5 research outputs found

    Bearing-only acoustic tracking of moving speakers for robot audition

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    This paper focuses on speaker tracking in robot audition for human-robot interaction. Using only acoustic signals, speaker tracking in enclosed spaces is subject to missing detections and spurious clutter measurements due to speech inactivity, reverberation and interference. Furthermore, many acoustic localization approaches estimate speaker direction, hence providing bearing-only measurements without range information. This paper presents a probability hypothesis density (PHD) tracker that augments the bearing-only speaker directions of arrival with a cloud of range hypotheses at speaker initiation and propagates the random variates through time. Furthermore, due to their formulation PHD filters explicitly model, and hence provide robustness against, clutter and missing detections. The approach is verified using experimental results

    Multiple-Object Estimation Techniques for Challenging Scenarios

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    A series of methods for solving the multi-object estimation problem in the context sequential Bayesian inference is presented. These methods concentrate on dealing with challenging scenarios of multiple target tracking, involving fundamental problems of nonlinearity and non-Gaussianity of processes, high state dimensionality, high number of targets, statistical dependence between target states, and degenerate cases of low signal-to-noise ratio, high uncertainty, lowly observable states or uninformative observations. These difficulties pose obstacles to most practical multi-object inference problems, lying at the heart of the shortcomings reported for state-of-the-art methods, and so elicit novel treatments to enable tackling a broader class of real problems. The novel algorithms offered as solutions in this dissertation address such challenges by acting on the root causes of the associated problems. Often this involves essential dilemmas commonly manifested in Statistics and Decision Theory, such as trading off estimation accuracy with algorithm complexity, soft versus hard decision, generality versus tractability, conciseness versus interpretativeness etc. All proposed algorithms constitute stochastic filters, each of which is formulated to address specific aspects of the challenges at hand while offering tools to achieve judicious compromises in the aforementioned dilemmas. Two of the filters address the weight degeneracy observed in sequential Monte Carlo filters, particularly for nonlinear processes. One of these filters is designed for nonlinear non-Gaussian high-dimensional problems, delivering representativeness of the uncertainty in high-dimensional states while mitigating part of the inaccuracies that arise from the curse of dimensionality. This filter is shown to cope well with scenarios of multimodality, high state uncertainty, uninformative observations and high number of false alarms. A multi-object filter deals with the problem of considering dependencies between target states in a way that is scalable to a large number of targets, by resorting to probabilistic graphical structures. Another multi-object filter treats the problem of reducing the computational complexity of a state-of-the-art cardinalized filter to deal with a large number of targets, without compromising accuracy significantly. Finally, a framework for associating measurements across observation sessions for scenarios of low state observability is proposed, with application to an important Space Surveillance task: cataloging of space debris in the geosynchronous/geostationary belt. The devised methods treat the considered challenges by bringing about rather general questions, and provide not only principled solutions but also analyzes the essence of the investigated problems, extrapolating the implemented techniques to a wider spectrum of similar problems in Signal Processing

    Estimation and control of multi-object systems with high-fidenlity sensor models: A labelled random finite set approach

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    Principled and novel multi-object tracking algorithms are proposed, that have the ability to optimally process realistic sensor data, by accommodating complex observational phenomena such as merged measurements and extended targets. Additionally, a sensor control scheme based on a tractable, information theoretic objective is proposed, the goal of which is to optimise tracking performance in multi-object scenarios. The concept of labelled random finite sets is adopted in the development of these new techniques

    Sensor management for multi-target tracking using random finite sets

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    Sensor management in multi-target tracking is commonly focused on actively scheduling and managing sensor resources to maximize the visibility of states of a set of maneuvering targets in a surveillance area. This project focuses on two types of sensor management techniques: - controlling a set of mobile sensors (sensor control), and - scheduling the resources of a sensor network (sensor selection).​ In both cases, agile sensors are employed to track an unknown number of targets. We advocate a Random Finite Set (RFS)-based approach for formulation of a sensor control/selection technique for multi-target tracking problem. Sensor control/scheduling offers a multi-target state estimate that is expected to be substantially more accurate than the classical tracking methods without sensor management. Searching for optimal sensor state or command in the relevant space is carried out by a decision-making mechanism based on maximizing the utility of receiving measurements.​ In current solutions of sensor management problem, the information of the clutter rate and uncertainty in sensor Field of View (FoV) are assumed to be known in priori. However, accurate measures of these parameters are usually not available in practical situations. This project presents a new sensor management solution that is designed to work within a RFS-based multi-target tracking framework. Our solution does not require any prior knowledge of the clutter distribution nor the probability of detection profile to achieve similar accuracy. Also, we present a new sensor management method for multi-object filtering via maximizing the state estimation confidence. Confidence of an estimation is quantified by measuring the dispersion of the multi-object posterior about its statistical mean using Optimal Sub-Pattern Assignment (OSPA). The proposed method is generic and the presented algorithm can be used with any statistical filter