5 research outputs found

    Factors Impacting the Quality of User Answers on Smartphones

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    So far, most research investigating the predictability of human behavior, such as mobility and social interactions, has focused mainly on the exploitation of sensor data. However, sensor data can be difficult to capture the subjective motivations behind the individuals' behavior. Understanding personal context (e.g., where one is and what they are doing) can greatly increase predictability. The main limitation is that human input is often missing or inaccurate. The goal of this paper is to identify factors that influence the quality of responses when users are asked about their current context. We find that two key factors influence the quality of responses: user reaction time and completion time. These factors correlate with various exogenous causes (e.g., situational context, time of day) and endogenous causes (e.g., procrastination attitude, mood). In turn, we study how these two factors impact the quality of responses.Comment: 5 pages, 1 tabl

    Challenges in Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems: Results from the 1st ARDUOUS Workshop

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    Labelling user data is a central part of the design and evaluation of pervasive systems that aim to support the user through situation-aware reasoning. It is essential both in designing and training the system to recognise and reason about the situation, either through the definition of a suitable situation model in knowledge-driven applications, or through the preparation of training data for learning tasks in data-driven models. Hence, the quality of annotations can have a significant impact on the performance of the derived systems. Labelling is also vital for validating and quantifying the performance of applications. In particular, comparative evaluations require the production of benchmark datasets based on high-quality and consistent annotations. With pervasive systems relying increasingly on large datasets for designing and testing models of users' activities, the process of data labelling is becoming a major concern for the community. In this work we present a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the challenges associated with annotation of user data and possible strategies towards addressing these challenges. The analysis was based on the data gathered during the 1st International Workshop on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems (ARDUOUS) and consisted of brainstorming as well as annotation and questionnaire data gathered during the talks, poster session, live annotation session, and discussion session

    Modelling and Recognizing Personal Data

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    To define what a person is represents a hard task, due to the fact that personal data, i.e., data that refer or describe a person, have a very heterogeneous nature. The issue is only worsening with the advent of technologies that, while allowing unprecedented collection and processing capabilities, cannot \textit{understand} the world as humans do. This problem is a well-known long-standing problem in computer science called the Semantic Gap Problem. It was originally defined in the research area of image processing as "... the lack of coincidence between the information that one can extract from the visual data and the interpretation that the same data have for a user in a given situation...". In the context of this work, the semantic gap is the lack of coincidence is between sensor data collected by ubiquitous devices and the human knowledge about the world that relies on their intelligence, habits, and routines. This thesis addresses the semantic gap problem from a representational point of view, proposing an interdisciplinary approach able to model and recognize personal data in real life scenarios. In fact, the semantic gap affects many communities, ranging from ubiquitous computing to user modelling, that must face the issue of managing the complexity of personal data in terms of modelling and recognition. The contributions of this Ph. D. Thesis are: 1) The definition of a methodology based on an interdisciplinary approach that can account for how to represent and allow the recognition of personal data. The interdisciplinary approach relies on the entity-centric approach and on an interdisciplinary categorization to define and structure personal data. 2) The definition of an ontology of personal data to represent human in a general way while also accounting their different dimensions of their everyday life; 3) The instantiation of the personal data representation above in a reference architecture that allows implementing the ontology and that can exploit the methodology to account for how to recognize personal data. 4) The adoption of the methodology for defining personal data and its instantiation in three real-life use cases with different goals in mind, proving that our modelling works in different domains and can account for several dimensions of the user

    Uso del tempo e performance accademiche. Nuove tecniche e prospettive con l'utilizzo dei Big Data

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    Questa tesi di dottorato affronta e approfondisce tre temi diversi ma legati tra loro: le performance accademiche degli studenti nell'istruzione terziaria, l'uso del tempo e l'utilizzo dei Big Data nelle scienze sociali. Gli obiettivi che hanno fatto nascere questo lavoro, attraverso un approccio a tratti interdisciplinare, sono stati, in primo luogo, cercare di colmare empiricamente alcune lacune legate a interrogativi di ricerca rimasti parzialmente senza risposta in letteratura e, in secondo luogo, proporre soluzioni metodologiche connesse soprattutto alla raccolta dei dati e alla loro affidabilità nel rispondere a questi interrogativi in un modo quanto più possibile coerente con la realtà . La tesi non ha una struttura monografica in quanto i quattro capitoli empirici hanno una struttura propria. Il primo capitolo empirico vuole essere un inquadramento generale dell'intera tesi che mira a indagare l'effetto del capitale culturale familiare sia sulle performance accademiche degli studenti, sia su alcuni aspetti legati alla gestione che essi fanno del proprio tempo che, tradizionalmente, sono associati a una buona riuscita accademica, ipotizzando che l'origine sociale non esaurisca il suo effetto nei livelli d'istruzione precedenti. I modelli di equazione strutturali, attraverso l'analisi multi-gruppo, hanno consentito di costruire l'analisi in un'ottica comparativa rispetto al settore disciplinare di appartenenza. Il secondo capitolo approfondisce la dimensione temporale, ovvero come gli studenti organizzano le attività durante le loro giornate, al fine di comprendere come essa possa influire sui risultati universitari. L'obiettivo principale è stato colmare alcune lacune empiriche presenti in letteratura che mostrano risultati contrastanti su questo tema, dettati soprattutto da problemi di raccolta dati, non sempre adatti a indagare l'uso che gli studenti fanno del proprio tempo. Anche questo capitolo propone uno sguardo comparativo, confrontando degli studenti del primo anno, cioè gli studenti più a rischio rispetto al gestire il proprio tempo in modo poco efficace, con gli studenti degli anni successivi. Il terzo capitolo descrive il progetto SmartUnitn, fulcro di questo lavoro di tesi al fine di evidenziare come l'utilizzo di ICTs è in questo caso gli smartphone nella fase di raccolta dati possa contribuire a migliorare la qualità del dato ottenuto andando a risolvere alcune questioni problematiche derivanti dagli strumenti tradizionali utilizzati dagli scienziati sociali. Il quarto e ultimo capitolo, propone un caso concreto di utilizzo dei dati ottenuti dall'esperimento SmartUnitn, proponendo un metodo che, grazie all'unione dei dati dei sensori e i dati delle risposte degli studenti, possa colmare alcune lacune presenti in letteratura sul tema dell'influenza dell'utilizzo dei social media sui risultati universitari