25,367 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient routing protocols in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Sensor networks feature low-cost sensor devices with wireless network capability, limited transmit power, resource constraints and limited battery energy. The usage of cheap and tiny wireless sensors will allow very large networks to be deployed at a feasible cost to provide a bridge between information systems and the physical world. Such large-scale deployments will require routing protocols that scale to large network sizes in an energy-efficient way. This thesis addresses the design of such network routing methods. A classification of existing routing protocols and the key factors in their design (i.e., hardware, topology, applications) provides the motivation for the new three-tier architecture for heterogeneous networks built upon a generic software framework (GSF). A range of new routing algorithms have hence been developed with the design goals of scalability and energy-efficient performance of network protocols. They are respectively TinyReg - a routing algorithm based on regular-graph theory, TSEP - topological stable election protocol, and GAAC - an evolutionary algorithm based on genetic algorithms and ant colony algorithms. The design principle of our routing algorithms is that shortening the distance between the cluster-heads and the sink in the network, will minimise energy consumption in order to extend the network lifetime, will achieve energy efficiency. Their performance has been evaluated by simulation in an extensive range of scenarios, and compared to existing algorithms. It is shown that the newly proposed algorithms allow long-term continuous data collection in large networks, offering greater network longevity than existing solutions. These results confirm the validity of the GSF as an architectural approach to the deployment of large wireless sensor networks

    Power Aware Routing for Sensor Databases

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    Wireless sensor networks offer the potential to span and monitor large geographical areas inexpensively. Sensor network databases like TinyDB are the dominant architectures to extract and manage data in such networks. Since sensors have significant power constraints (battery life), and high communication costs, design of energy efficient communication algorithms is of great importance. The data flow in a sensor database is very different from data flow in an ordinary network and poses novel challenges in designing efficient routing algorithms. In this work we explore the problem of energy efficient routing for various different types of database queries and show that in general, this problem is NP-complete. We give a constant factor approximation algorithm for one class of query, and for other queries give heuristic algorithms. We evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithms by simulation and demonstrate their near optimal performance for various network sizes

    Energy Efficient Mobile Sink Based Routing Model For Maximizing Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Network

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    Recently, wide adoption of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been seen for provision real-time and non-real-time application services. Provisioning these application service requires energy efficient routing design for WSN. Clustering technique is an efficient mechanism that plays a major role in minimizing energy dissipation of WSN. However, the existing model are designed considering minimizing energy consumption of sensor device considering homogenous. However, it incurs energy overhead among cluster head. Further, maximizing coverage time is not considered by exiting clustering approach considering heterogeneous network affecting lifetime performance. For overcoming issues of routing data packets in WSN, mobile sink has been used. Here, the sensor device will transmit packet in multihop fashion to the rendezvous and the mobile sink will move towards rendezvous points (RPs) to collect data, as opposed to all nodes. However, the exiting model designed so far incurs packet delay (latency) and energy (storage) overhead among sensor device. For overcoming research challenges, this work present energy efficient mobile sink based routing model for maximizing lifetime of wireless sensor network. Experiment are conducted to evaluate the performance of proposed model shows significant performance in terms of communication, routing overhead and lifetime of sensor network

    Real-Time QoS Routing Protocols in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks: Study and Analysis

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    Many routing protocols have been proposed for wireless sensor networks. These routing protocols are almost always based on energy efficiency. However, recent advances in complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) cameras and small microphones have led to the development of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSN) as a class of wireless sensor networks which pose additional challenges. The transmission of imaging and video data needs routing protocols with both energy efficiency and Quality of Service (QoS) characteristics in order to guarantee the efficient use of the sensor nodes and effective access to the collected data. Also, with integration of real time applications in Wireless Senor Networks (WSNs), the use of QoS routing protocols is not only becoming a significant topic, but is also gaining the attention of researchers. In designing an efficient QoS routing protocol, the reliability and guarantee of end-to-end delay are critical events while conserving energy. Thus, considerable research has been focused on designing energy efficient and robust QoS routing protocols. In this paper, we present a state of the art research work based on real-time QoS routing protocols for WMSNs that have already been proposed. This paper categorizes the real-time QoS routing protocols into probabilistic and deterministic protocols. In addition, both categories are classified into soft and hard real time protocols by highlighting the QoS issues including the limitations and features of each protocol. Furthermore, we have compared the performance of mobility-aware query based real-time QoS routing protocols from each category using Network Simulator-2 (NS2). This paper also focuses on the design challenges and future research directions as well as highlights the characteristics of each QoS routing protocol.https://doi.org/10.3390/s15092220

    RMEER: Reliable Multi-path Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network

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    Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) is interesting area for researchers.To extract the information from seabed to water surface the the majority numbers of routing protocols has been introduced. The design of routing protocols faces many challenges like deployment of sensor nodes, controlling of node mobility, development of efficient route for data forwarding, prolong the battery power of the sensor nodes, and removal of void nodes from active data forwarding paths. This research article focuses the design of the Reliable Multipath Energy Efficient Routing (RMEER) which develops the efficient route between sensor nodes, and prolongs the battery life of the nodes. RMEER is a scalable and robust protocol which utilizes the powerful fixed courier nodes in order to enhance the network throughput, data delivery ratio, network lifetime and reduces the end-to-end delay. RMEER is also an energy efficient routing protocol for saving the energy level of the nodes. We have used the NS2.30 simulator with AquaSim package for performance analysis of RMEER.We observed that the simulation performance of RMEER is better than D-DBR protocol

    A Secure and Low-Energy Zone-based Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Protocol for Pollution Monitoring

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    [EN] Sensor networks can be used in many sorts of environments. The increase of pollution and carbon footprint are nowadays an important environmental problem. The use of sensors and sensor networks can help to make an early detection in order to mitigate their effect over the medium. The deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) requires high-energy efficiency and secures mechanisms to ensure the data veracity. Moreover, when WSNs are deployed in harsh environments, it is very difficult to recharge or replace the sensor's batteries. For this reason, the increase of network lifetime is highly desired. WSNs also work in unattended environments, which is vulnerable to different sort of attacks. Therefore, both energy efficiency and security must be considered in the development of routing protocols for WSNs. In this paper, we present a novel Secure and Low-energy Zone-based Routing Protocol (SeLeZoR) where the nodes of the WSN are split into zones and each zone is separated into clusters. Each cluster is controlled by a cluster head. Firstly, the information is securely sent to the zone-head using a secret key; then, the zone-head sends the data to the base station using the secure and energy efficient mechanism. This paper demonstrates that SeLeZoR achieves better energy efficiency and security levels than existing routing protocols for WSNs.Mehmood, A.; Lloret, J.; Sendra, S. (2016). A Secure and Low-Energy Zone-based Wireless Sensor Networks Routing Protocol for Pollution Monitoring. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 16(17):2869-2883. https://doi.org/10.1002/wcm.2734S286928831617Sendra S Deployment of efficient wireless sensor nodes for monitoring in rural, indoor and underwater environments 2013Javaid, N., Qureshi, T. N., Khan, A. H., Iqbal, A., Akhtar, E., & Ishfaq, M. (2013). EDDEEC: Enhanced Developed Distributed Energy-efficient Clustering for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks. Procedia Computer Science, 19, 914-919. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2013.06.125Garcia, M., Sendra, S., Lloret, J., & Canovas, A. (2011). Saving energy and improving communications using cooperative group-based Wireless Sensor Networks. Telecommunication Systems, 52(4), 2489-2502. doi:10.1007/s11235-011-9568-3Garcia, M., Lloret, J., Sendra, S., & Rodrigues, J. J. P. C. (2011). Taking Cooperative Decisions in Group-Based Wireless Sensor Networks. Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 61-65. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23734-8_9Garcia, M., & Lloret, J. (2009). A Cooperative Group-Based Sensor Network for Environmental Monitoring. Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, 276-279. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04265-2_41Jain T Wireless environmental monitoring system (wems) using data aggregation in a bidirectional hybrid protocol In Proc of the 6th International Conference ICISTM 2012 2012Senouci, M. R., Mellouk, A., Senouci, H., & Aissani, A. (2012). Performance evaluation of network lifetime spatial-temporal distribution for WSN routing protocols. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 35(4), 1317-1328. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2012.01.016Heinzelman WR Chandrakasan A Balakrishnan H Energy-efficient communication protocol for wireless microsensor networks In proc of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2000 2000Xiangning F Yulin S Improvement on LEACH protocol of wireless sensor network In proc of the 2007 International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications SensorComm 2007 2007Tong M Tang M LEACH-B: an improved LEACH protocol for wireless sensor network In proc of the 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications Networking and Mobile Computing WiCOM 2010 2010Mohammad El-Basioni, B. M., Abd El-kader, S. M., Eissa, H. S., & Zahra, M. M. (2011). An Optimized Energy-aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network. Egyptian Informatics Journal, 12(2), 61-72. doi:10.1016/j.eij.2011.03.001Younis O Fahmy S Distributed clustering in ad-hoc sensor networks: a hybrid, energy-efficient approach In proc of the Twenty-third Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies INFOCOM 2004 2004Noack, A., & Spitz, S. (2009). Dynamic Threshold Cryptosystem without Group Manager. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 1(1). doi:10.5296/npa.v1i1.161Nasser, N., & Chen, Y. (2007). SEEM: Secure and energy-efficient multipath routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications, 30(11-12), 2401-2412. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2007.04.014Alippi, C., Camplani, R., Galperti, C., & Roveri, M. (2011). A Robust, Adaptive, Solar-Powered WSN Framework for Aquatic Environmental Monitoring. IEEE Sensors Journal, 11(1), 45-55. doi:10.1109/jsen.2010.2051539Parra L Sendra S Jimenez JM Lloret J Smart system to detect and track pollution in marine environments, in proc. of the 2015 2015 1503 1508Atto, M., & Guy, C. (2014). Routing Protocols and Quality of Services for Security Based Applications Using Wireless Video Sensor Networks. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 6(3), 119. doi:10.5296/npa.v6i3.5802Liu, Z., Zheng, Q., Xue, L., & Guan, X. (2012). A distributed energy-efficient clustering algorithm with improved coverage in wireless sensor networks. Future Generation Computer Systems, 28(5), 780-790. doi:10.1016/j.future.2011.04.019Bri D Sendra S Coll H Lloret J How the atmospheric variables affect to the WLAN datalink layer parameters 2010Ganesh, S., & Amutha, R. (2013). Efficient and secure routing protocol for wireless sensor networks through SNR based dynamic clustering mechanisms. Journal of Communications and Networks, 15(4), 422-429. doi:10.1109/jcn.2013.000073Amjad M 2014 Energy efficient multi level and distance clustering mechanism for wireless sensor networksMeghanathan, N. (2015). A Generic Algorithm to Determine Maximum Bottleneck Node Weight-based Data Gathering Trees for Wireless Sensor Networks. Network Protocols and Algorithms, 7(3), 18. doi:10.5296/npa.v7i3.796

    Reliable data delivery in low energy ad hoc sensor networks

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    Reliable delivery of data is a classical design goal for reliability-oriented collection routing protocols for ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Guaranteed packet delivery performance can be ensured by careful selection of error free links, quick recovery from packet losses, and avoidance of overloaded relay sensor nodes. Due to limited resources of individual senor nodes, there is usually a trade-off between energy spending for packets transmissions and the appropriate level of reliability. Since link failures and packet losses are unavoidable, sensor networks may tolerate a certain level of reliability without significantly affecting packets delivery performance and data aggregation accuracy in favor of efficient energy consumption. However a certain degree of reliability is needed, especially when hop count increases between source sensor nodes and the base station as a single lost packet may result in loss of a large amount of aggregated data along longer hops. An effective solution is to jointly make a trade-off between energy, reliability, cost, and agility while improving packet delivery, maintaining low packet error ratio, minimizing unnecessary packets transmissions, and adaptively reducing control traffic in favor of high success reception ratios of representative data packets. Based on this approach, the proposed routing protocol can achieve moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery ratio even with high link failure rates. The proposed routing protocol was experimentally investigated on a testbed of Crossbow's TelosB motes and proven to be more robust and energy efficient than the current implementation of TinyOS2.x MultihopLQI

    Optimized Cluster-Based Dynamic Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in Agriculture Precision

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    [EN] Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are becoming one of the demanding platforms, where sensor nodes are sensing and monitoring the physical or environmental conditions and transmit the data to the base station via multihop routing. Agriculture sector also adopted these networks to promote innovations for environmental friendly farming methods, lower the management cost, and achieve scientific cultivation. Due to limited capabilities, the sensor nodes have suffered with energy issues and complex routing processes and lead to data transmission failure and delay in the sensor-based agriculture fields. Due to these limitations, the sensor nodes near the base station are always relaying on it and cause extra burden on base station or going into useless state. To address these issues, this study proposes a Gateway Clustering Energy-Efficient Centroid- (GCEEC-) based routing protocol where cluster head is selected from the centroid position and gateway nodes are selected from each cluster. Gateway node reduces the data load from cluster head nodes and forwards the data towards the base station. Simulation has performed to evaluate the proposed protocol with state-of-the-art protocols. The experimental results indicated the better performance of proposed protocol and provide more feasible WSN-based monitoring for temperature, humidity, and illumination in agriculture sector.This work has also been partially supported by the European Union through the ERANETMED (Euromediterranean Cooperation through ERANET joint activities and beyond) project ERANETMED3-227 SMARTWATIR.Qureshi, KN.; Bashir, MU.; Lloret, J.; León Fernández, A. (2020). Optimized Cluster-Based Dynamic Energy-Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in Agriculture Precision. Journal of Sensors. 2020:1-19. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/9040395S1192020Sneha, K., Kamath, R., Balachandra, M., & Prabhu, S. (2019). New Gossiping Protocol for Routing Data in Sensor Networks for Precision Agriculture. Soft Computing and Signal Processing, 139-152. doi:10.1007/978-981-13-3393-4_15Qureshi, K. N., Abdullah, A. H., Bashir, F., Iqbal, S., & Awan, K. M. (2018). Cluster-based data dissemination, cluster head formation under sparse, and dense traffic conditions for vehicular ad hoc networks. International Journal of Communication Systems, 31(8), e3533. doi:10.1002/dac.3533Rault, T., Bouabdallah, A., & Challal, Y. (2014). Energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks: A top-down survey. Computer Networks, 67, 104-122. doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2014.03.027Feng, X., Zhang, J., Ren, C., & Guan, T. (2018). An Unequal Clustering Algorithm Concerned With Time-Delay for Internet of Things. IEEE Access, 6, 33895-33909. doi:10.1109/access.2018.2847036Savaglio, C., Pace, P., Aloi, G., Liotta, A., & Fortino, G. (2019). Lightweight Reinforcement Learning for Energy Efficient Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 7, 29355-29364. doi:10.1109/access.2019.2902371Srbinovska, M., Gavrovski, C., Dimcev, V., Krkoleva, A., & Borozan, V. (2015). Environmental parameters monitoring in precision agriculture using wireless sensor networks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 88, 297-307. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2014.04.036Lloret, J., Garcia, M., Bri, D., & Diaz, J. (2009). A Cluster-Based Architecture to Structure the Topology of Parallel Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 9(12), 10513-10544. doi:10.3390/s91210513Qureshi, K. N., Din, S., Jeon, G., & Piccialli, F. (2020). Link quality and energy utilization based preferable next hop selection routing for wireless body area networks. Computer Communications, 149, 382-392. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2019.10.030Kumar, S. A., & Ilango, P. (2017). The Impact of Wireless Sensor Network in the Field of Precision Agriculture: A Review. Wireless Personal Communications, 98(1), 685-698. doi:10.1007/s11277-017-4890-zAnisi, M. H., Abdul-Salaam, G., & Abdullah, A. H. (2014). A survey of wireless sensor network approaches and their energy consumption for monitoring farm fields in precision agriculture. Precision Agriculture, 16(2), 216-238. doi:10.1007/s11119-014-9371-8Long, D. S., & McCallum, J. D. (2015). On-combine, multi-sensor data collection for post-harvest assessment of environmental stress in wheat. Precision Agriculture, 16(5), 492-504. doi:10.1007/s11119-015-9391-zFu, X., Fortino, G., Li, W., Pace, P., & Yang, Y. (2019). WSNs-assisted opportunistic network for low-latency message forwarding in sparse settings. Future Generation Computer Systems, 91, 223-237. doi:10.1016/j.future.2018.08.031Mehmood, A., Khan, S., Shams, B., & Lloret, J. (2013). Energy-efficient multi-level and distance-aware clustering mechanism for WSNs. International Journal of Communication Systems, 28(5), 972-989. doi:10.1002/dac.2720Pantazis, N. A., Nikolidakis, S. A., & Vergados, D. D. (2013). Energy-Efficient Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 15(2), 551-591. doi:10.1109/surv.2012.062612.00084De Farias, C. M., Pirmez, L., Fortino, G., & Guerrieri, A. (2019). A multi-sensor data fusion technique using data correlations among multiple applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 109-118. doi:10.1016/j.future.2018.09.034Rao, P. C. S., Jana, P. K., & Banka, H. (2016). A particle swarm optimization based energy efficient cluster head selection algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Wireless Networks, 23(7), 2005-2020. doi:10.1007/s11276-016-1270-7Fu, X., Fortino, G., Pace, P., Aloi, G., & Li, W. (2020). Environment-fusion multipath routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. Information Fusion, 53, 4-19. doi:10.1016/j.inffus.2019.06.001Liu, X. (2015). Atypical Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(10), 5372-5383. doi:10.1109/jsen.2015.2445796Jan, N., Javaid, N., Javaid, Q., Alrajeh, N., Alam, M., Khan, Z. A., & Niaz, I. A. (2017). A Balanced Energy-Consuming and Hole-Alleviating Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 5, 6134-6150. doi:10.1109/access.2017.2676004Gupta, G. P., Misra, M., & Garg, K. (2014). Energy and trust aware mobile agent migration protocol for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 41, 300-311. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2014.01.003Safa, H., Karam, M., & Moussa, B. (2014). PHAODV: Power aware heterogeneous routing protocol for MANETs. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 46, 60-71. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2014.07.035Liu, X. (2015). An Optimal-Distance-Based Transmission Strategy for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(6), 3484-3491. doi:10.1109/jsen.2014.2372340Brar, G. S., Rani, S., Chopra, V., Malhotra, R., Song, H., & Ahmed, S. H. (2016). Energy Efficient Direction-Based PDORP Routing Protocol for WSN. IEEE Access, 4, 3182-3194. doi:10.1109/access.2016.2576475Abo-Zahhad, M., Ahmed, S. M., Sabor, N., & Sasaki, S. (2015). Mobile Sink-Based Adaptive Immune Energy-Efficient Clustering Protocol for Improving the Lifetime and Stability Period of Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(8), 4576-4586. doi:10.1109/jsen.2015.2424296Huynh, T.-T., Dinh-Duc, A.-V., & Tran, C.-H. (2016). Delay-constrained energy-efficient cluster-based multi-hop routing in wireless sensor networks. 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    A Novel EE-LEACH Protocol on Multipath Routing with Low Power Transmission

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    MANET is a network consists of set of mobile nodes with no central administration. Mobile Ad hoc networks are the most flexible networks with the collection of verity of wireless mobile host with IP connectivity forming temporary networks without a central administration. In most MANET multipath routing protocols are needed to facilitate efficient connectivity between source and destination. It faces various challenges in routing. Many routing protocols have been evaluated for better performance in terms of delays, throughputs and congestion control in multipath routing. Energy is the main consideration factor on design wireless sensor network. Practically leading is to limited network lifetime of WSN. In order to maximize the lifetime of MANET, traffic should be sent via a route that can avoid node with low energy while minimizing the total transmission power. The proposed protocol is EE-LEACH provides an optimized route by considering the energy of the nodes in the network. The performance of the proposed technique was evaluated by using MATLAB software
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