15 research outputs found

    Enumerative Combinatorics

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    Enumerative Combinatorics focusses on the exact and asymptotic counting of combinatorial objects. It is strongly connected to the probabilistic analysis of large combinatorial structures and has fruitful connections to several disciplines, including statistical physics, algebraic combinatorics, graph theory and computer science. This workshop brought together experts from all these various fields, including also computer algebra, with the goal of promoting cooperation and interaction among researchers with largely varying backgrounds

    Sorting Pattern-Avoiding Permutations via 0-1 Matrices Forbidding Product Patterns

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    We consider the problem of comparison-sorting an nn-permutation SS that avoids some kk-permutation π\pi. Chalermsook, Goswami, Kozma, Mehlhorn, and Saranurak prove that when SS is sorted by inserting the elements into the GreedyFuture binary search tree, the running time is linear in the extremal function Ex(Pπ⊗hat,n)\mathrm{Ex}(P_\pi\otimes \text{hat},n). This is the maximum number of 1s in an n×nn\times n 0-1 matrix avoiding Pπ⊗hatP_\pi \otimes \text{hat}, where PπP_\pi is the k×kk\times k permutation matrix of π\pi, ⊗\otimes the Kronecker product, and hat=(∙∙∙)\text{hat} = \left(\begin{array}{ccc}&\bullet&\\\bullet&&\bullet\end{array}\right). The same time bound can be achieved by sorting SS with Kozma and Saranurak's SmoothHeap. In this paper we give nearly tight upper and lower bounds on the density of Pπ⊗hatP_\pi\otimes\text{hat}-free matrices in terms of the inverse-Ackermann function α(n)\alpha(n). \mathrm{Ex}(P_\pi\otimes \text{hat},n) = \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \Omega(n\cdot 2^{\alpha(n)}), & \mbox{for most $\pi$,}\\ O(n\cdot 2^{O(k^2)+(1+o(1))\alpha(n)}), & \mbox{for all $\pi$.} \end{array}\right. As a consequence, sorting π\pi-free sequences can be performed in O(n2(1+o(1))α(n))O(n2^{(1+o(1))\alpha(n)}) time. For many corollaries of the dynamic optimality conjecture, the best analysis uses forbidden 0-1 matrix theory. Our analysis may be useful in analyzing other classes of access sequences on binary search trees

    Finding and Counting Permutations via CSPs

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    Permutation patterns and pattern avoidance have been intensively studied in combinatorics and computer science, going back at least to the seminal work of Knuth on stack-sorting (1968). Perhaps the most natural algorithmic question in this area is deciding whether a given permutation of length n contains a given pattern of length k. In this work we give two new algorithms for this well-studied problem, one whose running time is n^{k/4 + o(k)}, and a polynomial-space algorithm whose running time is the better of O(1.6181^n) and O(n^{k/2 + 1}). These results improve the earlier best bounds of n^{0.47k + o(k)} and O(1.79^n) due to Ahal and Rabinovich (2000) resp. Bruner and Lackner (2012) and are the fastest algorithms for the problem when k in Omega(log{n}). We show that both our new algorithms and the previous exponential-time algorithms in the literature can be viewed through the unifying lens of constraint-satisfaction. Our algorithms can also count, within the same running time, the number of occurrences of a pattern. We show that this result is close to optimal: solving the counting problem in time f(k) * n^{o(k/log{k})} would contradict the exponential-time hypothesis (ETH). For some special classes of patterns we obtain improved running times. We further prove that 3-increasing and 3-decreasing permutations can, in some sense, embed arbitrary permutations of almost linear length, which indicates that an algorithm with sub-exponential running time is unlikely, even for patterns from these restricted classes

    Finding and Counting Permutations via {CSPs}

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    Permutations generated by a depth 2 stack and an infinite stack in series are algebraic

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    © 2015, Australian National University. All rights reserved. We prove that the class of permutations generated by passing an ordered sequence 12... n through a stack of depth 2 and an in nite stack in series is in bi-jection with an unambiguous context-free language, where a permutation of length n is encoded by a string of length 3n. It follows that the sequence counting the number of permutations of each length has an algebraic generating function. We use the explicit context-free grammar to compute the generating function:(formula presented) where cn is the number of permutations of length n that can be generated, and (formula presented) is a simple variant of the Catalan generating function. This in turn implies that (formula presented