24,390 research outputs found

    Bifurcations in Globally Coupled Map Lattices

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    The dynamics of globally coupled map lattices can be described in terms of a nonlinear Frobenius--Perron equation in the limit of large system size. This approach allows for an analytical computation of stationary states and their stability. The complete bifurcation behaviour of coupled tent maps near the chaotic band merging point is presented. Furthermore the time independent states of coupled logistic equations are analyzed. The bifurcation diagram of the uncoupled map carries over to the map lattice. The analytical results are supplemented with numerical simulations.Comment: 19 pages, .dvi and postscrip

    Critical fluctuations of noisy period-doubling maps

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    We extend the theory of quasipotentials in dynamical systems by calculating, within a broad class of period-doubling maps, an exact potential for the critical fluctuations of pitchfork bifurcations in the weak noise limit. These far-from-equilibrium fluctuations are described by finite-size mean field theory, placing their static properties in the same universality class as the Ising model on a complete graph. We demonstrate that the effective system size of noisy period-doubling bifurcations exhibits universal scaling behavior along period-doubling routes to chaos.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Replica-symmetry breaking in dynamical glasses

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    Systems of globally coupled logistic maps (GCLM) can display complex collective behaviour characterized by the formation of synchronous clusters. In the dynamical clustering regime, such systems possess a large number of coexisting attractors and might be viewed as dynamical glasses. Glass properties of GCLM in the thermodynamical limit of large system sizes NN are investigated. Replicas, representing orbits that start from various initial conditions, are introduced and distributions of their overlaps are numerically determined. We show that for fixed-field ensembles of initial conditions, as used in previous numerical studies, all attractors of the system become identical in the thermodynamical limit up to variations of order 1/N1/\sqrt{N} because the initial value of the coupling field is characterized by vanishing fluctuations, and thus replica symmetry is recovered for NN\to \infty . In contrast to this, when random-field ensembles of initial conditions are chosen, replica symmetry remains broken in the thermodynamical limit.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Time Quasilattices in Dissipative Dynamical Systems

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    We establish the existence of `time quasilattices' as stable trajectories in dissipative dynamical systems. These tilings of the time axis, with two unit cells of different durations, can be generated as cuts through a periodic lattice spanned by two orthogonal directions of time. We show that there are precisely two admissible time quasilattices, which we term the infinite Pell and Clapeyron words, reached by a generalization of the period-doubling cascade. Finite Pell and Clapeyron words of increasing length provide systematic periodic approximations to time quasilattices which can be verified experimentally. The results apply to all systems featuring the universal sequence of periodic windows. We provide examples of discrete-time maps, and periodically-driven continuous-time dynamical systems. We identify quantum many-body systems in which time quasilattices develop rigidity via the interaction of many degrees of freedom, thus constituting dissipative discrete `time quasicrystals'.Comment: 38 pages, 14 figures. This version incorporates "Pell and Clapeyron Words as Stable Trajectories in Dynamical Systems", arXiv:1707.09333. Submission to SciPos

    Noise-induced macroscopic bifurcations in globally-coupled chaotic units

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    Large populations of globally-coupled identical maps subjected to independent additive noise are shown to undergo qualitative changes as the features of the stochastic process are varied. We show that for strong coupling, the collective dynamics can be described in terms of a few effective macroscopic degrees of freedom, whose deterministic equations of motion are systematically derived through an order parameter expansion.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., accepte

    Network analysis of chaotic dynamics in fixed-precision digital domain

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    When implemented in the digital domain with time, space and value discretized in the binary form, many good dynamical properties of chaotic systems in continuous domain may be degraded or even diminish. To measure the dynamic complexity of a digital chaotic system, the dynamics can be transformed to the form of a state-mapping network. Then, the parameters of the network are verified by some typical dynamical metrics of the original chaotic system in infinite precision, such as Lyapunov exponent and entropy. This article reviews some representative works on the network-based analysis of digital chaotic dynamics and presents a general framework for such analysis, unveiling some intrinsic relationships between digital chaos and complex networks. As an example for discussion, the dynamics of a state-mapping network of the Logistic map in a fixed-precision computer is analyzed and discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    Globally coupled maps with asynchronous updating

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    We analyze a system of globally coupled logistic maps with asynchronous updating. We show that its dynamics differs considerably from that of the synchronous case. For growing values of the coupling intensity, an inverse bifurcation cascade replaces the structure of clusters and ordering in the phase diagram. We present numerical simulations and an analytical description based on an effective single-element dynamics affected by internal fluctuations. Both of them show how global coupling is able to suppress the complexity of the single-element evolution. We find that, in contrast to systems with synchronous update, internal fluctuations satisfy the law of large numbers.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to PR

    Coupled logistic maps and non-linear differential equations

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    We study the continuum space-time limit of a periodic one dimensional array of deterministic logistic maps coupled diffusively. First, we analyse this system in connection with a stochastic one dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation for confined surface fluctuations. We compare the large-scale and long-time behaviour of space-time correlations in both systems. The dynamic structure factor of the coupled map lattice (CML) of logistic units in its deep chaotic regime and the usual d=1 KPZ equation have a similar temporal stretched exponential relaxation. Conversely, the spatial scaling and, in particular, the size dependence are very different due to the intrinsic confinement of the fluctuations in the CML. We discuss the range of values of the non-linear parameter in the logistic map elements and the elastic coefficient coupling neighbours on the ring for which the connection with the KPZ-like equation holds. In the same spirit, we derive a continuum partial differential equation governing the evolution of the Lyapunov vector and we confirm that its space-time behaviour becomes the one of KPZ. Finally, we briefly discuss the interpretation of the continuum limit of the CML as a Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov (FKPP) non-linear diffusion equation with an additional KPZ non-linearity and the possibility of developing travelling wave configurations.Comment: 23 page