4 research outputs found


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    Pengunaan virtualisasi bagi perusahaan merupakan sesuatu yang tidak asing lagi. Virtualisasi membantu perusahaan untuk menghemat sumber daya yang diperlukan dalam membangun server-server yang berbeda. Diantara virtualisasi yang ada, terdapat dua jenis virtualisasi yang mendominasi, yaitu hypervisor dan container. Hypervisor adalah virtualisasi memungkinkan suatu mesin untuk menjalankan beberapa mesin virtual dengan sistem operasi yang berbeda, dan container adalah virtualisasi yang mengisolasi pada level sistem operasi. Terdiri dari arsitektur yang berbeda, performa dari kedua virtualisasi juga dianggap berbeda. Untuk menemukan perbandingan performa dari kedua virtualisasi maka dibangun dua mesin berbasis cloud yang memiliki spesifikasi yang sama kemudian dijalankan performance test pada kedua mesin tersebut dengan menggunakan apache jmeter. Variabel yang menjadi acuan pada performance test ini adalah response time, deviation, throughput, error dan CPU Utilization, dengan dua jenis pengujian yang pertama dengan 200 user dan yang kedua dengan 500 user. Mesin yang menggunakan virtualisasi berbasis hypervisor menghasilkan performa yang sama dengan mesin yang menggunakan virtualisasi berbasis container pada 200 user, namun memiliki penurunan performa yang signifikan ketika dihadapi dengan 500 user dibandingkan dengan mesin yang menggunakan virtualisasi berbasis container

    MaxHadoop: An Efficient Scalable Emulation Tool to Test SDN Protocols in Emulated Hadoop Environments

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    AbstractThis paper presents MaxHadoop, a flexible and scalable emulation tool, which allows the efficient and accurate emulation of Hadoop environments over Software Defined Networks (SDNs). Hadoop has been designed to manage endless data-streams over networks, making it a tailored candidate to support the new class of network services belonging to Big Data. The development of Hadoop is contemporary with the evolution of networks towards the new architectures "Software Defined." To create our emulation environment, tailored to SDNs, we employ MaxiNet, given its capability of emulating large-scale SDNs. We make it possible to emulate realistic Hadoop scenarios on large-scale SDNs using low-cost commodity hardware, by resolving a few key limitations of MaxiNet through appropriate configuration settings. We validate the MaxHadoop emulator by executing two benchmarks, namely WordCount and TeraSort, to evaluate a set of Key Performance Indicators. The tests' outcomes evidence that MaxHadoop outperforms other existing emulation tools running over commodity hardware. Finally, we show the potentiality of MaxHadoop by utilizing it to perform a comparison of SDN-based network protocols

    Performance overhead comparison between hypervisor and container based virtualization

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    The current virtualization solution in the Cloud widely relies on hypervisor-based technologies. Along with the recent popularity of Docker, the container-based virtualization starts receiving more attention for being a promising alternative. Since both of the virtualization solutions are not resource-free, their performance overheads would lead to negative impacts on the quality of Cloud services. To help fundamentally understand the performance difference between these two types of virtualization solutions, we use a physical machine with 'just-enough' resource as a baseline to investigate the performance overhead of a standalone Docker container against a standalone virtual machine (VM). With findings contrary to the related work, our evaluation results show that the virtualization's performance overhead could vary not only on a feature-by-feature basis but also on a job-to-job basis. Although the container-based solution is undoubtedly lightweight, the hypervisor-based technology does not come with higher performance overhead in every case. For example, Docker containers particularly exhibit lower QoS in terms of storage transaction speed