4,138 research outputs found

    Optimized Broadcast for Deep Learning Workloads on Dense-GPU InfiniBand Clusters: MPI or NCCL?

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    Dense Multi-GPU systems have recently gained a lot of attention in the HPC arena. Traditionally, MPI runtimes have been primarily designed for clusters with a large number of nodes. However, with the advent of MPI+CUDA applications and CUDA-Aware MPI runtimes like MVAPICH2 and OpenMPI, it has become important to address efficient communication schemes for such dense Multi-GPU nodes. This coupled with new application workloads brought forward by Deep Learning frameworks like Caffe and Microsoft CNTK pose additional design constraints due to very large message communication of GPU buffers during the training phase. In this context, special-purpose libraries like NVIDIA NCCL have been proposed for GPU-based collective communication on dense GPU systems. In this paper, we propose a pipelined chain (ring) design for the MPI_Bcast collective operation along with an enhanced collective tuning framework in MVAPICH2-GDR that enables efficient intra-/inter-node multi-GPU communication. We present an in-depth performance landscape for the proposed MPI_Bcast schemes along with a comparative analysis of NVIDIA NCCL Broadcast and NCCL-based MPI_Bcast. The proposed designs for MVAPICH2-GDR enable up to 14X and 16.6X improvement, compared to NCCL-based solutions, for intra- and inter-node broadcast latency, respectively. In addition, the proposed designs provide up to 7% improvement over NCCL-based solutions for data parallel training of the VGG network on 128 GPUs using Microsoft CNTK.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Accelerating MPI collective communications through hierarchical algorithms with flexible inter-node communication and imbalance awareness

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    This work presents and evaluates algorithms for MPI collective communication operations on high performance systems. Collective communication algorithms are extensively investigated, and a universal algorithm to improve the performance of MPI collective operations on hierarchical clusters is introduced. This algorithm exploits shared-memory buffers for efficient intra-node communication while still allowing the use of unmodified, hierarchy-unaware traditional collectives for inter-node communication. The universal algorithm shows impressive performance results with a variety of collectives, improving upon the MPICH algorithms as well as the Cray MPT algorithms. Speedups average 15x - 30x for most collectives with improved scalability up to 65536 cores.^ Further novel improvements are also proposed for inter-node communication. By utilizing algorithms which take advantage of multiple senders from the same shared memory buffer, an additional speedup of 2.5x can be achieved. The discussion also evaluates special-purpose extensions to improve intra-node communication. These extensions return a shared memory or copy-on-write protected buffer from the collective, which reduces or completely eliminates the second phase of intra-node communication.^ The second part of this work improves the performance of MPI collective communication operations in the presence of imbalanced processes arrival times. High performance collective communications are crucial for the performance and scalability of applications, and imbalanced process arrival times are common in these applications. A micro-benchmark is used to investigate the nature of process imbalance with perfectly balanced workloads, and understand the nature of inter- versus intra-node imbalance. These insights are then used to develop imbalance tolerant reduction, broadcast, and alltoall algorithms, which minimize the synchronization delay observed by early arriving processes. These algorithms have been implemented and tested on a Cray XE6 using up to 32k cores with varying buffer sizes and levels of imbalance. Results show speedups over MPICH averaging 18.9x for reduce, 5.3x for broadcast, and 6.9x for alltoall in the presence of high, but not unreasonable, imbalance

    Hierarchical Parallel Matrix Multiplication on Large-Scale Distributed Memory Platforms

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    Matrix multiplication is a very important computation kernel both in its own right as a building block of many scientific applications and as a popular representative for other scientific applications. Cannon algorithm which dates back to 1969 was the first efficient algorithm for parallel matrix multiplication providing theoretically optimal communication cost. However this algorithm requires a square number of processors. In the mid 1990s, the SUMMA algorithm was introduced. SUMMA overcomes the shortcomings of Cannon algorithm as it can be used on a non-square number of processors as well. Since then the number of processors in HPC platforms has increased by two orders of magnitude making the contribution of communication in the overall execution time more significant. Therefore, the state of the art parallel matrix multiplication algorithms should be revisited to reduce the communication cost further. This paper introduces a new parallel matrix multiplication algorithm, Hierarchical SUMMA (HSUMMA), which is a redesign of SUMMA. Our algorithm reduces the communication cost of SUMMA by introducing a two-level virtual hierarchy into the two-dimensional arrangement of processors. Experiments on an IBM BlueGene-P demonstrate the reduction of communication cost up to 2.08 times on 2048 cores and up to 5.89 times on 16384 cores.Comment: 9 page

    A Multilevel Approach to Topology-Aware Collective Operations in Computational Grids

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    The efficient implementation of collective communiction operations has received much attention. Initial efforts produced "optimal" trees based on network communication models that assumed equal point-to-point latencies between any two processes. This assumption is violated in most practical settings, however, particularly in heterogeneous systems such as clusters of SMPs and wide-area "computational Grids," with the result that collective operations perform suboptimally. In response, more recent work has focused on creating topology-aware trees for collective operations that minimize communication across slower channels (e.g., a wide-area network). While these efforts have significant communication benefits, they all limit their view of the network to only two layers. We present a strategy based upon a multilayer view of the network. By creating multilevel topology-aware trees we take advantage of communication cost differences at every level in the network. We used this strategy to implement topology-aware versions of several MPI collective operations in MPICH-G2, the Globus Toolkit[tm]-enabled version of the popular MPICH implementation of the MPI standard. Using information about topology provided by MPICH-G2, we construct these multilevel topology-aware trees automatically during execution. We present results demonstrating the advantages of our multilevel approach by comparing it to the default (topology-unaware) implementation provided by MPICH and a topology-aware two-layer implementation.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Process-Oriented Collective Operations

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    Distributing process-oriented programs across a cluster of machines requires careful attention to the effects of network latency. The MPI standard, widely used for cluster computation, defines a number of collective operations: efficient, reusable algorithms for performing operations among a group of machines in the cluster. In this paper, we describe our techniques for implementing MPI communication patterns in process-oriented languages, and how we have used them to implement collective operations in PyCSP and occam-pi on top of an asynchronous messaging framework. We show how to make use of collective operations in distributed processoriented applications. We also show how the process-oriented model can be used to increase concurrency in existing collective operation algorithms

    Parallelizing RRT on distributed-memory architectures

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    This paper addresses the problem of improving the performance of the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm by parallelizing it. For scalability reasons we do so on a distributed-memory architecture, using the message-passing paradigm. We present three parallel versions of RRT along with the technicalities involved in their implementation. We also evaluate the algorithms and study how they behave on different motion planning problems