2 research outputs found

    Evaluating Performance of Serverless Virtualization

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    Abstract. The serverless computing has posed new challenges for cloud vendors that are difficult to solve with existing virtualization technologies. Maintaining security, resource isolation, backwards compatibility and scalability is extremely difficult when the platform should be able to deliver native performance. This paper contains a literature review of recently published results related to the performance of virtualization technologies such as KVM and Docker, and further reports a DESMET benchmarking evaluation against KVM and Docker, as well as Firecracker and gVisor, which are being used by Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud in their cloud services. The context for this research is coming from education, where students return their programming assignments into a source code repository system that further triggers automated tests and potentially other tasks against the submitted code. The used environment consists of several software components, such as web server, database and job executor, and thus represents a common architecture in web-based applications. The results of the research show that Docker is still the most performant virtualization technology amongst the selected ones. Additionally, Firecracker and gVisor perform better in some areas than KVM and thus are viable options for single-tenant environments. Lastly, applications that run untrusted code or have otherwise really high security requirements could potentially leverage from using either Firecracker or gVisor

    Análise do desempenho da virtualização leve para ambientes com Edge Computing baseada em NFV

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    The Network Function Virtualization (NFV) paradigm is changing the way network services are provided, allowing the same degree of versatility and agility as ever seen in cloud computing. In fact, NFV proposes to change the network functions that are currently performed in the so-called middleboxes, a dedicated hardware, in virtual functions. That is, turn closed solutions into simple software images, called Virtual Network Function (VNF), which can be consolidated and run on industry standard servers. However, it is possible to implement as virtual functions through traditional virtualization in hypervisors or in lightweight virtualization, constituting a compromise between flexibility and performance. Thus, this work compares the performance in environments that use virtualization technology with hypervisor to those that uses a container, for the purpose of verify the best for operational environments allied to the concept of Edge Computing in NFV. However, it is intended to gauge the ability for the technologies to be transparent to the user regarding performance. In order to do so, comparisons of CPU, memory, disk I/O, network and application were made, evidencing a low overhead of lightweight virtualization that comes close to the native scenario in certain cases.O paradigma de Network Function Virtualization (NFV) está mudando a forma pela qual os serviços de rede são providos, permitindo o mesmo grau de versatilidade e agilidade já visto na computação na nuvem. De fato, o NFV propõe mudar as funções de rede que hoje são executadas nas chamadas middleboxes, um hardware dedicado, em funções virtuais. Ou seja, transformar soluções fechadas em simples imagens de software, chamadas Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), as quais podem ser consolidadas e executadas em servidores padrões da indústria. Porém, é possível implementar as funções virtuais através da virtualização tradicional baseada em hipervisores ou da virtualização leve, constituindo um compromisso entre flexibilidade e desempenho. Assim, este trabalho compara o desempenho em ambientes que utilizam tecnologia de virtualização com hipervisor aos que utilizam contêineres, a fim de verificar a mais adequada para ambientes operacionais aliados ao conceito de Edge Computing baseada em NFV. Com isso, pretende-se aferir a capacidade dessas tecnologias serem transparentes ao usuário em relação ao desempenho. Para tanto, foram feitos benchmarkings de Central Processing Unit (CPU), memória, Input/Output (I/O) de disco, rede e aplicação, evidenciando a baixa sobrecarga da virtualização leve que chega a se aproximar do cenário nativo em certos casos