3,959 research outputs found

    Interval simulation: raising the level of abstraction in architectural simulation

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    Detailed architectural simulators suffer from a long development cycle and extremely long evaluation times. This longstanding problem is further exacerbated in the multi-core processor era. Existing solutions address the simulation problem by either sampling the simulated instruction stream or by mapping the simulation models on FPGAs; these approaches achieve substantial simulation speedups while simulating performance in a cycle-accurate manner This paper proposes interval simulation which rakes a completely different approach: interval simulation raises the level of abstraction and replaces the core-level cycle-accurate simulation model by a mechanistic analytical model. The analytical model estimates core-level performance by analyzing intervals, or the timing between two miss events (branch mispredictions and TLB/cache misses); the miss events are determined through simulation of the memory hierarchy, cache coherence protocol, interconnection network and branch predictor By raising the level of abstraction, interval simulation reduces both development time and evaluation time. Our experimental results using the SPEC CPU2000 and PARSEC benchmark suites and the MS multi-core simulator show good accuracy up to eight cores (average error of 4.6% and max error of 11% for the multi-threaded full-system workloads), while achieving a one order of magnitude simulation speedup compared to cycle-accurate simulation. Moreover interval simulation is easy to implement: our implementation of the mechanistic analytical model incurs only one thousand lines of code. Its high accuracy, fast simulation speed and ease-of-use make interval simulation a useful complement to the architect's toolbox for exploring system-level and high-level micro-architecture trade-offs

    Assessing load-sharing within optimistic simulation platforms

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    The advent of multi-core machines has lead to the need for revising the architecture of modern simulation platforms. One recent proposal we made attempted to explore the viability of load-sharing for optimistic simulators run on top of these types of machines. In this article, we provide an extensive experimental study for an assessment of the effects on run-time dynamics by a load-sharing architecture that has been implemented within the ROOT-Sim package, namely an open source simulation platform adhering to the optimistic synchronization paradigm. This experimental study is essentially aimed at evaluating possible sources of overheads when supporting load-sharing. It has been based on differentiated workloads allowing us to generate different execution profiles in terms of, e.g., granularity/locality of the simulation events. © 2012 IEEE

    GPU in Physics Computation: Case Geant4 Navigation

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    General purpose computing on graphic processing units (GPU) is a potential method of speeding up scientific computation with low cost and high energy efficiency. We experimented with the particle physics simulation toolkit Geant4 used at CERN to benchmark its geometry navigation functionality on a GPU. The goal was to find out whether Geant4 physics simulations could benefit from GPU acceleration and how difficult it is to modify Geant4 code to run in a GPU. We ported selected parts of Geant4 code to C99 & CUDA and implemented a simple gamma physics simulation utilizing this code to measure efficiency. The performance of the program was tested by running it on two different platforms: NVIDIA GeForce 470 GTX GPU and a 12-core AMD CPU system. Our conclusion was that GPUs can be a competitive alternate for multi-core computers but porting existing software in an efficient way is challenging

    FASTCUDA: Open Source FPGA Accelerator & Hardware-Software Codesign Toolset for CUDA Kernels

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    Using FPGAs as hardware accelerators that communicate with a central CPU is becoming a common practice in the embedded design world but there is no standard methodology and toolset to facilitate this path yet. On the other hand, languages such as CUDA and OpenCL provide standard development environments for Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) programming. FASTCUDA is a platform that provides the necessary software toolset, hardware architecture, and design methodology to efficiently adapt the CUDA approach into a new FPGA design flow. With FASTCUDA, the CUDA kernels of a CUDA-based application are partitioned into two groups with minimal user intervention: those that are compiled and executed in parallel software, and those that are synthesized and implemented in hardware. A modern low power FPGA can provide the processing power (via numerous embedded micro-CPUs) and the logic capacity for both the software and hardware implementations of the CUDA kernels. This paper describes the system requirements and the architectural decisions behind the FASTCUDA approach

    BarrierPoint: sampled simulation of multi-threaded applications

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    Sampling is a well-known technique to speed up architectural simulation of long-running workloads while maintaining accurate performance predictions. A number of sampling techniques have recently been developed that extend well- known single-threaded techniques to allow sampled simulation of multi-threaded applications. Unfortunately, prior work is limited to non-synchronizing applications (e.g., server throughput workloads); requires the functional simulation of the entire application using a detailed cache hierarchy which limits the overall simulation speedup potential; leads to different units of work across different processor architectures which complicates performance analysis; or, requires massive machine resources to achieve reasonable simulation speedups. In this work, we propose BarrierPoint, a sampling methodology to accelerate simulation by leveraging globally synchronizing barriers in multi-threaded applications. BarrierPoint collects microarchitecture-independent code and data signatures to determine the most representative inter-barrier regions, called barrierpoints. BarrierPoint estimates total application execution time (and other performance metrics of interest) through detailed simulation of these barrierpoints only, leading to substantial simulation speedups. Barrierpoints can be simulated in parallel, use fewer simulation resources, and define fixed units of work to be used in performance comparisons across processor architectures. Our evaluation of BarrierPoint using NPB and Parsec benchmarks reports average simulation speedups of 24.7x (and up to 866.6x) with an average simulation error of 0.9% and 2.9% at most. On average, BarrierPoint reduces the number of simulation machine resources needed by 78x

    A GPU based real-time software correlation system for the Murchison Widefield Array prototype

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    Modern graphics processing units (GPUs) are inexpensive commodity hardware that offer Tflop/s theoretical computing capacity. GPUs are well suited to many compute-intensive tasks including digital signal processing. We describe the implementation and performance of a GPU-based digital correlator for radio astronomy. The correlator is implemented using the NVIDIA CUDA development environment. We evaluate three design options on two generations of NVIDIA hardware. The different designs utilize the internal registers, shared memory and multiprocessors in different ways. We find that optimal performance is achieved with the design that minimizes global memory reads on recent generations of hardware. The GPU-based correlator outperforms a single-threaded CPU equivalent by a factor of 60 for a 32 antenna array, and runs on commodity PC hardware. The extra compute capability provided by the GPU maximises the correlation capability of a PC while retaining the fast development time associated with using standard hardware, networking and programming languages. In this way, a GPU-based correlation system represents a middle ground in design space between high performance, custom built hardware and pure CPU-based software correlation. The correlator was deployed at the Murchison Widefield Array 32 antenna prototype system where it ran in real-time for extended periods. We briefly describe the data capture, streaming and correlation system for the prototype array.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in PAS

    Performance analysis of Intel Core 2 Duo processor

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    With the emergence of thread level parallelism as a more efficient method of improving processor performance, Chip Multiprocessor (CMP) technology is being more widely used in developing processor architectures. Also, the widening gap between CPU and memory speed has evoked the interest of researchers to understand performance of memory hierarchical architectures. As part of this research, performance characteristic studies were carried out on the Intel Core 2 Duo, a dual core power efficient processor, using a variety of new generation benchmarks. This study provides a detailed analysis of the memory hierarchy performance and the performance scalability between single and dual core processors. The behavior of SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks running on Intel Core 2 Duo processor is also explained. Lastly, the overall execution time and throughput measurement using both multi-programmed and multi-threaded workloads for the Intel Core 2 Duo processor is reported and compared to that of the Intel Pentium D and AMD Athlon 64X2 processors. Results showed that the Intel Core 2 Duo had the best performance for a variety of workloads due to its advanced micro-architectural features such as the shared L2 cache, fast cache to cache communication and smart memory access