726 research outputs found

    Convergence of the Number of Period Sets in Strings

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    Consider words of length n. The set of all periods of a word of length n is a subset of {0, 1, 2, . . ., n−1}. However, any subset of {0, 1, 2, . . ., n−1} is not necessarily a valid set of periods. In a seminal paper in 1981, Guibas and Odlyzko proposed to encode the set of periods of a word into an n long binary string, called an autocorrelation, where a one at position i denotes the period i. They considered the question of recognizing a valid period set, and also studied the number of valid period sets for strings of length n, denoted Îșn. They conjectured that ln(Îșn) asymptotically converges to a constant times ln2(n). Although improved lower bounds for ln(Îșn)/ln2(n) were proposed in 2001, the question of a tight upper bound has remained open since Guibas and Odlyzko’s paper. Here, we exhibit an upper bound for this fraction, which implies its convergence and closes this longstanding conjecture. Moreover, we extend our result to find similar bounds for the number of correlations: a generalization of autocorrelations which encodes the overlaps between two strings

    Remarks on Two Nonstandard Versions of Periodicity in Words

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    In this paper, we study some periodicity concepts on words. First, we extend the notion of full tilings which was recently introduced by KarhumÀki, Lifshits, and Rytter to partial tilings. Second, we investigate the notion of quasiperiods and show in particular that the set of quasiperiodic words is a context-sensitive language that is not context-free, answering a conjecture by Dömösi, Horvåth and Ito

    Abelian-Square-Rich Words

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    An abelian square is the concatenation of two words that are anagrams of one another. A word of length nn can contain at most Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) distinct factors, and there exist words of length nn containing Θ(n2)\Theta(n^2) distinct abelian-square factors, that is, distinct factors that are abelian squares. This motivates us to study infinite words such that the number of distinct abelian-square factors of length nn grows quadratically with nn. More precisely, we say that an infinite word ww is {\it abelian-square-rich} if, for every nn, every factor of ww of length nn contains, on average, a number of distinct abelian-square factors that is quadratic in nn; and {\it uniformly abelian-square-rich} if every factor of ww contains a number of distinct abelian-square factors that is proportional to the square of its length. Of course, if a word is uniformly abelian-square-rich, then it is abelian-square-rich, but we show that the converse is not true in general. We prove that the Thue-Morse word is uniformly abelian-square-rich and that the function counting the number of distinct abelian-square factors of length 2n2n of the Thue-Morse word is 22-regular. As for Sturmian words, we prove that a Sturmian word sαs_{\alpha} of angle α\alpha is uniformly abelian-square-rich if and only if the irrational α\alpha has bounded partial quotients, that is, if and only if sαs_{\alpha} has bounded exponent.Comment: To appear in Theoretical Computer Science. Corrected a flaw in the proof of Proposition

    Clusters of repetition roots: single chains (Algebraic system, Logic, Language and Related Areas in Computer Sciences II)

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    This work proposes a new approach towards solving an over 20 years old conjecture regarding the maximum number of distinct squares that a word can contain. To this end we look at clusters of repetition roots, that is, the set of positions where the root u of a repetition u^[l] occurs. We lay the foundation of this theory by proving basic properties of these clusters and establishing upper bounds on the number of distinct squares when their roots form a chain with respect to the prefix order

    Rhombic Tilings and Primordia Fronts of Phyllotaxis

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    We introduce and study properties of phyllotactic and rhombic tilings on the cylin- der. These are discrete sets of points that generalize cylindrical lattices. Rhombic tilings appear as periodic orbits of a discrete dynamical system S that models plant pattern formation by stacking disks of equal radius on the cylinder. This system has the advantage of allowing several disks at the same level, and thus multi-jugate config- urations. We provide partial results toward proving that the attractor for S is entirely composed of rhombic tilings and is a strongly normally attracting branched manifold and conjecture that this attractor persists topologically in nearby systems. A key tool in understanding the geometry of tilings and the dynamics of S is the concept of pri- mordia front, which is a closed ring of tangent disks around the cylinder. We show how fronts determine the dynamics, including transitions of parastichy numbers, and might explain the Fibonacci number of petals often encountered in compositae.Comment: 33 pages, 10 picture

    Convergence of the number of period sets in strings

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    Consider words of length n. The set of all periods of a word of length n is a subset of {0,1,2,
,n−1}. However, any subset of {0,1,2,
,n−1} is not necessarily a valid set of periods. In a seminal paper in 1981, Guibas and Odlyzko have proposed to encode the set of periods of a word into an n long binary string, called an autocorrelation, where a one at position i denotes a period of i. They considered the question of recognizing a valid period set, and also studied the number of valid period sets for length n, denoted Îș_n. They conjectured that ln(Îș_n) asymptotically converges to a constant times ln^2(n). If improved lower bounds for ln(Îș_n)/ln^2(n) were proposed in 2001, the question of a tight upper bound has remained opened since Guibas and Odlyzko's paper. Here, we exhibit an upper bound for this fraction, which implies its convergence and closes this long standing conjecture. Moreover, we extend our result to find similar bounds for the number of correlations: a generalization of autocorrelations which encodes the overlaps between two strings
