64 research outputs found

    Analysis and optimization of pilot symbol-assisted Rake receivers for DS-CDMA systems

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    The effect of imperfect channel estimation (CE) on the performance of pilot-symbol-assisted modulation (PSAM) and MRC Rake reception over time- or frequency-selective fading channels with either a uniform power delay profile (UPDP) or a nonuniform power delay profile (NPDP) is investigated. For time-selective channels, a Wiener filter or linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) filter for CE is considered, and a closed-form asymptotic expression for the mean square error (MSE) when the number of pilots used for CE approaches infinity is derived. In high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the MSE becomes independent of the channel Doppler spectrum. A characteristic function method is used to derive new closed-form expressions for the bit error rate (BER) of Rake receivers in UPDP and NPDP channels. The results are extended to two-dimensional (2-D) Rake receivers. The pilot-symbol spacing and pilot-to-data power ratio are optimized by minimizing the BER. For UPDP channels, elegant results are obtained in the asymptotic case. Furthermore, robust spacing design criteria are derived for the maximum Doppler frequency

    An Iterative Receiver for OFDM With Sparsity-Based Parametric Channel Estimation

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    In this work we design a receiver that iteratively passes soft information between the channel estimation and data decoding stages. The receiver incorporates sparsity-based parametric channel estimation. State-of-the-art sparsity-based iterative receivers simplify the channel estimation problem by restricting the multipath delays to a grid. Our receiver does not impose such a restriction. As a result it does not suffer from the leakage effect, which destroys sparsity. Communication at near capacity rates in high SNR requires a large modulation order. Due to the close proximity of modulation symbols in such systems, the grid-based approximation is of insufficient accuracy. We show numerically that a state-of-the-art iterative receiver with grid-based sparse channel estimation exhibits a bit-error-rate floor in the high SNR regime. On the contrary, our receiver performs very close to the perfect channel state information bound for all SNR values. We also demonstrate both theoretically and numerically that parametric channel estimation works well in dense channels, i.e., when the number of multipath components is large and each individual component cannot be resolved.Comment: Major revision, accepted for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Performance analysis of a blind adaptive linear minimum mean squared error receiver for use in UMTS TDD-CDMA base stations

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    Linear MMSE Receivers for Interference Suppression & Multipath Diversity Combining in Long-Code DS-CDMA Systems

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    This thesis studies the design and implementation of a linear minimum mean-square error (LMMSE) receiver in asynchronous bandlimited direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems that employ long-code pseudo-noise (PN) sequences and operate in multipath environments. The receiver is shown to be capable of multiple-access interference (MAI) suppression and multipath diversity combining without the knowledge of other users' signature sequences. It outperforms any other linear receiver by maximizing output signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with the aid of a new chip filter which exploits the cyclostationarity of the received signal and combines all paths of the desired user that fall within its supported time span. This work is motivated by the shortcomings of existing LMMSE receivers which are either incompatible with long-code CDMA or constrained by limitations in the system model. The design methodology is based on the concept of linear/conjugate linear (LCL) filtering and satisfying the orthogonality conditions to achieve the LMMSE filter response. Moreover, the proposed LMMSE receiver addresses two drawbacks of the coherent Rake receiver, the industry's current solution for multipath reception. First, unlike the Rake receiver which uses the chip-matched filter (CMF) and treats interference as additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), the LMMSE receiver suppresses interference by replacing the CMF with a new chip pulse filter. Second, in contrast to the Rake receiver which only processes a subset of strongest paths of the desired user, the LMMSE receiver harnesses the energy of all paths of the desired user that fall within its time support, at no additional complexity. The performance of the proposed LMMSE receiver is analyzed and compared with that of the coherent Rake receiver with probability of bit error, Pe, as the figure of merit. The analysis is based on the accurate improved Gaussian approximation (IGA) technique. Closed form conditional Pe expressions for both the LMMSE and Rake receivers are derived. Furthermore, it is shown that if quadriphase random spreading, moderate to large spreading factors, and pulses with small excess bandwidth are used, the widely-used standard Gaussian Approximation (SGA) technique becomes accurate even for low regions of Pe. Under the examined scenarios tailored towards current narrowband system settings, the LMMSE receiver achieves 60% gain in capacity (1. 8 dB in output SNR) over the selective Rake receiver. A third of the gain is due to interference suppression capability of the receiver while the rest is credited to its ability to collect the energy of the desired user diversified to many paths. Future wideband systems will yield an ever larger gain. Adaptive implementations of the LMMSE receiver are proposed to rid the receiver from dependence on the knowledge of multipath parameters. The adaptive receiver is based on a fractionally-spaced equalizer (FSE) whose taps are updated by an adaptive algorithm. Training-based, pilot-channel-aided (PCA), and blind algorithms are developed to make the receiver applicable to both forward and reverse links, with or without the presence of pilot signals. The blind algorithms are modified versions of the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) which has not been previously studied for long-code CDMA systems. Extensive simulation results are presented to illustrate the convergence behavior of the proposed algorithms and quantify their performance loss under various levels of MAI. Computational complexities of the algorithms are also discussed. These three criteria (performance loss, convergence rate, and computational complexity) determine the proper choice of an adaptive algorithm with respect to the requirements of the specific application in mind

    Low Power Adaptive Equaliser Architectures for Wireless LMMSE Receivers

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    Power consumption requires critical consideration during system design for portable wireless communication devices as it has a direct influence on the battery weight and volume required for operation. Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA) techniques are favoured for use in future generation mobile communication systems. This thesis investigates novel low power techniques for use in system blocks within a W-CDMA adaptive linear minimum mean squared error (LMMSE) receiver architecture. Two low power techniques are presented for reducing power dissipation in the LMS adaptive filter, this being the main power consuming block within this receiver. These low power techniques are namely the decorrelating transform, this is a differential coefficient technique, and the variable length update algorithm which is a dynamic tap-length optimisation technique. The decorrelating transform is based on the principle of reducing the wordlength of filter coefficients by using the computed difference between adjacent coefficients in calculation of the filter output. The effect of reducing the wordlength of filter coefficients being presented to multipliers in the filter is a reduction in switching activity within the multiplier thus reducing power consumed. In the case of the LMS adaptive filter, with coefficients being continuously updated, the decorrelating transform is applied to these calculated coefficients with minimal hardware or computational overhead. The correlation between filter coefficients is exploited to achieve a wordlength reduction from 16 bits down to 10 bits in the FIR filter block. The variable length update algorithm is based on the principle of optimising the number of operational filter taps in the LMS adaptive filter according to operating conditions. The number of taps in operation can be increased or decreased dynamically according to the mean squared error at the output of the filter. This algorithm is used to exploit the fact that when the SNR in the channel is low the minimum mean squared error of the short equaliser is almost the same as that of the longer equaliser. Therefore, minimising the length of the equaliser will not result in poorer MSE performance and there is no disadvantage in having fewer taps in operation. If fewer taps are in operation then switching will not only be reduced in the arithmetic blocks but also in the memory blocks required by the LMS algorithm and FIR filter process. This reduces the power consumed by both these computation intensive functional blocks. Power results are obtained for equaliser lengths from 73 to 16 taps and for operation with varying input SNR. This thesis then proposes that the variable length LMS adaptive filter is applied in the adaptive LMMSE receiver to create a low power implementation. Power consumption in the receiver is reduced by the dynamic optimisation of the LMS receiver coefficient calculation. A considerable power saving is seen to be achieved when moving from a fixed length LMS implementation to the variable length design. All design architectures are coded in Verilog hardware description language at register transfer level (RTL). Once functional specification of the design is verified, synthesis is carried out using either Synopsys DesignCompiler or Cadence BuildGates to create a gate level netlist. Power consumption results are determined at the gate level and estimated using the Synopsys DesignPower tool

    Base station 2-dimensional reconfigurable receiver architecture for DS-CDMA

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    Channel estimation and signal enhancement for DS-CDMA systems

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    This dissertation focuses on topics of Bayesian-based multiuser detection, space-time (S-T) transceiver design, and S-T channel parameter estimation for direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems. Using the Bayesian framework, various linear and simplified nonlinear multiuser detectors are proposed, and their performances are analyzed. The simplified non-linear Bayesian solutions can bridge the performance gap between sub-optimal linear multiuser detectors and the optimum multiuser detector. To further improve the system capacity and performance, S-T transceiver design approaches with complexity constraint are investigated. Novel S-T receivers of low-complexity that jointly use the temporal code-signature and the spatial signature are proposed. Our solutions, which lead to generalized near-far resistant S-T RAKE receivers, achieve better interference suppression than the existing S-T RAKE receivers. From transmitter side, we also proposed a transmit diversity (TD) technique in combination with differential detection for the DS-CDMA systems. It is shown that the proposed S-T TD scheme in combination with minimum variance distortionless response transceiver (STTD+MVDR) is near-far resistant and outperforms the conventional STTD and matched filter based (STTD+MF) transceiver scheme. Obtaining channel state information (CSI) is instrumental to optimum S-T transceiver design in wireless systems. Another major focus of this dissertation is to estimate the S-T channel parameters. We proposed an asymptotic, joint maximum likelihood (ML) method of estimating multipath channel parameters for DS-CDMA systems. An iterative estimator is proposed to further simplify the computation. Analytical and simulation results show that the iterative estimation scheme is near-far resistant for both time delays and DOAs. And it reaches the corresponding CRBs after a few iterations

    IST-2000-30148 I-METRA: D4 Performance evaluation

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    This document considers the performance of multiantenna transmit/receive techniques in high-speed downlink and uplink packet access. The evaluation is done using both link and system level simulations by taking into account link adaptation and packet retransmissions. The document is based on the initial studies carried out in deliverables D3.1 and D3.2.Preprin

    Adaptive Space-Time-Spreading-Assisted Wideband CDMA Systems Communicating over Dispersive Nakagami-m Fading Channels

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    In this contribution, the performance of wideband code-division multiple-access (W-CDMA) systems using space-timespreading-(STS-) based transmit diversity is investigated, when frequency-selective Nakagami-m fading channels, multiuser interference, and background noise are considered. The analysis and numerical results suggest that the achievable diversity order is the product of the frequency-selective diversity order and the transmit diversity order. Furthermore, both the transmit diversity and the frequency-selective diversity have the same order of importance. Since W-CDMA signals are subjected to frequency-selective fading, the number of resolvable paths at the receiver may vary over a wide range depending on the transmission environment encountered. It can be shown that, for wireless channels where the frequency selectivity is sufficiently high, transmit diversity may be not necessitated. Under this case, multiple transmission antennas can be leveraged into an increased bitrate. Therefore, an adaptive STS-based transmission scheme is then proposed for improving the throughput ofW-CDMA systems. Our numerical results demonstrate that this adaptive STS-based transmission scheme is capable of significantly improving the effective throughput of W-CDMA systems. Specifically, the studied W-CDMA system’s bitrate can be increased by a factor of three at the modest cost of requiring an extra 0.4 dB or 1.2 dB transmitted power in the context of the investigated urban or suburban areas, respectively

    Reducing dynamic power consumption in next generation DS-CDMA mobile communication receivers

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    Reduction of the power consumption in portable wireless receivers is important for cellular systems, including UMTS and IMT2000. This paper explores the architectural design-space and methodologies for reducing the dynamic power dissipation in the Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) downlink RAKE receiver. At the algorithm level, we investigate the tradeoffs of reduced precision and arithmetic complexity on the receiver performance. We then present and analyse two architectures for implementing the reference and reduced complexity receivers, with respect to dynamic power dissipation. The combined effect of reduced precision and complexity reduction leads to a 37.44% power savings.Nokia CorporationTexas Instruments Inc.National Science Foundatio