27 research outputs found

    Performance ratios for the differencing method

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    Identical parallel machine scheduling problems: structural patterns, bounding techniques and solution procedures

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    The work is about fundamental parallel machine scheduling problems which occur in manufacturing systems where a set of jobs with individual processing times has to be assigned to a set of machines with respect to several workload objective functions like makespan minimization, machine covering or workload balancing. In the first chapter of the work an up-to-date survey on the most relevant literature for these problems is given, since the last review dealing with these problems has been published almost 20 years ago. We also give an insight into the relevant literature contributed by the Artificial Intelligence community, where the problem is known as number partitioning. The core of the work is a universally valid characterization of optimal makespan and machine-covering solutions where schedules are evaluated independently from the processing times of the jobs. Based on these novel structural insights we derive several strong dominance criteria. Implemented in a branch-and-bound algorithm these criteria have proved to be effective in limiting the solution space, particularly in the case of small ratios of the number of jobs to the number of machines. Further, we provide a counter-example to a central result by Ho et al. (2009) who proved that a schedule which minimizes the normalized sum of squared workload deviations is necessarily a makespan-optimal one. We explain why their proof is incorrect and present computational results revealing the difference between workload balancing and makespan minimization. The last chapter of the work is about the minimum cardinality bin covering problem which is a dual problem of machine-covering with respect to bounding techniques. We discuss reduction criteria, derive several lower bound arguments and propose construction heuristics as well as a subset sum-based improvement algorithm. Moreover, we present a tailored branch-and-bound method which is able to solve instances with up to 20 bins

    Solving hard problems in election systems

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    An interesting problem in the field of computational social choice theory is that of elections, in which a winner or set of winners is to be deduced from preferences among a collection of agents, in a way that attempts to maximize the collective well-being of the agents. Besides their obvious use in political science, elections are also used computationally, such as in multiagent systems, in which different agents may have different beliefs and preferences and must reach an agreeable decision. Because the purpose of voting is to gain an understanding of a collection of actual preferences, dishonesty in an election system is often harmful to the welfare of the voters as a whole. Different forms of dishonesty can be performed by the voters (manipulation), by an outside agent affecting the voters (bribery), or by the chair, or administrator, of an election (control). The Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem shows that in all reasonable election systems, manipulation, or strategic voting, is always inevitable in some cases. Bartholdi, Tovey, and Trick counter by arguing that if finding such a manipulation is NP-hard, then manipulation by computationally-limited agents should not pose a significant threat. However, more recent work has exploited the fact that NP-hardness is only a worst-case measure of complexity, and has shown that some election systems that are NP-hard to manipulate may in fact be easy to manipulate under some reasonable assumptions. We evaluate, both theoretically and empirically, the complexity, worst-case and otherwise, of manipulating, bribing, and controlling elections. Our focus is particularly on scoring protocols. In doing so, we gain an understanding of how these election systems work by discovering what makes manipulation, bribery, and control easy or hard. This allows us to discover the strengths and weaknesses of scoring protocols, and gain an understanding of what properties of election systems are desirable or undesirable. One approach we have used to do this is relating the problems of interest in election systems to problems of known complexity, as well as to problems with known algorithms and heuristics, particularly Satisfiability and Partition. This approach can help us gain an understanding of computational social choice problems in which little is known about the complexity or potential algorithms. Among other results, we show how certain parameters and properties of scoring protocols can make elections easy or hard to manipulate. We find that the empirical complexity of manipulation in some cases have unusual behaviors for its complexity class. For example, it is found that in the case of manipulating the Borda election of unweighted voters with an unbounded candidate cardinality, the encoding of this problem to Satisfiability performs especially well near the boundary cases of this problem and for unsatisfiable instances, both results contrary to the normal behavior of NP-complete problems. Although attempts have been made to design fair election systems with certain properties, another dilemma that this has given rise to is the existence of election systems in which it is hard to elect the winners, at least in the worst case. Two notable election systems in which determining the winners are hard are Dodgson and Young. We evaluate the problem of finding the winners empirically, to extend these complexity results away from the worst case, and determine whether the worst-case complexity of these hard winner problems is truly a computational barrier. We find that, like most NP-complete problems such as Satisfiability, many instances of interest in finding winners of hard election systems are still relatively simple. We confirm that indeed, like Satisfiability, the hard worst-case results occur only in rare circumstances. We also find an interesting complexity disparity between the related problems of finding the Dodgson or Young score of a candidate, and that of finding the set of Dodgson or Young winners. Surprisingly, it appears empirically easier for one to find the set of all winners in a Dodgson or Young election than to score a single candidate in either election

    On domain decomposition with space filling curves for the parallel solution of the coupled Maxwell/Vlasov equations

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    Space filling Curves (SFCs) are increasingly used for combinatorial scientific computing and in particular for designing fast domain decomposition (partitioning) methods. In the context of parallel particle simulations for solving the system of Maxwell/Vlasov equations with a coupled FE/PIC (Finite Element/Particle-In-Cell) unstructured mesh based solver, one has to deal with a two-constraint partitioning problem. Moreover, this problem has to be solved several times during the simulation. Therefore, a fast and scalable partitioning problem is required. For this purpose, we propose here a new SFC based method which is well adapted to multi-constraint partitioning problems. This method is compared to graph based partitioning methods from the widely used MeTiS tool. Experimental results show that the proposed SFC based method is at least 100 times faster than MeTiS to the disadvantage of edge-cuts that are between 2 to 4 times worse than those achieved by the MeTiS methods

    What is the Computational Value of Finite Range Tunneling?

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    Quantum annealing (QA) has been proposed as a quantum enhanced optimization heuristic exploiting tunneling. Here, we demonstrate how finite range tunneling can provide considerable computational advantage. For a crafted problem designed to have tall and narrow energy barriers separating local minima, the D-Wave 2X quantum annealer achieves significant runtime advantages relative to Simulated Annealing (SA). For instances with 945 variables, this results in a time-to-99%-success-probability that is 108\sim 10^8 times faster than SA running on a single processor core. We also compared physical QA with Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC), an algorithm that emulates quantum tunneling on classical processors. We observe a substantial constant overhead against physical QA: D-Wave 2X again runs up to 108\sim 10^8 times faster than an optimized implementation of QMC on a single core. We note that there exist heuristic classical algorithms that can solve most instances of Chimera structured problems in a timescale comparable to the D-Wave 2X. However, we believe that such solvers will become ineffective for the next generation of annealers currently being designed. To investigate whether finite range tunneling will also confer an advantage for problems of practical interest, we conduct numerical studies on binary optimization problems that cannot yet be represented on quantum hardware. For random instances of the number partitioning problem, we find numerically that QMC, as well as other algorithms designed to simulate QA, scale better than SA. We discuss the implications of these findings for the design of next generation quantum annealers.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. Edited for clarity, in part in response to comments. Added link to benchmark instance

    The Complexity of Manipulating kk-Approval Elections

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    An important problem in computational social choice theory is the complexity of undesirable behavior among agents, such as control, manipulation, and bribery in election systems. These kinds of voting strategies are often tempting at the individual level but disastrous for the agents as a whole. Creating election systems where the determination of such strategies is difficult is thus an important goal. An interesting set of elections is that of scoring protocols. Previous work in this area has demonstrated the complexity of misuse in cases involving a fixed number of candidates, and of specific election systems on unbounded number of candidates such as Borda. In contrast, we take the first step in generalizing the results of computational complexity of election misuse to cases of infinitely many scoring protocols on an unbounded number of candidates. Interesting families of systems include kk-approval and kk-veto elections, in which voters distinguish kk candidates from the candidate set. Our main result is to partition the problems of these families based on their complexity. We do so by showing they are polynomial-time computable, NP-hard, or polynomial-time equivalent to another problem of interest. We also demonstrate a surprising connection between manipulation in election systems and some graph theory problems

    Bicriteria robotic operation allocation in a flexible manufacturing cell

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    Consider a manufacturing cell of two identical CNC machines and a material handling robot. Identical parts requesting the completion of a number of operations are to be produced in a cyclic scheduling environment through a flow shop type setting. The existing studies in the literature overlook the flexibility of the CNC machines by assuming that both the allocation of the operations to the machines as well as their respective processing times are fixed. Consequently, the provided results may be either suboptimal or valid under unnecessarily limiting assumptions for a flexible manufacturing cell. The allocations of the operations to the two machines and the processing time of an operation on a machine can be changed by altering the machining conditions of that machine such as the speed and the feed rate in a CNC turning machine. Such flexibilities constitute the point of origin of the current study. The allocation of the operations to the machines and the machining conditions of the machines affect the processing times which, in turn, affect the cycle time. On the other hand, the machining conditions also affect the manufacturing cost. This study is the first to consider a bicriteria model which determines the allocation of the operations to the machines, the processing times of the operations on the machines, and the robot move sequence that jointly minimize the cycle time and the total manufacturing cost. We provide algorithms for the two 1-unit cycles and test their efficiency in terms of the solution quality and the computation time by a wide range of experiments on varying design parameters. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Sequencing and scheduling : algorithms and complexity

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    Enhancing Access Privacy of Range Retrievals over B+Trees

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centre @ Singapore Funding Initiativ