15 research outputs found

    Interior Eigensolver Based on Rational Filter with Composite rule

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    Contour integral based rational filter leads to interior eigensolvers for non-Hermitian generalized eigenvalue problems. Based on the Zolotarev's problems, this paper proves the asymptotic optimality of the trapezoidal quadrature of the contour integral in terms of the rational function separation. A composite rule of the trapezoidal quadrature is derived. Two interior eigensolvers are proposed based on the composite rule. Both eigensolvers adopt direct factorization and multi-shift generalized minimal residual method for the inner and outer rational functions, respectively. The first eigensolver fixes the order of the outer rational function and applies the subspace iteration to achieve convergence, whereas the second eigensolver doubles the order of the outer rational function every iteration to achieve convergence without subspace iteration. The efficiency and stability of proposed eigensolvers are demonstrated on synthetic and practical sparse matrix pencils.Comment: 28 pages,26 figure

    Computing eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices\ud with rational filters in real arithmetic

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    Powerful algorithms have recently been proposed for computing eigenvalues of large matrices by methods related to contour integrals; best known are the works of Sakurai and coauthors and Polizzi and coauthors. Even if the matrices are real symmetric, most such methods rely on complex arithmetic, leading to expensive linear systems to solve. An appealing technique for overcoming this starts from the observation that certain discretized contour integrals are equivalent to rational interpolation problems, for which there is no need to leave the real axis. Investigation shows that using rational interpolation per se suffers from instability; however, related techniques involving real rational filters can be very effective. This article presents a technique of this kind that is related to previous work published in Japanese by Murakami

    Efficient variants of the CMRH method for solving a sequence of multi-shifted non-Hermitian linear systems simultaneously

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    Multi-shifted linear systems with non-Hermitian coefficient matrices arise in numerical solutions of time-dependent partial/fractional differential equations (PDEs/FDEs), in control theory, PageRank problems, and other research fields. We derive efficient variants of the restarted Changing Minimal Residual method based on the cost-effective Hessenberg procedure (CMRH) for this problem class. Then, we introduce a flexible variant of the algorithm that allows to use variable preconditioning at each iteration to further accelerate the convergence of shifted CMRH. We analyse the performance of the new class of methods in the numerical solution of PDEs and FDEs, also against other multi-shifted Krylov subspace methods.Comment: Techn. Rep., Univ. of Groningen, 34 pages. 11 Tables, 2 Figs. This manuscript was submitted to a journal at 20 Jun. 2016. Updated version-1: 31 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. The manuscript was resubmitted to the journal at 9 Jun. 2018. Updated version-2: 29 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. Make it concise. Updated version-3: 27 pages, 10 tables, 2 figs. Updated version-4: 28 pages, 10 tables, 2 fig