8 research outputs found


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    The IoT (Internet of Things) based agricultural convergence technology is a technology to create a high value such as improvement of production efficiency, quality increase of agricultural products in the whole process of agricultural production[1][2]. In addition, implementing precision agriculture, which is an alternative to the future agriculture, through the convergence technology allows prediction of supply and demand, real-time management and quality maintenance during the entire life cycle of agricultural products [3]. We make a literature study on the cited title and present it in the form of this note

    Application of Wireless Nano Sensors Network and Nanotechnology in Precision Agriculture: Review

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    Due to a series of global issues in recent years, such as the food crisis, the impact of fertilizer on climate change, and improper use of irrigation that’s way precision agriculture is the best solution for alleviating this problem. One of the most important and interesting information technology is the wireless Nanosensor network with the help of Nanotechnology will boost crop productivity, maintain the fertility status of the soil, save the water with precise application of irrigation in the field and minimize the loss of excess fertilizer through the precise application. In this paper, we have surveyed the importance of sensor networks in precision agriculture and the importance of Nanosensors with the help of Nanotechnology for remote monitoring in the various application of the agriculture field. View Article DOI: 10.47856/ijaast.2022.v09i04.00

    Implementation of a wireless sensor network for agricultural monitoring for Internet of Things (IoT)

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    The agricultural sector is the first industry and the most impacted by the climate changes. The delicate environment that must manage some type of crops require d the constant monitoring and maintenance of the greenhouse. The Internet of Things (IoT) gives a new alternative for real time environmental monitoring of variables such as temperature, humidity and solar irradiation that can contribute for the health y growth of the crop , and also impact for the plagu es and sickness presence . The objective of this thesis is built a Wireless S ensor N etwork using radiofrequency devices and environmental sensor s . The limitation s of this master thesis are: the location of the sensor node , the external conditions that wi ll not impact the network, the simulation, test and pilots that are deployed in a controlled space . The wireless sensor network proposed employ s the Zolertia Motes using IEEE802.15.4 standard . This device allows low power consumption , as the nodes must be located in places where it may handle several week s without change depending on the autonomy of the ir batteries cell . The network protocol manage d works over l ow consumption , as same as the transmitted and received packets of data . T he standard used on this project is the 6LowPAN . T he network co nfigured works over the stack protocol IPv6 so that all the devices handled UDP and manage this internet package. The Raspberry Pi 3 B will work as border router between the sensor nodes and the exterior consider ed as Internet using the IPv4 standard internet router protocol. The framework used for the network implementation is ContikiOS installed on th e gateway and tested using one mote located in the la b . The data manage d in this experiment has low data rate as this measurement do not require a permanent monitoring and high speed . T he atmospherically changes are not variant enough to be observe d constantly . The sample rate will be 1 package each 10 minutes. This project aim s to develop a full network implementa tion since the mote until the dashboard

    Implementing Efficient and Multi-Hop Image Acquisition In Remote Monitoring IoT systems using LoRa Technology

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    Remote sensing or monitoring through the deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is considered an economical and convenient manner in which to collect information without cumbersome human intervention. Unfortunately, due to challenging deployment conditions, such as large geographic area, and lack of electricity and network infrastructure, designing such wireless sensor networks for large-scale farms or forests is difficult and expensive. Many WSN-appropriate wireless technologies, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and 6LoWPAN, have been widely adopted in remote sensing. The performance of these technologies, however, is not sufficient for use across large areas. Generally, as the geographical scope expands, more devices need to be employed to expand network coverage, so the number and cost of devices in wireless sensor networks will increase dramatically. Besides, this type of deployment usually not only has a high probability of failure and high transmission costs, but also imposes additional overhead on system management and maintenance. LoRa is an emerging physical layer standard for long range wireless communication. By utilizing chirp spread spectrum modulation, LoRa features a long communication range and broad signal coverage. At the same time, LoRa also has low power consumption. Thus, LoRa outperforms similar technologies in terms of hardware cost, power consumption and radio coverage. It is also considered to be one of the promising solutions for the future of the Internet of Things (IoT). As the research and development of LoRa are still in its early stages, it lacks sufficient support for multi-packet transport and complex deployment topologies. Therefore, LoRa is not able to further expand its network coverage and efficiently support big data transfers like other conventional technologies. Besides, due to the smaller payload and data rate in LoRa physical design, it is more challenging to implement these features in LoRa. These shortcomings limit the potential for LoRa to be used in more productive application scenarios. This thesis addresses the problem of multi-packet and multi-hop transmission using LoRa by proposing two novel protocols, namely Multi-Packet LoRa (MPLR) and Multi-Hop LoRa (MHLR). LoRa's ability to transmit large messages is first evaluated in this thesis, and then the protocols are well designed and implemented to enrich LoRa's possibilities in image transmission applications and multi-hop topologies. MPLR introduces a reliable transport mechanism for multi-packet sensory data, making its network not limited to the transmission of small sensor data only. In collaboration with a data channel reservation technique, MPLR is able to greatly mitigate data collisions caused by the increased transmission time in laboratory experiments. MHLR realizes efficient routing in LoRa multi-hop transmission by utilizing the power of machine learning. The results of both indoor and outdoor experiments show that the machine learning based routing is effective in wireless sensor networks

    Sistema ciber-físico para deteção de colisões

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresO número de acidentes rodoviários em Portugal têm vindo a diminuir desde o início do século XXI, apesar do ligeiro aumento dos últimos anos. Anualmente, nas autoestradas verifica-se a ocorrência de cerca 2000 acidentes com vítimas mortais e feridos. Para detetar acidentes neste tipo de vias são utilizados sistemas de captação de imagens, enviadas para um operador, que as analisará. Atualmente já existem sistemas capazes de processar essas imagens e automaticamente informar as entidades responsáveis. As Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) são redes que incorporam, essencialmente, um coordenador e vários nós sensores. A informação obtida pelos nós sensores é enviada para o coordenador, reencaminhada para um gateway e colocada numa plataforma online. Assim sendo, as WSNs também podem ser utilizadas para detetar acidentes nas autoestradas. Na ocorrência de um acidente, estas avisam um operador, e desta forma serem tomadas as devidas medidas de emergência. Tendo isto em mente, o que se propõe nesta dissertação é o refactoring de um sistema de deteção de colisões com as guardas de segurança das autoestradas. Esta solução consiste na adaptação de uma rede de sensores sem fios, de forma a utlizar o protocolo 6LowPAN. Os diversos nós sensores estarão dispostos ao longo da guarda de segurança, cada um equipado com um acelerómetro, comunicando diretamente com o coordenador. O sistema a implementar já tem um protótipo funcional integrado num projeto denominado SustIMS. Numa revisão posterior, este sistema foi submetido a uma modificação do microcontrolador. O objetivo desta dissertação consiste em alterar o sistema operativo, mantendo o mesmo system-on-chip. Com a utilização do Contiki, pretende-se fazer um refactoring do projeto já implementado, pois este sistema operativo utiliza IPv6 nas comunicações entre os vários dispositivos.The number of road accidents in Portugal has been declining, since the beginning of the 21st century, despite the slight increase in recent years. On the highways occurred around 2000 accidents with fatalities and injuries per year. In order to detect accidents on the highways, images from video cameras are sent to an operator who will analyze them. Currently, there are systems capable of processing these images and automatically inform the responsible entities. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are networks that essentially have a coordinator and several sensor nodes. The information obtained by the sensor nodes is sent to the coordinator, forwarded to a gateway and placed on a online platform. Therefore, a WSN can also be used to detect accidents on highways. When an accident occurs, they notify an operator to take the necessary emergency measures. With this in mind, what is proposed in this master thesis is the refatoring of a collisions detection system with the security guards of highways. This solution consists on the adaption of a wireless sensor network, in order to use the 6LoWPAN protocol. The sensor nodes will be placed along the security guard, each equipped with an accelerometer, communicating directly with the coordinator. The implemented system already has a functional prototype, integrated into a project called SustIMS. In a later review, this system had a modification on the microcontroller. The purpose of this dissertation is changing the operating system, but keeping the same system-on-chip. Therefore, with the use of Contiki, the goal is to make the refactoring of the already implemented project. The main advantage of this operating system resides in the use of IPv6 in communications between the devices

    Agricultura de precisión mediante redes inalámbricas de sensores

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    Con este trabajo final de máster se pretende diseñar e implantar una infraestructura de red inalámbrica de sensores que permitan obtener datos en un entorno agrario para ayudar en la toma de decisiones. Específicamente, se pretende usar una serie de placas de sensores dotados de comunicación inalámbrica y sobre ellas implementar una serie de algoritmos de recogida de datos que nos permitan disponer en un punto centralizado de la información suficiente para realizar una agricultura de precisión. Por medio del uso de la agricultura de precisión, se persigue alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: - Reducción de la inversión inicial y de los costes de instalación y de operación. - Monitorización, con la granularidad elegida, de las parcelas. - Movilidad de los sensores: autoconfiguración y autoadaptabilidad de los sensores. - Escalabilidad en número de sensores, superficie monitorizada, y dimensionamiento de la red de sensores con cambios mínimos en la red. - Reducción de costes de mantenimiento, ya que los dispositivos tienen autonomía de hasta varios años. Al no haber cables, el mantenimiento se reduce considerablemente. - Ubicuidad. La aplicación de monitorización permitirá el acceso ubicuo a la información. - Formación del alumno en la aplicación de la investigación a un área productiva. En este TFM se propone analizar las topologías y distribuciones de las redes de sensores, así como los mecanismos de comunicación entre sensores y la red de datos. Este estudio incluirá la autoconfiguración de las redes, los mecanismos de agregación de datos y enrutamiento y la eficiencia en el consumo energético.Máster Universitario en Tecnologías InformáticasUnibertsitate Masterra Informatikako Teknologieta

    Sistema de monitorización de variables agrícolas basado en la tecnología WSN para el cultivo de la yuca

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    Maestría en IngenieríaAgriculture and natural resources associated to it, like water, soil and forest carry out an important role in country’s future and environment conservation, thus, the optimization of these resources through implementation strategies and technological gadgets make this possible (Perfetti, Balcázar, Hernández, & Leibovich, 2013). Different platforms, communication protocols and operative systems for motes were analyzed, focused on WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). Then, an agricultural monitoring prototype for yucca farming in Atlantico department was developed, based on Z1 Zolertia platform, programmed by Contiki language and working with RPL protocol (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks). The motes integration, the operative system and protocol, were evaluated with packet losses performance metrics, RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator), LQI (Link Quality Indicator) and network convergence, showing a good performance at different distances. Later, a deployment model was made based on regular polygons, using the Schäfli (the number of nodes can be calculated avoiding randomness). Additionally, the node coverage range was calculated, obtaining the distance between them to keep the network uniformity as suggested in (Poe & Scmitt, 2009). Link Networks Budgets were made with the calculated distances and device specifications, using Radio Mobile software, to finally plant a deployment model.La agricultura y en general los recursos naturales asociados al desarrollo de esta, como el agua, suelos y los bosques, cumplen un rol importante en el futuro de los países y la conservación del medio ambiente, por consiguiente se ha procurado la optimización de éstos recursos mediante la implementación de estrategias y herramientas tecnológicas que así lo posibiliten, tal como lo plantea (Perfetti, Balcázar, Hernández, & Leibovich, 2013). Se analizaron diferentes plataformas de hardware, protocolos de comunicación y sistemas operativos para motas, enfocados a las WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). Luego, se desarrolló un prototipo de monitorización de variables agrícolas para el cultivo de yuca en el Departamento del Atlántico, basado en la plataforma Z1 de la empresa Zolertia, programada a través del lenguaje Contiki y funcionando con el protocolo RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks - Protocolo de enrutamiento para redes de bajo consumo y pérdidas). La integración de las motas, el sistema operativo y el protocolo se evaluaron con métricas de rendimiento de pérdida de paquetes, RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator - Indicador de Fuerza de la Señal Recibida), LQI (Link Quality Indicator - Indicador de la Calidad de la Señal) y convergencia de la red, mostrando un buen funcionamiento a diferentes distancias. Posteriormente se realizó un modelo de despliegue basado en polígonos regulares, haciendo uso de las ecuaciones de Schläfli (la cantidad de nodos se pudo calcular evitando la aleatoriedad). Adicionalmente se calculó el rango de cobertura para los nodos obteniendo la distancia que deben tener entre sí para mantener la uniformidad en la red según lo sugerido en (Poe & Schmitt, 2009). Se realizaron presupuestos de enlaces de la red con las distancias calculadas y las características de los equipos, evaluados a través del software Radio Mobile, para finalmente plantear un modelo de despliegu

    Evaluación del rendimiento del protocolo 6LoWPAN sobre una plataforma de Hardware y Software libre /

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    Las redes de sensores inalámbricos (WSN – Wireless Sensor Networks) han ido evolucionando en los últimos años, siendo su uso más frecuente en soluciones para diversas áreas, dentro de las que se destacan el monitoreo industrial, el estudio de variables ambientales y climatológicas, la domótica y aplicaciones militares [1]. Estas redes brindan soluciones a los problemas en las áreas mencionadas, que no son ajenas a la actualidad que vive la Región Caribe Colombiana. Sin embargo, las WSN presentan diversas dificultades, siendo las más usuales las asociadas al consumo energético [2] y de recursos de procesamiento [3]. Por ello, este trabajo se centra en el estudio del rendimiento del direccionamiento IPV6 a través del protocolo 6LowPan [4], el cual direcciona estos dos aspectos entre otros, mediante la realización de pruebas de rendimiento sobre plataformas de hardware y software libre a través de escenarios con uno y dos nodos conectados a un sumidero que permita evaluar el tiempo de transmisión de paquetes con enrutamientos estáticos y dinámicos.Incluye referencias bibliográfica