3,366 research outputs found

    Future benefits and applications of intelligent on-board processing to VSAT services

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    The trends and roles of VSAT services in the year 2010 time frame are examined based on an overall network and service model for that period. An estimate of the VSAT traffic is then made and the service and general network requirements are identified. In order to accommodate these traffic needs, four satellite VSAT architectures based on the use of fixed or scanning multibeam antennas in conjunction with IF switching or onboard regeneration and baseband processing are suggested. The performance of each of these architectures is assessed and the key enabling technologies are identified

    The voice activity detection (VAD) recorder and VAD network recorder : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University

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    The project is to provide a feasibility study for the AudioGraph tool, focusing on two application areas: the VAD (voice activity detector) recorder and the VAD network recorder. The first one achieves a low bit-rate speech recording on the fly, using a GSM compression coder with a simple VAD algorithm; and the second one provides two-way speech over IP, fulfilling echo cancellation with a simplex channel. The latter is required for implementing a synchronous AudioGraph. In the first chapter we introduce the background of this project, specifically, the VoIP technology, the AudioGraph tool, and the VAD algorithms. We also discuss the problems set for this project. The second chapter presents all the relevant techniques in detail, including sound representation, speech-coding schemes, sound file formats, PowerPlant and Macintosh programming issues, and the simple VAD algorithm we have developed. The third chapter discusses the implementation issues, including the systems' objective, architecture, the problems encountered and solutions used. The fourth chapter illustrates the results of the two applications. The user documentations for the applications are given, and after that, we analyse the parameters based on the results. We also present the default settings of the parameters, which could be used in the AudioGraph system. The last chapter provides conclusions and future work

    Benchmarking and viability assessment of optical packet switching for metro networks

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    Optical packet switching (OPS) has been proposed as a strong candidate for future metro networks. This paper assesses the viability of an OPS-based ring architecture as proposed within the research project DAVID (Data And Voice Integration on DWDM), funded by the European Commission through the Information Society Technologies (IST) framework. Its feasibility is discussed from a physical-layer point of view, and its limitations in size are explored. Through dimensioning studies, we show that the proposed OPS architecture is competitive with respect to alternative metropolitan area network (MAN) approaches, including synchronous digital hierarchy, resilient packet rings (RPR), and star-based Ethernet. Finally, the proposed OPS architectures are discussed from a logical performance point of view, and a high-quality scheduling algorithm to control the packet-switching operations in the rings is explained

    Market capture by 30/20 GHz satellite systems. Volume 1: Executive summary

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    Demand for 30/20 GHz satellite systems over the next two decades is projected. Topics include a profile of the communications market, switched, dedicated, and packet transmission modes, deferred and real-time traffic, quality and reliability considerations, the capacity of competing transmission media, and scenarios for the growth and development of 30/20 GHz satellite communications

    Applications of satellite technology to broadband ISDN networks

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    Two satellite architectures for delivering broadband integrated services digital network (B-ISDN) service are evaluated. The first is assumed integral to an existing terrestrial network, and provides complementary services such as interconnects to remote nodes as well as high-rate multicast and broadcast service. The interconnects are at a 155 Mbs rate and are shown as being met with a nonregenerative multibeam satellite having 10-1.5 degree spots. The second satellite architecture focuses on providing private B-ISDN networks as well as acting as a gateway to the public network. This is conceived as being provided by a regenerative multibeam satellite with on-board ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) processing payload. With up to 800 Mbs offered, higher satellite EIRP is required. This is accomplished with 12-0.4 degree hopping beams, covering a total of 110 dwell positions. It is estimated the space segment capital cost for architecture one would be about 190Mwhereasthesecondarchitecturewouldbeabout190M whereas the second architecture would be about 250M. The net user cost is given for a variety of scenarios, but the cost for 155 Mbs services is shown to be about $15-22/minute for 25 percent system utilization

    Comparative study of networks using packet and circuit switching within a single network

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    During the last couple of years, in addition to voice, other types of communications network services are becoming increasingly important. These are interactive data, facsimile, slow scan image, and bulk data. Typically, these services are delivered by separate networks using various kinds of switching technology, such as packet, circuit, or message switching. Recently, much of the focus has been on the integration of all types of communication services within the same switch or network, especially within the telephony and business industry. Integration of the communication services is being realized by integrating packet and circuit switching within the same switch or network. The overall goal of this thesis is to present the key aspects of the integration of circuit and packet switching within the same switch/network

    Analysis of adaptive algorithms for an integrated communication network

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    Techniques were examined that trade communication bandwidth for decreased transmission delays. When the network is lightly used, these schemes attempt to use additional network resources to decrease communication delays. As the network utilization rises, the schemes degrade gracefully, still providing service but with minimal use of the network. Because the schemes use a combination of circuit and packet switching, they should respond to variations in the types and amounts of network traffic. Also, a combination of circuit and packet switching to support the widely varying traffic demands imposed on an integrated network was investigated. The packet switched component is best suited to bursty traffic where some delays in delivery are acceptable. The circuit switched component is reserved for traffic that must meet real time constraints. Selected packet routing algorithms that might be used in an integrated network were simulated. An integrated traffic places widely varying workload demands on a network. Adaptive algorithms were identified, ones that respond to both the transient and evolutionary changes that arise in integrated networks. A new algorithm was developed, hybrid weighted routing, that adapts to workload changes