2 research outputs found

    Performance analysis and qualitative results of an efficient parallel stochastic simulator for a marine host-parasite system

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    We are interested in a host-parasite system, i.e. the sea bass-Diplectanum aequans system. A discrete mathematical model is used to describe the dynamics of both populations. Our goal is notably to validate the model in the context of aquaculture. A deterministic numerical simulator and, recently, a stochastic simulator were developed to study this biological system. Parallelization is required because the execution times are too long. The Monte Carlo algorithm of the stochastic simulator and its three levels of parallelism are described. Analysis and performances, up to 256 processors, of a hybrid MPI/OpenMP code are then presented for a cluster of symmetric multi-processor (SMP) nodes. Qualitative results are given for the host-macroparasite system simulation

    Accelerating the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm Using Emerging Architectures

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    In order for scientists to learn more about molecular biology, it is imperative that they have the ability to construct and evaluate models. Model statistics consistent with the chemical master equation can be obtained using Gillespie\u27s stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). Due to the stochastic nature of the Monte Carlo simulations, large numbers of simulations must be run in order to get accurate statistics for the species populations and reactions. However, the algorithm tends to be computationally heavy and leads to long simulation runtimes for large systems. In this research, the performance of Gillespie\u27s stochastic simulation algorithm is analyzed and optimized using a number of techniques and architectures. These techniques include parallelizing simulations using streaming SIMD extensions (SSE), message passing interface with multicore systems and computer cluters, and CUDA with NVIDIA graphics processing units. This research is an attempt to make using the SSA a better option for modeling biological and chemical systems. Through this work, it will be shown that accelerating the algorithm in both of the serial and SSE implementations proved to be beneficial, while the CUDA implementation had lower than expected results