4 research outputs found

    Persepsi Anak terhadap Kedekatan Orang Tua dengan Kecerdasan Emosi Remaja

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    Behaviors that show failure to manage a relationship and interact with the environment and failure to manage and control emotions more often in youth, such as rudeness, abuse of others, even self-injury. One factor that affects the emotional intelligence of a youth is the family environment especially a parent, the teen's perception of a parent's closeness that affects attitudes, views, assessments, and the quality of relationships that grow. This closeness is made by parents and youth essential to shaping emotional intelligence, as parental experience becomes the basis of emotional learning to internalize life. The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a connection between a child's perception of parental closeness and the emotional intelligence of a teen. The population used was 475 high school students, sampling taken with sampling techniques of 21% a total of 100 students. Coefficient validity of the scale of a youth's emotional intelligence is acquired between 0.3307 to 0.6120 and some of its religious coefficiencies. 7391. The child's perception of a parent's closeness scale is between 0.3726 and 0.5912 and the religious coefficiencies of 0.8307. The correlation test shows rxy = 0.4007 with are table 1% = 0.256 and freg = 18,7464 with table 1% = 6.63, the more positive the child's perception of parent proximity, the higher the emotional intelligence

    Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter Terhadap Sosial Emosional Peserta Didik Kelas 4B SD Negeri Gayamsari 02

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan: 1) bagaimana Pendidikan karakter terhdapa sosial-emosional, 2) bagaimana Pendidikan sosial-emosional tercapai, 3) bagaimana upaya guru mengenai pedidikan karakter terhadap sosial-emosional siswa pada siswa kelas IVB SD Negeri gayamsari 02. MetodeĀ  pengumpulanĀ  dataĀ  dalamĀ  penelitianĀ  iniĀ  menggunakan metode dokumen, observasi, danĀ  wawancara. Data yang telahĀ  terkumpul dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam kemampuan sosial emosional anak usia 9-12 tahun sudah memenuhi indikator pencapaian kemampuan sosial emosional dalam kegiatan Pendidikan karakter, tetapi ada sekitar 3 orang anak yang masih belum mencapai indikator kemampuan sosial emosional anak usia 9-12 tahun dikarenakan pada saat kegiatan pembelajarn Pendidikan karakter anak masih ada yang belum mematuhi peraturan dan belum mampu berinteraksi dengan teman sebaya. Selain itu kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam menerapkan kegiatan Market Day ini yaitu kurangnya guru pendamping dalam kegiatan Market Day, guru masih memiliki kendala dalam pelaksanaan jual beli dan guru kurang menguasai lokasi kegiatan Market Day


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    This paper aims to find out the meaning of fitrah, and to solve cases of hampered development of children's fitrah due to parental demands that are contrary to the innate potential, passion, and habits of their children. The problem of developing fitrah in children is an urgent matter and requires prioritized attention. According to Al-Ghazali, a child has an innate fitrah from birth, namely the nature towards the good or the bad. For this reason, the role of parents, teachers, and the environment is needed to shape the potential of children into good nature, based on 2 sources of Islamic law, namely the Qur'an and Al-Sunnah. The purpose of developing children's nature in a good direction is to form generations who are intellectually and spiritually intelligent


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh komentar orang tua terhadap ketidakpuasan tubuh mahasiswa Bandung dimoderasi kelekatan orang tua. Responden pada penelitian ini (N=451) adalah mahasiswa yang berusia 18-25 tahun di Bandung. Responden mengisi kuesioner yang telah di adaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia dengan reliabilitas setiap instrumen adalah 0.88 untuk komentar ayah (Parental Comments Questionnaire) dan 0.87 untuk instrumen komentar ibu (Parental Comments Questionnaire). 0.94 untuk instrumen kelekatan ayah (IPPA) dan 0.87 untuk instrumen kelekatan ibu (IPPA). Selanjutnya 0.98 untuk instrumen ketidakpuasan tubuh (Body Shape Questionnaire). Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling, untuk teknik analisis digunakan analisis regresi moderasi untuk mengetahui pengaruh komentar orang tua tentang bentuk tubuh terhadap ketidakpuasan tubuh mahasiswa Bandung dimoderasi kelekatan orang tua. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kelekatan orang tua tidak memoderasi pengaruh komentar orang tua terhadap ketidakpuasan tubuh mahasiswa Bandung, kelekatan orang tua hanya menjadi variabel prediktor terhadap ketidakpuasan tubuh. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of parental comments on body dissatisfaction of Bandung students moderated by parental attachment. Respondents in this study (N=451) were students aged 18-25 years in Bandung. Respondents filled out a questionnaire that had been adapted into Indonesian with the reliability of each instrument being 0.88 for the father's comments (Parental Comments Questionnaire) and 0.87 for the mother's comments instrument (Parental Comments Questionnaire), then 0.94 for the father's attachment instrument (IPPA) and 0.87 for the mother's attachment instrument (IPPA). Furthermore, 0.98 for the body satisfaction instrument (Body Shape Questionnaire). The sampling technique used was accidental sampling, and the analysis technique used moderation analysis to determine the effect of parents' comments about body shape on body dissatisfaction of Bandung students moderated by parental attachment. The results showed that parental attachment didnā€™t moderate the influence of parental comments on body dissatisfaction in Bandung students, parental attachment was only a predictor variable for body dissatisfaction