44 research outputs found

    Technology based learning system in Internet of Things (IoT) education

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    In this decade, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are motivating nations for digital transformation. This transformation is part of Fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Several challenges are obstacle in the digitalization, one of them is talent in this field. There are not many available automation or control labs equipped with advance automation technologies in the educational institutions. To produce more force for IoT, engineering intuitions need to improve their curriculum and engineering lab facilities. In this paper, a technology-based learning system is proposed for learning IoT. The design of this system purposely developed for control lab for undergraduates and postgraduate students. This system offers a low-cost development using industrial standard controller, which is suitable for industrial and enterprise applications prototyping. Three modules are prepared to train the students; 1) Introduction to IoT & Industry 4.0, 2) controller programming, configuration and machine to machine (M2M) communication and 3) design and development of web and mobile applications. All students implemented and tested the industrial standard IoT application in the end of Session. The design and implementation result shows the learning experience of students has been improved and motivates the institutions to apply this low-cost system to fulfil the future talent demand in this field

    On the aspects of iot protocols specification and checking

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    Тіменко, А. В. Щодо аспектів специфікації і перевірки протоколів інтернету речей = On the aspects of iot protocols specification and checking / А. В. Тіменко // Shipbuilding & Marine Infrastructure. – 2019. – № 2 (12). – С. 35–41.Анотація. Сучасний рівень складності різноманітних програмних систем зумовлює потребу адаптації та доопрацювання процесу розроблення таких систем належним чином. Показовими прикладами останніх є системи, побудовані згідно з концепцією Інтернету речей, що, зокрема, передбачає застосування спеціалізованих протоколів взаємодії компонентів. Концепція Інтернету речей охоплює мільярди різнорідних «розумних» пристроїв, що взаємодіють один з одним на основі різноманітних протоколів. З огляду на варіативність протоколів взаємодії та їх реалізацій виникає проблема сумісності таких пристроїв. Разом із цим варто відзначити, що під час проектування різного роду систем, наприклад систем критичного призначення, все більшого поширення набуває використання формальних методів, зокрема методів перевірки на моделі. Робота адресується вирішенню проблеми перевірки сумісності компонентів систем Інтернету речей шляхом автоматизованого застосування методів перевірки на моделі. Мета роботи – запропонувати підхід до вирішення проблеми перевірки сумісності компонентів систем Інтернету речей за рахунок застосування методу перевірки на моделі. Методика полягає в наступному: спочатку синтезується абстрактна специфікація, потім ця специфікація деталізується і перевіряється методом перевірки на моделі в автоматизованому режимі. Як результат запропоновано підхід до перевірки сумісності компонентів систем Інтернету речей, що полягає в автоматизованій формальній верифікації протоколів взаємодії. Синтез специфікації протоколу MQTT згідно з запропонованим підходом розглядається як тематичне дослідження.Abstract. Modern level of diverse software systems complexity stipulates the engineering process to be adapted and refined appropriately. The demonstrative examples of such systems are the ones from the Internet of Things domain that, in particular, imply the usage of specialized communication protocols. The concept of the Internet of Things encompasses the billions of heterogeneous smart devices communicating to each other through different protocols. Taking into consideration the variation of communication protocols and its implementations, the interoperability problem arises. Moreover, it should be noted that during the designing of diverse systems, the safety-critical ones in particular, the practice of formal methods usage, especially the model checkers, is becoming more and more popular. The work is addressed to solving the interoperability problem of the Internet of Things domain by way of automated model checking. Goal – to propose an approach to solving the interoperability problem in the Internet of Things domain by way of model checking method usage. The technique applied is as follows: synthesize the abstract specification first, and then this specification should be detailed and formally checked in an automated manner. Results obtained – an approach to checking the interoperability between the components of the Internet of Things system has been proposed. The approach is based on automated formal verification of communication protocols. Synthesis of MQTT protocol specification has been considered as a case study. The novelty of work is about the interpretation of interoperability checking problem from the viewpoint of consistency at communication protocols level. The practical value of the results obtained is about the possibility of application of the approach proposed in order to exclude the unexpected scenarios of the Internet of Things System’s components communication, communication failures in particular

    An Event-based Middleware for Syntactical Interoperability in Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) connecting sensors or devices that record physical observations of the environment and a variety of applications or other Internet services. Along with the increasing number and diversity of devices connected, there arises a problem called interoperability. One type of interoperability is syntactical interoperability, where the IoT should be able to connect all devices through various data protocols. Based on this problem, we proposed a middleware that capable of supporting interoperability by providing a multi-protocol gateway between COAP, MQTT, and WebSocket. This middleware is developed using event-based architecture by implementing publish-subscribe pattern. We also developed a system to test the performance of middleware in terms of success rate and delay delivery of data. The system consists of temperature and humidity sensors using COAP and MQTT as a publisher and web application using WebSocket as a subscriber. The results for data transmission, either from sensors or MQTT COAP has a success rate above 90%, the average delay delivery of data from sensors COAP and MQTT below 1 second, for packet loss rate varied between 0% - 25%. The interoperability testing has been done using Interoperability assessment methodology and found out that ours is qualified

    Implementation of MQTT Protocol in Health Care Based on IoT Systems: A Study

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    Internet of things IoT systems have become one of the most promising technologies in all fields. Data transmission is one of the important aspects, and the tendency to messaging protocols is an important aspect of IoT systems. One of these most important protocols is MQTT. This protocol depends on the Publish/Subscribe model, and it is a lightweight protocol. Reliability, simplicity, quality of service levels, and being Resource-constrained make MQTT common in the IoT industry. This paper designed an IoT device that consists of the sensor MLX 90614 non-contact IR Temperature connected to a development board (Node MCU ESP8266). A person\u27s temperature is one of the important vital signs. This system measures human temperature values and transmits the measured values to the Mosquitto broker by using the MQTT protocol in real-time. The technology used is Wi-Fi. The person or the doctor can read the patient’s temperature remotely through a program (Flutter Android Client) representing the subscriber. Also, MQTT protocol control packets of the system were analyzed using Wireshark. The three levels of QoS were used in subscriber clients to compare the throughput. The results indicate that QoS2 is more reliable and offers more throughput but more delay. The results also show that the average round trip time (RTT) of the MQTT protocol is five milliseconds which means optimal performance for IoT applications

    Penerapan Protokol MQTT Pada Teknologi Wan (Studi Kasus Sistem Parkir Univeristas Brawijaya)

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    MQTT merupakan sebuah protokol yang diterapkan pada IOT. Protokol ini sangat mendukung untuk jaringan WAN, karena WAN mencakup area yang luas. Protokol MQTT mempunyai kelebihan yaitu dapat bekerja dengan energi  dan media penyimpanan yang minimum. Jaringan pada sistem informasi parkir yang ada saat ini kebanyakan hanya bersifat LAN. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini sistem informasi parkir dikembangkan dengan menggunakan protokol MQTT yang diterapkan pada jaringan WAN. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi penelitian ini protokol MQTT dapat diterapkan pada teknologi WAN dengan average delay sebesar 0.028183014 second membuktikan bahwa protokol MQTT mempunyai kualitas yang baik berdasarkan parameter nilai delay. Selain itu packet loss dari publisher ke server pada protokol MQTT yaitu sebesar 0%, hal ini membuktikan bahwa akurasi pengiriman pada MQTT adalah 100%

    소비전력 측정을 통한 밀링 공정의 가공 모니터링

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 기계항공공학부, 2019. 2. 안성훈.공구 모니터링은 공구의 상태를 진단하거나 공구의 파괴를 진단, 예측하는 데 필수 요소이다. 밀링 가공의 중단시간 중 7-20%가 공구 파괴로 인한 것이며 공정 비용의 3-12%가 공구 파괴로 인한 비용이다. 그 외에 공구 마모로 인한 품질저하 등 간접적인 비용 또한 공정비용을 증가시키는 요인으로 작용한다. 기존 공구 교체 전략들은 많은 비용을 요하거나 중단시간을 필요로 하여 적용하기 어려운 면이 있다. 본 연구는 외부에 부착할 수 있는 모듈로 CNC 밀링 머신의 총 전력소모를 측정하여 저렴하고 중단시간 없는 무선 모니터링시스템을 제안한다. 이를 위해 간단한 형상의 마모가 진행된 공구와 새 공구를 이용해 밀링 공정을 실행하여 공구 마모가 총 전력소모에 어떻게 영향을 미치는 지 알아보았다. 전력 측정은 전류센서와 전압센서가 연결된 아두이노로 측정을 하였고 측정된 데이터는 MQTT를 이용해 Wi-Fi로 전송되었다. G&M code 시뮬레이션을 이용해 전력 소모 프로파일을 가공공정과 일치시켰다. 수학적 모델링을 이용한 모델과 SVM을 이용한 모델을 제안하고 테스트하였다.Tool condition monitoring is crucial in accurately diagnosing tool wear and detecting or preventing tool failure. 7-20% of total milling-machine downtime is due to tool failure and 3-12% of total processing cost comes from tool change costs. In addition, indirect costs due to poor surface quality can be added with the absence of a monitoring system. Conventional tool monitoring systems are difficult to implement due to high costs or the need for downtime. This thesis proposes a low-cost wireless monitoring system with very little downtime for implementation that can deduce the state of the tool with the monitoring of power consumed by a CNC milling machine.Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................................ 1 1.1. Study Background ........................................................... 1 1.2. Purpose of Research ....................................................... 4 Chapter 2. Hardware ........................................................... 5 2.1. System Layout ................................................................. 5 2.2. System Design ................................................................. 6 Chapter 3. Experiments and Results ................................. 12 3.1. Early Experiments ......................................................... 12 3.2. Mathematical Model ....................................................... 19 3.3. Machine Learning Model ............................................... 28 3.4. Summary ........................................................................ 31 Chapter 4. Conclusion ........................................................ 32 Reference........................................................................... 33 Abstract in Korean ............................................................ 37Maste

    Performance Evaluation of MQTT as a Communication Protocol for IoT and Prototyping

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    The hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) has been widely used as a communication protocol for Internet access. However, for Internet of things (IoT) communication, which is expected to grow in the future, HTTP requires a large overhead and cannot provide efficiency. In order to solve this problem, lightweight communication protocols for IoT have been discussed. In this paper, we clarify some problems of HTTP for IoT and propose MQ telemetry transport (MQTT), which is a promising candidate for the IoT protocol, after conducting a performance comparison with HTTP

    Performance Evaluation of MQTT as a Communication Protocol for IoT and Prototyping

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    The hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) has been widely used as a communication protocol for Internet access. However, for Internet of things (IoT) communication, which is expected to grow in the future, HTTP requires a large overhead and cannot provide efficiency. In order to solve this problem, lightweight communication protocols for IoT have been discussed. In this paper, we clarify some problems of HTTP for IoT and propose MQ telemetry transport (MQTT), which is a promising candidate for the IoT protocol, after conducting a performance comparison with HTTP

    Performance of Message Queue Telemetry Transport Protocol and Constrained Application Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are formed by a broker/server, a few gateways and a large numbers of Sensor/Actuator (SA) devices, which are battery-operated and able to collect information about their environment, storage a small amount of data and transfer those data to the gateways for further operations. In this paper, two potential high performance protocols that could be implemented for WSNs are studied. These two protocols are MQTT-SN and CoAP protocols and their performances of time efficiency and power efficiency are mainly discussed and studied. A set of principles and designed experiments for both protocols are presented. The simulation results are generated and MQTT-SN protocol shows a better performance in time efficiency of transmitting data comparing to CoAP protocol. Additionally, the experiment on Power Consumption of MQTT-SN protocol and CoAP need to be improved and re-preformed before the more power-efficient protocol can be decided