1,456 research outputs found

    Revolutionizing the future of personal systems: an equity research study of HP inc

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    This paper aims to examine the Personal Systems segment of HP Inc., a crucial component in developing its valuation analysis, and provide an outlook on this segment for prospective readers who are looking to invest or have invested in the company. Throughout the report, the reader will find a detailed analysis of the firm's business model and strategy, the Personal Systems industry, which includes the analysis of its competitive landscape and future trends. Based on this data, the study develops robust assumptions for forecasting the performance of the Personal Systems segment until 2045, which will ultimately yield a funded recommendation for a prospective investor. As of October 2023 (HP's 2023 fiscal year-end date), HP's stock price was estimated to be, based on a scenario-weighted analysis including the firm's other operational segments, around $29,09, effectively yielding a total return for investors of 6.50%. This led to a final recommendation that investors should HOLD their position regarding HP Inc.'s stock

    Theoretical Foundations of Learning Communities

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    This chapter describes the historical and contemporary theoretical underpinnings of learning communities and argues that there is a need for more complex models in conceptualizing and assessing their effectiveness

    The risk and resilience framework and its implications for teachers and schools.

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    Risk and resilience theory and research are presented according to Stanley's (2003a) framework and the implications for teachers and schools are identified. Findings in the field make clear that those who are closest to children can reduce risk, enhance competence and prevent problem development, and by these means promote the attainments and wellbeing of the young people for whom they have a duty of care. Some critique of the risk and resilience framework is also offered

    PAC-MEN: Personal Autonomic Computing Monitoring Environments

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    The overall goal of this research is to improve the `environment awareness' aspect of personal autonomic computing. Personal Computing offers unique challenges for self-management due to its multiequipment, multi-situation, and multi-user nature. The aim is to develop a support architecture for multiplatform working, based on autonomic computing concepts and techniques. Of particular interest is collaboration among personal systems to take a shared responsibility for environment awareness. Concepts mirroring human mechanisms, such as 'reflex reactions' and the use of 'vital signs' to assess operational health, are used in designing and implementing the personal computing architecture. A proof of concept self-healing tool is considered and lessons learned used for the requirements specification of the community-based environment awareness prototype environment---PACMEN (Personal Autonomic Computing Monitor ENvironment)


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the dynamical variables of sprint start in two different starting blocks setups. The ReacTime Personal Systems was used to record the Reaction Time (RT) and the Power of 20 teenaged sprinters (15 males and 5 females) in the sprint start. In addition, the Newtest Powertimer photocells were used to collect subjects’ 0 to 10 metre (T10) performance after the sprint start. The variables were tested by the repeated measures one-way ANOVA by SPSS 19.0 statistical software at a .05 significant level. The results showed that there were better effects on the short starting block (SB) in power generation performance than the long starting block (LB). The athletes can apply short starting block and make adjustments and modifications based on their training conditions

    Introduction to the new usability

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    This paper introduces the motivation for and concept of the "new usability" and positions it against existing approaches to usability. It is argued that the contexts of emerging products and systems mean that traditional approaches to usability engineering and evaluation are likely to prove inappropriate to the needs of "digital consumers." The paper briefly reviews the contributions to this special issue in terms of their relation to the idea of the "new usability" and their individual approaches to dealing with contemporary usability issues. This helps provide a background to the "new usability" research agenda, and the paper ends by posing what are argued to be the central challenges facing the area and those which lie at the heart of the proposed research agenda

    The main aspects of the problem and implementing web conferencing in the process of teaching and research activities

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    У статті аналізуються теоретичні і практичні аспекти організації веб-конференцій, розглядаються завдання впровадження конференц-зв'язку, виділені основні категорії та класи конференц-зв'язку, розглянуто клас персональних систем, які забезпечують можливість індивідуального відеоспілкування користувача, описується організація інфраструктури веб-конференції за допомогою системи програмних засобів і їх можливостей, уточнено термін «електронні системи організації конференцій», розглянуто закордонний досвід використання відкритих систем організації конференцій на прикладі провідних вузів США і Європи.This article analyzes the theoretical and practical aspects of the Web conference considered the task of introducing conferencing, identified the main categories and classes conferencing, considered class personal systems provide an opportunity for individual user video communication described Infrastructure organization web conference using the system software and their opportunities, clarified the term "Electronic Systems Conferences" considered the experience in the use of open systems conferences as an example leading universities in the US and Europe

    Co‐operative cross‐platform courseware development

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    The UKMCC (UK Mathematics Courseware Consortium) is a Consortium funded under TLTP (Training and Learning Technology Programme) to produce courseware for service mathematics teaching, using the SEFI (Société Européenne pour la Formation des Ingénieurs) syllabus. There are agreed courseware design guidelines and a simple courseware management system which allows cross‐referencing. Courseware is divided into modules, with an author as implementer for each. On any one hardware platform, a variety of authoring languages is possible. Across hardware platforms, the design guidelines ensure that conversion is possible, and will preserve look and feel. We argue here that these arrangements provide a basis for continued co‐operation between authors and future development as the technology changes