7 research outputs found

    Security enhancement in passive optical networks through wavelength hopping and sequences cycling technique

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    Growth in the telecommunication industry continues to expand with requirements evolving around increased bandwidth and security. Advances in networking technologies have introduced low cost optical components that has made passive optical networks (PON) the choice for providing huge bandwidth to end users. PON are covered by established standards such as IEEE 802.3ah and ITU-T G.983.1/984.1, with star topology of broadcast and select (B&S) on shared fiber links that poses security vulnerability in terms of confidentiality and privacy;Research and reports in the literature focus around increasing cardinality via coding schemes that lack in addressing security, which was left for implementation in application layers via cryptography. This dissertation presents an approach on security in PON at the network level using slow wavelength hopping techniques and diffusion of data packets among dense wave division multiplex (DWDM). Orthogonal wavelength sequences are generated by mapping an ITU-T G694.1 based wavelength grid matrix and code matrices. The arrangement of wavelengths in the wavelength grid matrix, which can be changed frequently (i.e, hourly) serves as the first key of secure operation. Allocation of generated wavelength sequences distributed in multiple quantities to nodes based on their security level serve as second individual keys for the nodes. In addition, an improved level of security provided via the cycling order of those allocated wavelength sequences to nodes is the third key between the central office (CO) and a node. The proposed approach to PON security provides three new keys available outside the world of cryptography;Various coding techniques are used, and results show that even time spreading/wavelength hopping based on symmetric prime numbers provided the least wavelength sequences; however, it provided excellent correlation properties and level of security. A PON simulation model was implemented to investigate channel impairments in DWDM with 64 channels spaced at 25GHz carried over a 25 km ITU-T G.655 compliant shared fiber cable. Security performance evaluation included analytical studies in classical probabilities to capture the correct order of wavelength hopping sequence using exhaustive searching and reverse construction of matrices from monitored channels. Encouraging results obtained support the feasibility of this proposed technical approach for security

    All-optical processing systems based on semiconductor optical amplifiers

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaNesta tese investigam-se e desenvolvem-se dispositivos para processamento integralmente óptico em redes com multiplexagem densa por divisão no comprimento de onda (DWDM). O principal objectivo das redes DWDM é transportar e distribuir um espectro óptico densamente multiplexado com sinais de débito binário ultra elevado, ao longo de centenas ou milhares de quilómetros de fibra óptica. Estes sinais devem ser transportados e encaminhados no domínio óptico de forma transparente, sem conversões óptico-eléctrico-ópticas (OEO), evitando as suas limitações e custos. A tecnologia baseada em amplificadores ópticos de semicondutor (SOA) é promissora graças aos seus efeitos não-lineares ultra-rápidos e eficientes, ao potencial para integração, reduzido consumo de potência e custos. Conversores de comprimento de onda são o elemento óptico básico para aumentar a capacidade da rede e evitar o bloqueio de comprimentos de onda. Neste trabalho, são estudados e analisados experimentalmente métodos para aumentar a largura de banda operacional de conversores de modulação cruzada de ganho (XGM), a fim de permitir a operação do SOA para além das suas limitações físicas. Conversão de um comprimento de onda, e conversão simultânea de múltiplos comprimentos de onda são testadas, usando interferómetros de Mach-Zehnder com SOA. As redes DWDM de alto débito binário requerem formatos de modulação optimizados, com elevada tolerância aos efeitos nefastos da fibra, e reduzida ocupação espectral. Para esse efeito, é vital desenvolver conversores integramente ópticos de formatos de modulação, a fim de permitir a interligação entre as redes já instaladas, que operam com modulação de intensidade, e as redes modernas, que utilizam formatos de modulação avançados. No âmbito deste trabalho é proposto um conversor integralmente óptico de formato entre modulação óptica de banda lateral dupla e modulação óptica de banda lateral residual; este é caracterizado através de simulação e experimentalmente. Adicionalmente, é proposto um conversor para formato de portadora suprimida, através de XGM e modulação cruzada de fase. A interligação entre as redes de transporte com débito binário ultra-elevado e as redes de acesso com débito binário reduzido requer conversão óptica de formato de impulso entre retorno-a-zero (RZ) e não-RZ. São aqui propostas e investigadas duas estruturas distintas: uma baseada em filtragem desalinhada do sinal convertido por XGM; uma segunda utiliza as dinâmicas do laser interno de um SOA com ganho limitado (GC-SOA). Regeneração integralmente óptica é essencial para reduzir os custos das redes. Dois esquemas distintos são utilizados para regeneração: uma estrutura baseada em MZI-SOA, e um método no qual o laser interno de um GC-SOA é modulado com o sinal distorcido a regenerar. A maioria dos esquemas referidos é testada experimentalmente a 40 Gb/s, com potencial para aplicação a débitos binários superiores, demonstrado que os SOA são uma tecnologia basilar para as redes ópticas do futuro.This thesis investigates and develops all-optical processing devices for wavelength division multiplexing networks (DWM) of the future. The ultimate goal of optical networks is to transport and deliver a densely multiplexed spectrum, populated by ultra-high bit rate signals over hundreds or thousands of kilometers of optical fiber. Such signals should be transported and routed transparently in the optical domain, without recurring to optic-electro-optic (OEO) conversions, avoiding its limitations and costs. Semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) based technology is a promising building block due to its inherent ultra-fast and efficient non-linear effects, potential for integration, low power consumption and cost. Wavelength converters are the basic optical functionality to increase the network throughput and avoid wavelength blocking. Methods to increase the operation bandwidth of cross-gain modulation (XGM) converters are studied and experimentally assessed to enable operation beyond the physical constraints of SOA. Single and multi-wavelength conversion exploiting crossphase modulation (XPM) in Mach-Zehnder interferometer with semiconductor optical amplifiers (MZI-SOA) is tested. High bit rate DWDM networks require optimized modulation formats with enhanced tolerance to fiber impairments and reduced spectral tolerance. As a consequence, it is crucial to develop all-optical modulation formats between legacy on-off-keying networks and networks employing advanced modulation formats. An all-optical format converter between optical double sideband (ODSB) and optical vestigial sideband (OVSB) based on SOA self-phase modulation is proposed and thoroughly characterized by simulations and experimental tests. A converter, which uses a mix of XGM and XPM to allow simultaneous pulse and modulation format conversion to the carrier suppressed format, is proposed. The interface between ultra-high bit rate transport networks and lower bit rate access networks requires optical pulse format conversions between return-tozero (RZ) and non-return-to-zero (NRZ). Two different structures are proposed and investigated. The first is based on detuned filtering of XPM converted signal; while the second uses the dynamics of the internal laser of a gainclamped SOA. All-optical regeneration is one of the most sought functionalities to reduce network costs. Regeneration is achieved in this work through two simple setups: a MZI-SOA based structure, and a method in which the internal laser from a GC-SOA is modulated with the input distorted signal. Most applications are experimentally validated at 40 Gb/s, with potential for even higher bit rates, demonstrating that SOA can be one of the key elements for the next generation of optical networks

    Optical pulse generation and signal processing for the development of high-speed OTDM networks

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    Due to the continued growth of the Internet and the introduction of new broadband services, it is anticipated that individual channel data rates may exceed lOOGbit/s in the next 5-10 years. In order to operate at such high line rates new techniques for optical pulse generation and optical signal processing will have to be developed. As the overall data rate of an OTDM network is essentially determined by the temporal separation between data channels, an optical pulse source that is capable of producing ultra-short optical pulses at a high repetition rate and with wavelength tunability will be important, not only for OTDM, but for vanous applications in WDM and hybrid WDM/OTDM networks. This work demonstrates that by using the gain-switching technique, commercially available laser diodes can be used in the development of nearly transform-limited optical pulses that are wavelength tunable over nearly 65nm with durations ranging from 12-30ps and a Side-Mode Suppression Ratio (SMSR) exceeding 60dB. New optical signal processing techniques will also have to be developed in order to operate at individual data rates in excess of lOOGbit/s. Only nonlinear optical effects, present in fibres, semiconductors and optical crystals, can be employed as these occur on time scales in the order of a few-femtoseconds (10“15 5), with an example being Two-Photon Absorption (TPA) in semiconductors. This thesis describes a specially designed microcavity that can enhance the Two-Photon Absorption (TPA) response by over three orders of magnitude at specific wavelengths. A theoretical model demonstrating error-free demultiplexing of a 250Gbit/s OTDM signal via a TPA microcavity has been developed. Experimental work is also presented demonstrating the use of a TPA microcavity for optical sampling of 100GHz signals with a temporal resolution of 1 ps9 and system sensitivity of 0 009 (mW)2 This value for the sensitivity is the lowest ever reported for a TPA-based sampling system

    Optical processing devices and techniques for next generation optical networks

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    Doutoramento em FísicaEste trabalho surge do interesse em substituir os nós de rede óptica baseados maioritariamente em electrónica por nós de rede baseados em tecnologia óptica. Espera-se que a tecnologia óptica permita maiores débitos binários na rede, maior transparência e maior eficiência através de novos paradigmas de comutação. Segundo esta visão, utilizou-se o MZI-SOA, um dispositivo semicondutor integrado hibridamente, para realizar funcionalidades de processamento óptico de sinal necessárias em nós de redes ópticas de nova geração. Nas novas redes ópticas são utilizados formatos de modulação avançados, com gestão da fase, pelo que foi estudado experimentalmente e por simulação o impacto da utilização destes formatos no desempenho do MZI-SOA na conversão de comprimento de onda e formato, em várias condições de operação. Foram derivadas regras de utilização para funcionamento óptimo. Foi também estudado o impacto da forma dos pulsos do sinal no desempenho do dispositivo. De seguida, o MZI-SOA foi utilizado para realizar funcionalidades temporais ao nível do bit e do pacote. Foi investigada a operação de um conversor de multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda para multiplexagem por divisão temporal óptica, experimentalmente e por simulação, e de um compressor e descompressor de pacotes, por simulação. Para este último, foi investigada a operação com o MZI-SOA baseado em amplificadores ópticos de semicondutor com geometria de poço quântico e ponto quântico. Foi também realizado experimentalmente um ermutador de intervalos temporais que explora o MZI-SOA como conversor de comprimento de onda e usa um banco de linhas de atraso ópticas para introduzir no sinal um atraso seleccionável. Por fim, foi estudado analiticamente, experimentalmente e por simulação o impacto de diafonia em redes ópticas em diversas situações. Extendeu-se um modelo analítico de cálculo de desempenho para contemplar sinais distorcidos e afectados por diafonia. Estudou-se o caso de sinais muito filtrados e afectados por diafonia e mostrou-se que, para determinar correctamente as penalidades que ocorrem, ambos os efeitos devem ser considerados simultaneamente e não em separado. Foi estudada a escalabilidade limitada por diafonia de um comutador de intervalos temporais baseado em MZI-SOA a operar como comutador espacial. Mostrou-se também que sinais afectados fortemente por não-linearidades podem causar penalidades de diafonia mais elevadas do que sinais não afectados por não-linearidades. Neste trabalho foi demonstrado que o MZI-SOA permite construir vários e pertinentes circuitos ópticos, funcionando como bloco fundamental de construção, tendo sido o seu desempenho analisado, desde o nível de componente até ao nível de sistema. Tendo em conta as vantagens e desvantagens do MZI-SOA e os desenvolvimentos recentes de outras tecnologias, foram sugeridos tópicos de investigação com o intuito de evoluir para as redes ópticas de nova geração.The main motivation for this work is the desire to upgrade today’s opaque network nodes, which are plagued by inherent limitations of its constitutive electronics, by all-optical transparent network nodes. The all-optical promise consists in delivering ever higher bit rates, more transparency, and unsurpassed efficiency associated to sophisticated all-optical switching paradigms. In this light, the integrated MZI-SOA has been selected as the fundamental building block for this investigation of all-optical processing techniques and functions necessary for developing the next generation alloptical networks. Next generation optical networks will use advanced phase-managed modulation formats. Accordingly, the first simulation and experimental investigation assesses the performance of MZI-SOA based wavelength and format converter circuits for advanced modulation formats. Rules are derived for ensuring optimal MZI-SOA operation. The impact of the pulse shape on both the wavelength and format conversion processes is also addressed. More complex MZI-SOA based implementations of bit-level, and packet-level, time domain processing functions are analysed. A MZI-SOA based wavelength division multiplexing to time division multiplexing converter is experimentally investigated and compared to similar simulation results. The performance of packet compressor and decompressor circuit schemes, based on quantum well and quantum dots SOA devices, is analysed through simulation techniques. A MZI-SOA wavelength converter based selectable packet delay time slot interchanger, which uses an optical delay line bank, is experimentally demonstrated. Finally, the impact of crosstalk on all-optical networks is studied analytically, experimentally, and through simulations. An extant analytical model for assessing the performance of crosstalk impaired signals is improved for dealing also with distorted signals. Using the extended model, it is shown that heavily filtered signals are more seriously affected by crosstalk than unfiltered signals. Hence, accurate calculation of penalties stemming from both filtering and crosstalk, must model these effects jointly. The crosstalk limited scalability of a MZI-SOA space switched time slot interchanger is also assessed employing this method. An additional study points to the conclusion that crosstalk caused by signals impaired by non-linear effects can have a more significant detrimental impact on optical systems performance than that of the crosstalk caused by a signal unimpaired by non-linearities. On the whole, it has been demonstrated that the MZI-SOA is a suitable building block for a variety of optical processing circuits required for the next generation optical networks. Its performance capabilities have been established in several optical circuits, from the component up to the system level. Next steps towards the implementation of next generation optical networks have been suggested according to the recent developments and the MZI-SOA’s strengths and drawbacks, in order to pursue the goal of higher bit rate, more transparent, and efficient optical networks

    Performance evaluation of FH-OCDMA in the presence of GVD and SPM

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    Performance analysis is carried out to evaluate Frequency-Hopping Optical Code Division Multiple Access (FH-OCDMA) in the presence of group velocity dispersion (GVD) and self-phase modulation (SPM). It is found that the system suffers higher power penalty as the dispersion increases. At a distance of 200-km the power penalty is reduced to 1 dB for DSF and to approximately 7 dB for SMF when SPM is included. The SMF without SPM suffers the highest power penalty of 6.7 dB at 100-km and 9.5 dB at 200-km