education Area, celebrado en Barcelona el 22 de abril de 2009.This paper describes how the practical sessions of the Digital Systems Laboratory within the Computer Science Degree have been adapted to allow a visually impaired student to take part in the practical sessions. Regular students use a computer--aided design tool (OrCAD) for digital design in their practical assignments. This work shows how the use of special instrumentation allows visually impaired students to work with regular students in the same lab, where the CAD tool is installed. The teaching methodology and the obtained assessments are introduced here. Some specific practical materials have been designed and they are described in this work; the design of a special buzzer is also presente