365 research outputs found

    On Fundamental Trade-offs of Device-to-Device Communications in Large Wireless Networks

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    This paper studies the gains, in terms of served requests, attainable through out-of-band device-to-device (D2D) video exchanges in large cellular networks. A stochastic framework, in which users are clustered to exchange videos, is introduced, considering several aspects of this problem: the video-caching policy, user matching for exchanges, aspects regarding scheduling and transmissions. A family of \emph{admissible protocols} is introduced: in each protocol the users are clustered by means of a hard-core point process and, within the clusters, video exchanges take place. Two metrics, quantifying the "local" and "global" fraction of video requests served through D2D are defined, and relevant trade-off regions involving these metrics, as well as quality-of-service constraints, are identified. A simple communication strategy is proposed and analyzed, to obtain inner bounds to the trade-off regions, and draw conclusions on the performance attainable through D2D. To this end, an analysis of the time-varying interference that the nodes experience, and tight approximations of its Laplace transform are derived.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures. Updated version, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    A Low-Complexity Approach to Distributed Cooperative Caching with Geographic Constraints

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    We consider caching in cellular networks in which each base station is equipped with a cache that can store a limited number of files. The popularity of the files is known and the goal is to place files in the caches such that the probability that a user at an arbitrary location in the plane will find the file that she requires in one of the covering caches is maximized. We develop distributed asynchronous algorithms for deciding which contents to store in which cache. Such cooperative algorithms require communication only between caches with overlapping coverage areas and can operate in asynchronous manner. The development of the algorithms is principally based on an observation that the problem can be viewed as a potential game. Our basic algorithm is derived from the best response dynamics. We demonstrate that the complexity of each best response step is independent of the number of files, linear in the cache capacity and linear in the maximum number of base stations that cover a certain area. Then, we show that the overall algorithm complexity for a discrete cache placement is polynomial in both network size and catalog size. In practical examples, the algorithm converges in just a few iterations. Also, in most cases of interest, the basic algorithm finds the best Nash equilibrium corresponding to the global optimum. We provide two extensions of our basic algorithm based on stochastic and deterministic simulated annealing which find the global optimum. Finally, we demonstrate the hit probability evolution on real and synthetic networks numerically and show that our distributed caching algorithm performs significantly better than storing the most popular content, probabilistic content placement policy and Multi-LRU caching policies.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, presented at SIGMETRICS'1

    Stochastic Geometry Modeling and Analysis of Single- and Multi-Cluster Wireless Networks

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    This paper develops a stochastic geometry-based approach for the modeling and analysis of single- and multi-cluster wireless networks. We first define finite homogeneous Poisson point processes to model the number and locations of the transmitters in a confined region as a single-cluster wireless network. We study the coverage probability for a reference receiver for two strategies; closest-selection, where the receiver is served by the closest transmitter among all transmitters, and uniform-selection, where the serving transmitter is selected randomly with uniform distribution. Second, using Matern cluster processes, we extend our model and analysis to multi-cluster wireless networks. Here, the receivers are modeled in two types, namely, closed- and open-access. Closed-access receivers are distributed around the cluster centers of the transmitters according to a symmetric normal distribution and can be served only by the transmitters of their corresponding clusters. Open-access receivers, on the other hand, are placed independently of the transmitters and can be served by all transmitters. In all cases, the link distance distribution and the Laplace transform (LT) of the interference are derived. We also derive closed-form lower bounds on the LT of the interference for single-cluster wireless networks. The impact of different parameters on the performance is also investigated

    On the Delay of Geographical Caching Methods in Two-Tiered Heterogeneous Networks

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    We consider a hierarchical network that consists of mobile users, a two-tiered cellular network (namely small cells and macro cells) and central routers, each of which follows a Poisson point process (PPP). In this scenario, small cells with limited-capacity backhaul are able to cache content under a given set of randomized caching policies and storage constraints. Moreover, we consider three different content popularity models, namely fixed content popularity, distance-dependent and load-dependent, in order to model the spatio-temporal behavior of users' content request patterns. We derive expressions for the average delay of users assuming perfect knowledge of content popularity distributions and randomized caching policies. Although the trend of the average delay for all three content popularity models is essentially identical, our results show that the overall performance of cached-enabled heterogeneous networks can be substantially improved, especially under the load-dependent content popularity model.Comment: to be presented at IEEE SPAWC'2016, Edinburgh, U