7 research outputs found

    Analysis of the MPEG-2 Encoding Algorithm with ROSA1 1This work has been supported by the CICYT project “Performance Evaluation of Distributed Systems”, TIC2000-0701-C02-02.

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    AbstractThe authors present both the specification and a performance analysis of the MPEG2 algorithm for video encoding, by using the Stochastic Process Algebra ROSA. This process algebra is a very general framework for describing and analyzing more complex Real Time Systems than the one presented. Some interesting results about the temporal behaviour of the algorithm and an immediate estimation of benefits when having a twin-processors platform have been obtained

    Generalized parallelization methodology for video coding

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    This paper describes a generalized parallelization methodology for mapping video coding algorithms onto a multiprocessing architecture, through systematic task decomposition, scheduling and performance analysis. It exploits data parallelism inherent in the coding process and performs task scheduling base on task data size and access locality with the aim to hide as much communication overhead as possible. Utilizing Petri-nets and task graphs for representation and analysis, the method enables parallel video frame capturing, buffering and encoding without extra communication overhead. The theoretical speedup analysis indicates that this method offers excellent communication hiding, resulting in system efficiency well above 90%. A H.261 video encoder has been implemented on a TMS320C80 system using this method, and its performance was measured. The theoretical and measured performances are similar in that the measured speedup of the H.261 is 3.67 and 3.76 on four PP for QCIF and 352×240 video, respectively. They correspond to frame rates of 30.7 frame per second (fps) and 9.25 fps, and system efficiency of 91.8% and 94% respectively. As it is, this method is particularly efficient for platforms with small number of parallel processors.published_or_final_versio

    Generalized parallelization methodology for video coding

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    This paper describes a generalized parallelization methodology for mapping video coding algorithms onto a multiprocessing architecture, through systematic task decomposition, scheduling and performance analysis. It exploits data parallelism inherent in the coding process and performs task scheduling base on task data size and access locality with the aim to hide as much communication overhead as possible. Utilizing Petri-nets and task graphs for representation and analysis, the method enables parallel video frame capturing, buffering and encoding without extra communication overhead. The theoretical speedup analysis indicates that this method offers excellent communication hiding, resulting in system efficiency well above 90%. A H.261 video encoder has been implemented on a TMS320C80 system using this method, and its performance was measured. The theoretical and measured performances are similar in that the measured speedup of the H.261 is 3.67 and 3.76 on four PP for QCIF and 352×240 video, respectively. They correspond to frame rates of 30.7 frame per second (fps) and 9.25 fps, and system efficiency of 91.8% and 94% respectively. As it is, this method is particularly efficient for platforms with small number of parallel processors.published_or_final_versio

    A Parallel implementation of an mpeg-2 encoder using message-passing

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    The days of film are waning as digital cameras and digital video cameras are becoming commonplace. Uncompressed digital video can consume large amounts of space, making it cumbersome to store efficiently. A method of video compression was developed by the Motion Pictures Expert Group (MPEG), and is now an international standard with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This thesis deals with the MPEG-2 Video standard, ISO/IEC 13818-2 [2]. The goal of this thesis is to explore the applications of MPEG-2 encoding in a parallel processing paradigm. To achieve this, a sequential MPEG-2 software encoder was obtained from the MPEG Software Simulation Group (MSSG) [18] and modified to be run, in parallel, on a cluster of single-processor Linux workstations using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) [11, 10, 3]. A multi-threaded pipeline of the encoding process was created using Pthreads [6]. The resulting pipelined parallel encoder has been shown to produce compliant elementary MPEG-2 bitstreams for progressive video sequences. Results of simulation showed that the parallel encoder always performed better than the sequential version as the number of processors scaled. However, it did not exhibit the ideal linear speedup that all parallel programs aim to achieve. This is due to the program executing on a set of resources not ideal for the multi-threaded pipeline. The ensuing chapters will provide the motivation for this work, and an overview of MPEG in addition to parallel processing and programming. Also forthcoming will be how it was achieved and the results produced. Supplementary applications of this work will also be discussed

    Performance of software-based MPEG-2 video encoder on parallel and distributed systems

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    Video encoding due to its high processing requirements has been traditionally done using special-purpose hardware. Software solutions have been explored but are considered to be feasible only for nonreal-time applications requiring low encoding rates. However, a software solution using a general-purpose computing system has numerous advantages: It is more available and flexible and allows experimenting with and hence improving various components of the encoder. In this paper, we present the performance of a software video encoder with MPEG-2 quality on various parallel and distributed platforms, The platforms include an Intel Paragon XP/S and an Intel iPSC/860 hypercube parallel computer as well as various networked clusters of workstations. Our encoder is portable across these platforms and uses a data-parallel approach in which parallelism is achieved by distributing each frame across the processors. The encoder is useful for both real-time and nonreal-time applications, and its performance scales according to the available number of processors. In addition, the encoder provides control over various parameters such as the size of motion search window, buffer management, and bit rate, The performance results include comparisons of execution times, speedups, and frame encoding rates on various systems

    Interactive television based on insertion of hypermedia information on MPEG standard video

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    Orientador : Yuzo IanoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: TV interativa é uma das grandes promessas no campo dos aparelhos eletrônicos para o consumidor. Entretanto, ainda não há um padrão definitivo para implementar esse novo tipo de dispositivo. Por isso, pesquisas são conduzidas para desenvolver um padrão barato, simples e, ao mesmo tempo, o mais funcional possível. Seguindo essa linha de raciocínio, este trabalho propõe um modelo para a inserção de informações hipermídia em vídeos em um padrão amplamente conhecido e já implementado nos televisores digitais atuais: o padrão MPEG. O modelo proposto é baseado na elaboração de um conceito próprio de hipervídeo, no qual são embutidas referências a informações complementares ao conteúdo sendo exibido. Tais referências e as coordenadas dos objetos em cena, que atuam como âncoras para as informações complementares, formam o que se define como informações hipermídia. Além da concepção do modelo, este trabalho também apresenta uma prova de conceito para demonstrar a viabilidade das ideias aqui descritasAbstract: The interactive TV is one of the great promises on Consumer Electronics field. However, there is no definitive standard to implement this new kind of device. For this reason, researches are conducted to develop a standard cheap, simple, and also the most functional as possible. Tracing this reasoning, this work proposes a model to insert hypermedia information on videos in a widely known and already implemented standard in current digital television sets: the MPEG standard. The proposed model is based on the creation of a particular concept of hypervideo, which references to complementary information are embedded on the content being presented. Such references and the coordinates of the objects in scene, which act as anchors to complementary information, both form what is defined as hypermedia information. Beyond the conception of the model, this work also presents a concept proof to demonstrate the viability of the ideas here depicted.DoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric