15 research outputs found

    Self-tracking modes: reflexive self-monitoring and data practices

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    The concept of ‘self-tracking’ (also referred to as life-logging, the quantified self, personal analytics and personal informatics) has recently begun to emerge in discussions of ways in which people can voluntarily monitor and record specific features of their lives, often using digital technologies. There is evidence that the personal data that are derived from individuals engaging in such reflexive self-monitoring are now beginning to be used by actors, agencies and organisations beyond the personal and privatised realm. Self-tracking rationales and sites are proliferating as part of a ‘function creep’ of the technology and ethos of self-tracking. The detail offered by these data on individuals and the growing commodification and commercial value of digital data have led government, managerial and commercial enterprises to explore ways of appropriating self-tracking for their own purposes. In some contexts people are encouraged, ‘nudged’, obliged or coerced into using digital devices to produce personal data which are then used by others. This paper examines these issues, outlining five modes of self-tracking that have emerged: private, communal, pushed, imposed and exploited. The analysis draws upon theoretical perspectives on concepts of selfhood, citizenship, biopolitics and data practices and assemblages in discussing the wider sociocultural implications of the emergence and development of these modes of self-tracking

    Activity Theory Analysis of Heart Failure Self-Care

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    The management of chronic health conditions such as heart failure is a complex process emerging from the activity of a network of individuals and artifacts. This article presents an Activity Theory-based secondary analysis of data from a geriatric heart failure management study. Twenty-one patients' interviews and clinic visit observations were analyzed to uncover eight configurations of roles and activities involving patients, clinicians, and others in the sociotechnical network. For each configuration or activity pattern, we identify points of tension and propose guidelines for developing interventions for future computer-supported healthcare systems

    Supporting Collaborative Health Tracking in the Hospital: Patients' Perspectives

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    The hospital setting creates a high-stakes environment where patients' lives depend on accurate tracking of health data. Despite recent work emphasizing the importance of patients' engagement in their own health care, less is known about how patients track their health and care in the hospital. Through interviews and design probes, we investigated hospitalized patients' tracking activity and analyzed our results using the stage-based personal informatics model. We used this model to understand how to support the tracking needs of hospitalized patients at each stage. In this paper, we discuss hospitalized patients' needs for collaboratively tracking their health with their care team. We suggest future extensions of the stage-based model to accommodate collaborative tracking situations, such as hospitals, where data is collected, analyzed, and acted on by multiple people. Our findings uncover new directions for HCI research and highlight ways to support patients in tracking their care and improving patient safety

    Roles for Personal Informatics in Chronic Pain

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    Self-management of chronic pain is a complex and demanding activity. Multidisciplinary pain management programs are designed to provide patients with the skills to improve, maintain functioning and self-manage their pain but gains diminish in the long-term due to lack of support from clinicians. Sensing technology can be a cost-effective way to extend support for self-management outside clinical settings but they are currently under-explored. In this paper, we report studies carried out to investigate how Personal Informatics Systems (PIS) based on wearable body sensing technology could facilitate pain self-management and functioning. Five roles for PIS emerged from a qualitative study with people with chronic pain and physiotherapists: (i) assessment, planning and prevention (ii) a direct supervisory and co-management role, (iii) facilitating deeper understanding, (iv) managing emotional states, and (v) sharing for social acceptability. A web-based survey was conducted to understand the parameters that should be tracked to support self-management and what tracked information should be shared with others. Finally, we suggest an extension to previous PIS models and propose design implications to address immediate, short-term and long-term information needs for personal use of people with chronic pain and for sharing with others. / Note: As originally published there is an error in the document. The following information was omitted by the authors: "The project was funded by the EPSRC grant Emotion & Pain Project EP/H017178/1 rather than the EPSRC grant EP/G043507/1: Pain rehabilitation: E/Motion-based automated coaching.." The article PDF remains unchanged

    Flexible and Mindful Self-Tracking: Design Implications from Paper Bullet Journals

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    Digital self-tracking technologies offer many potential benefits over self-tracking with paper notebooks. However, they are often too rigid to support people’s practical and emotional needs in everyday settings. To inform the design of more flexible self-tracking tools, we examine bullet journaling: an analogue and customisable approach for logging and reflecting on everyday life. Analysing a corpus of paper bullet journal photos and related conversations on Instagram, we found that individuals extended and adapted bullet journaling systems to their changing practical and emotional needs through: (1) creating and combining personally meaningful visualisations of different types of trackers, such as habit, mood, and symptom trackers; (2) engaging in mindful reflective thinking through design practices and self-reflective strategies; and (3) posting photos of paper journals online to become part of a selftracking culture of sharing and learning. We outline two interrelated design directions for flexible and mindful selftracking: digitally extending analogue self-tracking and supporting digital self-tracking as a mindful design practice

    Helping Elderly Users Report Pain Levels: A Study of User Experience with Mobile and Wearable Interfaces

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    Self-tracking in Parkinson’s: The lived efforts of self-management

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    People living with Parkinson's disease engage in self-tracking as part of their health self-management. Whilst health technologies designed for this group have primarily focused on improving the clinical assessments of the disease, less attention has been given to how people with Parkinson's use technology to track and manage their disease in their everyday experience. We report on a qualitative study in which we systematically analysed posts from an online health community (OHC) comprising people with Parkinson's (PwP). Our findings show that PwP track a diversity of information and use a wide range of digital and non-digital tools, informed by temporal and structured practices. Using an existing framework of sensemaking for chronic disease self-management, we also identify new ways in which PwP engage in sensemaking, alongside a set of new challenges that are particular to the character of this chronic disease. We relate our findings to technologies for self-tracking offering design implications

    Behavior Change Apps for Gestational Diabetes Management : Exploring Desirable Features

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has considerable and increasing health effects as it raises both the mother’s and offspring’s risk for short- and long-term health problems. GDM can usually be treated with a healthier lifestyle, such as appropriate dietary modifications and engaging insufficient physical activity. While telemedicine interventions requiring weekly or more frequent feedback from health care professionals have shown the potential to improve glycemic control amongst women with GDM, apps without extensive input from health care professionals are limited and have not shown to be effective. We aimed to improve the efficacy of GDM self-management apps by exploring desirable features in a review. We derived six desirable features from the multidisciplinary literature and we evaluated the state of implementation of these features in existing GDM apps. The results showed that features for increasing competence to manage GDM and for providing social support were largely lacking.Peer reviewe