13,691 research outputs found

    Automated performance evaluation of skew-tolerant clocking schemes

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    In this paper the authors evaluate the timing and power performance of three skew-tolerant clocking schemes. These schemes are the well known master–slave clocking scheme (MS) and two schemes developed by the authors: Parallel alternating latches clocking scheme (PALACS) and four-phase parallel alternating latches clocking scheme (four-phase PALACS). In order to evaluate the timing performance, the authors introduce algorithms to obtain the clock waveforms required by a synchronous sequential circuit. Separated algorithms were developed for every clocking scheme. From these waveforms it is possible to get parameters such as the non-overlapping time and the clock period. They have been implemented in a tool and have been used to compare the timing performance of the clocking schemes applied to a simple circuit. To analyse the power consumption the authors have electrically simulated a simple circuit for several operation frequencies. The most remarkable conclusion is that it is possible to save about 50% of the power consumption of the clock distribution network by using PALACS.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TEC 2004-00840/MI

    CMOS VLSI correlator design for radio-astronomical signal processing : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Multi-element radio telescopes employ methods of indirect imaging to capture the image of the sky. These methods are in contrast to direct imaging methods whereby the image is constructed from sensor measurements directly and involve extensive signal processing on antenna signals. The Square Kilometre Array, or the SKA, is a future radio telescope of this type that, once built, will become the largest telescope in the world. The unprecedented scale of the SKA requires novel solutions to be developed for its signal processing pipeline one of the most resource-consuming parts of which is the correlator. The SKA uses the FX correlator construction that consists of two parts: the F part that translates antenna signals into frequency domain and the X part that cross-correlates these signals between each other. This research focuses on the integrated circuit design and VLSI implementation issues of the X part of a very large FX correlator in 28 nm and 130 nm CMOS. The correlator’s main processing operation is the complex multiply-accumulation (CMAC) for which custom 28 nm CMAC designs are presented and evaluated. Performance of various memories inside the correlator also affects overall efficiency, and input-buffered and output-buffered approaches are considered with the goal of improving upon it. For output-buffered designs, custom memory control circuits have been designed and prototyped in 130 nm that improve upon eDRAM by taking advantage of sequential access patterns. For the input-buffered architecture, a new scheme is proposed that decreases the usage of the input-buffer memory by a third by making use of multiple accumulators in every CMAC. Because cross-correlation is a very data-intensive process, high-performance SerDes I/O is essential to any practical ASIC implementation. On the I/O design, the 28 nm full-rate transmitter delivering 15 Gbps per lane is presented. This design consists of the scrambler, the serialiser, the digital VCO with analog fine-tuning and the SST driver including features of a 4-tap FFE, impedance tuning and amplitude tuning

    An Optimal Gate Design for the Synthesis of Ternary Logic Circuits

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringOver the last few decades, CMOS-based digital circuits have been steadily developed. However, because of the power density limits, device scaling may soon come to an end, and new approaches for circuit designs are required. Multi-valued logic (MVL) is one of the new approaches, which increases the radix for computation to lower the complexity of the circuit. For the MVL implementation, ternary logic circuit designs have been proposed previously, though they could not show advantages over binary logic, because of unoptimized synthesis techniques. In this thesis, we propose a methodology to design ternary gates by modeling pull-up and pull-down operations of the gates. Our proposed methodology makes it possible to synthesize ternary gates with a minimum number of transistors. From HSPICE simulation results, our ternary designs show significant power-delay product reductions; 49 % in the ternary full adder and 62 % in the ternary multiplier compared to the existing methodology. We have also compared the number of transistors in CMOS-based binary logic circuits and ternary device-based logic circuits We propose a methodology for using ternary values effectively in sequential logic. Proposed ternary D flip-flop is designed to normally operate in four-edges of a ternary clock signal. A quad-edge-triggered ternary D flip-flop (QETDFF) is designed with static gates using CNTFET. From HSPICE simulation results, we have confirmed that power-delay-product (PDP) of QETDFF is reduced by 82.31 % compared to state of the art ternary D flip-flop. We synthesize a ternary serial adder using QETDFF. PDP of the proposed ternary serial adder is reduced by 98.23 % compared to state of the art design.ope

    Mix & Latch: An Optimization Flow for High-Performance Designs with Single-Clock Mixed-Polarity Latches and Flip-Flops

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    Flip-flops are the most used sequential elements in synchronous circuits, but designs based on latches can operate at higher frequencies and occupy less area. Techniques to increase the maximum operating frequency of flip-flop based designs, such as time-borrowing, rely on tight hold constraints that are difficult to satisfy using traditional back-end optimization techniques. We propose Mix & Latch , a methodology to increase the operating frequency of synchronous digital circuits using a single clock tree and a mixed distribution of positive- and negative-edge-triggered flops, and positive- and negative-level-sensitive latches. An efficient mathematical model is proposed to optimize the type and location of the sequential elements of the circuit. We ensure that the initial registers are not moved from their initial location, although they may change type, thus allowing the use of equivalence checking and static timing analysis to verify formally the correctness of the transformation. The technique is validated using a 28nm CMOS FDSOI technology, obtaining 1.33X post-layout average operating frequency improvement on a broad set of benchmarks over a standard commercial design flow. Additionally, the circuit area was also reduced by more than 1.19X on average for the same benchmarks, although the overall area reduction is not a goal of the optimization algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that proposes combining mixed-polarity flip-flops and latches to improve the circuit performance


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    In this paper a novel technique is proposed based on the comparison between Conventional Conditional Data Mapping Flip-flop and Clock Pair Shared D flip flop(CPSFF) here we are checking the working of CDMFF and the conventional D Flip-flop. Due to the immense growth in nanometer technology the SOC is became the future concept of the modern electronics the number of clock transistors are also considerably increased. In this paper we propose a new system which will considerably reduce the number of transistor which will lead to the reduction in clocking power which will improve the overall power consumption.Our proposed which is designed using Pass Transistor Logic (LCPTFF) Low Power Clocked Pass Transistor Flip-Flop system is showing much better output than all other designs as mentioned in the tabulation.The simulations are done using Microwind& DSCH analysis software tools and the result between all those types are listed below

    Advanced Timing and Synchronization Methodologies for Digital VLSI Integrated Circuits

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    This dissertation addresses timing and synchronization methodologies that are critical to the design, analysis and optimization of high-performance, integrated digital VLSI systems. As process sizes shrink and design complexities increase, achieving timing closure for digital VLSI circuits becomes a significant bottleneck in the integrated circuit design flow. Circuit designers are motivated to investigate and employ alternative methods to satisfy the timing and physical design performance targets. Such novel methods for the timing and synchronization of complex circuitry are developed in this dissertation and analyzed for performance and applicability.Mainstream integrated circuit design flow is normally tuned for zero clock skew, edge-triggered circuit design. Non-zero clock skew or multi-phase clock synchronization is seldom used because the lack of design automation tools increases the length and cost of the design cycle. For similar reasons, level-sensitive registers have not become an industry standard despite their superior size, speed and power consumption characteristics compared to conventional edge-triggered flip-flops.In this dissertation, novel design and analysis techniques that fully automate the design and analysis of non-zero clock skew circuits are presented. Clock skew scheduling of both edge-triggered and level-sensitive circuits are investigated in order to exploit maximum circuit performances. The effects of multi-phase clocking on non-zero clock skew, level-sensitive circuits are investigated leading to advanced synchronization methodologies. Improvements in the scalability of the computational timing analysis process with clock skew scheduling are explored through partitioning and parallelization.The integration of the proposed design and analysis methods to the physical design flow of integrated circuits synchronized with a next-generation clocking technology-resonant rotary clocking technology-is also presented. Based on the design and analysis methods presented in this dissertation, a computer-aided design tool for the design of rotary clock synchronized integrated circuits is developed

    Adiabatic technique based low power synchronous counter design

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    The performance of integrated circuits is evaluated by their design architecture, which ensures high reliability and optimizes energy. The majority of the system-level architectures consist of sequential circuits. Counters are fundamental blocks in numerous very large-scale integration (VLSI) applications. The T-flip-flop is an important block in synchronous counters, and its high-power consumption impacts the overall effectiveness of the system. This paper calculates the power dissipation (PD), power delay product (PDP), and latency of the presented T flip-flop. To create a 2-bit synchronous counter based on the novel T flip-flops, a performance matrix such as PD, latency, and PDP is analyzed. The analysis is carried out at 100 and 10 MHz frequencies with varying temperatures and operating voltages. It is observed that the presented counter design has a lesser power requirement and PDP compared to the existing counter architectures. The proposed T-flip-flop design at the 45 nm technology node shows an improvement of 30%, 76%, and 85% in latency, PD, and PDP respectively to the 180 nm node at 10 MHz frequency. Similarly, the proposed counter at the 45 nm technology node shows 96% and 97% improvement in power dissipation, delay, and PDP respectively compared to the 180 nm at 10 MHz frequency

    New clock-gating techniques for low-power flip-flops

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